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Silviculture Working Group Report Mary Ann Fajvan Silviculture Working Group Chair Research Forester, USDA Forest Service Morgantown, WV USA.

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Presentation on theme: "Silviculture Working Group Report Mary Ann Fajvan Silviculture Working Group Chair Research Forester, USDA Forest Service Morgantown, WV USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silviculture Working Group Report Mary Ann Fajvan Silviculture Working Group Chair Research Forester, USDA Forest Service Morgantown, WV USA

2 WORKING GROUP MEMBERS Germánico Galicia GarciaMexicoCONAFOR Martin Mendoza B.MexicoColegio de Postgraduados José Jesús Rangel PiñónMexicoCONAFOR Patricia Negreros CastilloMexicoINIFOR Alejandro Velázquez MartínezMexico Colegio de Postgraduados Joseph AnawatiCanada Natural Resources Canada Roger Whitehead (retired)Canada Natural Resources Canada Jean-Martin LussierCanada Natural Resources Canada Margaret DevallUSA USDA Forest Service Mary Ann FajvanUSA USDA Forest Service

3 LIST OF ACTIVITIES OVER THE PAST 2 YEARS Mission Statement: The mission of the Silviculture WG is the synthesis, development and dissemination of knowledge and technology on silvicultural strategies, systems and practices for NA forests to improve the quality of human life. Promote silvicultural practices to ensure that diverse, healthy forests continue to supply needed goods and services. PUBLICATIONS: Fajvan, M.A. 2013. Adding Value to Forests: North American Forest Commission Silviculture Working Group. Article published in the SAF International Forestry Working Group Newsletter (December 2013). Mendoza Breseño, M.A., Fajvan, M.A., Chacón Sotelo, J.M., Cruz Cobos, F, Quiñonez Silva, A. and Jean-Martin Lussier. 2014. Silviculture of Ponderosa pine and associates in Mexico: The state of our knowledge. (English) (In Revision). Negreros-Castillo, P., Camara-Cabrales, L., M.S. Devall, Mendoza Breseño, M.A., Mize, C.W., Navarro-Martinez, A. and M.A. Fajvan. 2014. Silviculture guide for the Mahogany forests of Quintana Roo, MX. (Translated to English April 2014, In review/revision)

4 ACTIVITIES OVER THE PAST 2 YEARS Silviculture Working Group Annual Meeting and Study Tour: Genetics and tree fiber research for adding value in forests May 7-10, 2012, Quebec City

5 ACTIVITIES OVER THE PAST 2 YEARS 2012 Annual Meeting Highlights Activities of the Canadian Forest Service Wood Fibre Center Focus on technologies to assess wood cellular properties for fibre and wood quality Tour of FPInnovations- A public-private partnership addressing scientific, technological, and commercial capital development within Canada’s forest sector Next generation building systems; pulp and paper Energy and chemicals from biomass Bioproducts- Industrial lignin Nanotechnology- Nanocrystalline cellulose demonstration project

6 ACTIVITIES OVER THE PAST 2 YEARS Silviculture Working group Annual Meeting and Study Tour 2013: Quality Hardwood Management in the Eastern Deciduous Forest July 20-25, 2013, Morgantown, WV USA In Conjunction with the Walnut Council Annual Meeting WALNUT COUNCIL A science based, international organization that encourages research, discussion, and application of knowledge about growing hardwood trees. Their goal is to promote sustainable forest management, conservation, reforestation, and utilization of American black walnut (Juglans nigra) and other fine hardwoods. Membership: nearly 900 woodland owners, foresters, forest scientists, and wood-producing industry representatives.

7 ACTIVITIES OVER THE PAST 2 YEARS 2013 Annual Meeting Highlights: Black Walnut Silviculture

8 ACTIVITIES OVER THE LAST 2 YEARS 2013 Annual Meeting Highlights: Quality Hardwood Management

9 PLANNED ACTIVITIES OVER THE NEXT 2 YEARS Silviculture Working Group Annual Meeting and Study tour 2014 21-25 September, 2014, Mexico City In conjunction with: International Seminar on Sustainable Forest Management Sponsored by: CONAFOR and FAO Major Agenda Items for the Group: 1.Mexican proposal to incorporate expertise and suggestions from the SWG into their “National Strategy for Sustainable Forest management for Increasing Production and Productivity 2014-2018.” Emphasis will be on silvicultural rehabilitation of disturbed/degraded forests. 2.Development of modified versions of the pine and mahogany silviculture guides for public distribution to managers and landowners (ejidos).

10 WORKING GROUP BUDGET OR REQUEST FOR FUNDING 1. Publication costs for Silviculture Guides Version 1: Longer publication (similar to USFS General Technical Report) for academics and managers. Possible digital version through website for sale/download. Version 2: Pamphlets and small booklets for public distribution (NOTE: CONAFOR provided the funding for data collection and analyses for the Pine Silviculture Guide). 2. Travel assistance from their respective agencies for working group members to travel to Mexico City for the 2014 annual meeting.

11 ITEMS TO BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE COMMISSION Recruitment of collaborators to assist the Silviculture Working Group

12 For more information: Mary Ann Fajvan (past-chair) Germánico Galicia Garcia (Chairman)

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