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Unit 4 Week 2 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Week 2 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Week 2 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

2 Day 1 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

3 Blend the sounds to read the words.
Phonics Vowel Pattern oo,u Blend the sounds to read the words. bull foot pull wood input brook push cookbook full woolen

4 Vowel Pattern oo,u Phonics hood stood wood hook shook took pull full
On Your Own Page 301 Vowel Pattern oo,u hood stood wood hook shook took pull full put brook

5 bumpy Vocabulary rough or has a lot of bumps Definition:
Sentence: All the rocks made the road very bumpy.

6 Vocabulary fruit Definition: part of a tree, bush, or vine that has seeds and is good to eat Sentence: Strawberries are my favorite fruit.

7 harvest Vocabulary ripe crops that are picked after the growing season
Definition: ripe crops that are picked after the growing season Sentence: Harvest time is often in the fall, when crops are ripe.

8 root Vocabulary the part of the plant that grows underground
Definition: the part of the plant that grows underground Sentence: Each root gathers water and nutrients for the plant to grow.

9 smooth Vocabulary NOT bumpy or rough The stones are very smooth.
Definition: NOT bumpy or rough Sentence: The stones are very smooth.

10 soil Vocabulary the top layer of Earth I planted flowers in the soil.
Definition: the top layer of Earth Sentence: I planted flowers in the soil.

11 Vocabulary vine Definition: a plant that grows along the ground or up walls and fences Sentence: The vine grew on the house.

12 Vocabulary smooth soil root vine fruit bumpy harvest On Your Own
Page 302 smooth soil root vine fruit bumpy harvest

13 Comprehension Sequencing

14 Let’s talk about the sequence of events!
Comprehension The Enormous Turnip Let’s talk about the sequence of events!

15 Comprehension Page 59 Life Cycle of an Oak

16 Comprehension On Your Own Page 303

17 Day 2 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

18 Read the words. Phonics hood book July brook butcher cookie
rosebush pudding wood

19 Phonics brook hood book cook July full pull put push shook stood wood
On Your Own Page 305 brook hood book cook July full pull put push shook stood wood

20 Vocabulary Page 61

21 Choose from the word bank.
Vocabulary Choose from the word bank. bumpy fruit harvest root smooth soil vine bumpy 1.We bobbed up and down because the road was so __________. 2.The peach orchard has many __________ trees growing in there. 3.Fall is the time to __________ apples. 4.Pumpkins grow on a __________. 5.The water on the pond was as __________ as glass. 6.Using good humus__________ helps plants grow. 7.The __________ of a plant gets water from the ground. fruit harvest vine smooth soil root

22 Comprehension Page 62 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

23 Day 3 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

24 Phonics Listen to your teacher.

25 Fluent Word Read Read these words: brook bull put shook foot push

26 Pictionary harvest soil fruit vine root bumpy smooth Vocabulary
Shoulder Partners: Choose a vocabulary word. Draw a picture of your word. Your partner will guess which word you drew! Then, switch roles.

27 Think back to yesterday’s story. Place the events in order.
Comprehension Sequencing Think back to yesterday’s story. Place the events in order. 2 5 ________ ________ 6 4 ________ ________ 1 3 ________ ________

28 Line -Ups Comprehension Your team will be given an envelope.
Each team member will take one piece of paper. Line-up in the sequence of your events.

29 Day 4 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

30 Final Syllable - le Review: Phonics title purple bundle sparkle fable
Let’s Practice It! 187 Final Syllable - le title purple bundle sparkle fable marble eagle gentle

31 Vocabulary Skill You Tube Antonyms

32 Antonyms Vocabulary Skill quiet bumpy adult brave easy less same back
On Your Own Page 306 Antonyms quiet bumpy adult brave easy less same back sooner

33 world petting creamier easier bigger tastes table bulldog mumble
Fluent Word Read Read these words: books work tiniest world petting creamier easier bigger tastes table bulldog mumble pudding brook full

34 Poetry in Reading Page 80

35 Day 5 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

36 Spelling Test Assessment
Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best!

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