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Creating A Poster Presentation Steven Petrovic CH 499 Spring 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating A Poster Presentation Steven Petrovic CH 499 Spring 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating A Poster Presentation Steven Petrovic CH 499 Spring 2016

2 Oral Presentations Content is organized similiarly to peer-reviewed manuscript  Title, Abstract, Introduction, Experimental, Results/Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References Differs from peer-reviewed manuscript  Not simple paraphrase but select high-impact aspects  Draw conclusions for each segment Captive audience  20 – 40 minutes  Audience shares interest  Q & A at end Chem. Eng. News, 2010, 88(4), pp. 37-39.

3 Poster Presentations Chem. Eng. News, 2010, 88(45), p 52. Content is organized similiarly to oral presentation  Title, Abstract, Introduction, Experimental, Results/Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References Differs from oral presentation  Audience browses over 2 – 4 hour session  One-on-one exchange of ideas  Poster sessions broader than technical session  Compete for share of audience Highlight only essential information

4 Poster Considerations Outdoor Market of Information  Competing with other posters for attention  Visually Compelling Simple and Concise  Highlight only essential information  Guide reader through layout Abide by Meeting Requirements  Poster Size Call for Papers e.g. ACS Website search for “poster guidelines”

5 Sample Poster Format

6 Poster Design Nothing handdrawn or handwritten  Powerpoint is typical Font Type/Size  Uncomplicated Font Type Arial, Times New Roman, etc.  Serif fonts easier to process  Sans serif fonts look neater in figures Be consistent with font use High contrast between text and background  Font Size Should be readable from several feet away Title: At least 1 inch high Text: No less than 24 point font (18 pt for captions)

7 Poster Design Panels of information  Abstract Short summary of problem and results in poster  Introduction Overall significance of problem addressed Part of overall problem addressed by poster Brief description of previous work Goals of work addressed by poster  Experimental work Brief description of experimental variables/design Can use flowchart for protocols

8 Poster Design Panels of information  Results Preferably as figures in panels Pay attention to font type/size White space!  Experimental work Brief description Can use flowchart for protocols  Conclusion Bulleted points  Acknowledgements & References

9 Poster Design Use Color  Attract Attention  Highlight flow of information  Make graphics readable Contrasting colors  Similar color schemes hard to follow Refrain from decorative uses of color Colored background/foreground: Ink!!!  Play with black on white  Sparing use of color if cost issue

10 Chemistry Poster Layout Start with blank slide in Powerpoint No more than 40” high (printer limitation) Landscape orientation typical Suggested size for SOAR: 36” H x 56” W Go to Design, Page Setup Slides sized for: Custom Width: 56”Height: 36” Smaller panels arranged on large blank slide SOAR Powerpoint Template

11 Chemistry Poster Resources Southern Oregon Arts and Research Format Title panel across top University logo (jpg format) Sources For This Talk Davis, H.B.; Tyson, J.F.; Pechenik, J.A. Giving Oral and Poster Presentations. A Short Guide to Writing About Chemistry; Longman: Boston, MA, 2010; pp 216 – 223. Valiela, I. Doing Science: Design, Analysis, and Communication of Scientific Research; Oxford University Press: New York, 2001; pp 154 - 158.

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