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Nursing Leadership and Management. Module Objectives At the completion of this module, the learner will be able to: Distinguish between leadership and.

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Presentation on theme: "Nursing Leadership and Management. Module Objectives At the completion of this module, the learner will be able to: Distinguish between leadership and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nursing Leadership and Management

2 Module Objectives At the completion of this module, the learner will be able to: Distinguish between leadership and management Discuss related leadership theories Discuss the roles of the nurse manager

3 What is Leadership? Comes from within a person Cannot be taught in the traditional sense; usually a reflection of rich personal experiences You get people to do something they don’t want to do! Just because you are placed in a management position does not mean that you are a leader You develop leadership skills over time with life experiences.

4 Management: Is it the same? NO! It is the process of coordinating actions and allocating resources to achieve organizational goals Managers have legitimate power when placed in a management position. Can make people do things because of this power. Emphasis is on control over others/workplace/resources  The terms, manager, leader, supervisor, and administrator, are all used interchangeably, yet they are not the same.  All nurses are managers, not in the formal sense, but in practice. They direct the work of nonprofessionals and professionals in order to achieve desired outcomes in patient care

5 Followership Engages with leaders and managers to solve problems, complete tasks and provide feedback for evaluations Supports the leader Not a passive directive taker; is a collaborator with the leader/manager

6 Personal Attributes of Leaders, Managers and Followers Emotional intelligence: having social skills, competence, psychological maturity and emotional awareness that help people “get along” in the workplace Emotionally intelligent nurses possess awareness of patient and organizational needs, have the ability to collaborate, and strives toward self-growth

7 Leadership Theories Two most common theories are transactional leadership and transformational leadership Using transactional leadership, there is one “boss”, who has power, and the employees have no input into the decision making of the organization In transformational leadership, employees have input into the decision making; a collaborative approach

8 Leadership Theories Trait theories: being born with leadership traits (Great Man theory) Style theories: Leaders develop their “style” through feedback from followers Situational-Contingency theories: Leadership effectiveness depends on: the task at hand; interpersonal skills; and the favorableness of the work situation

9 Leadership Theories Cont- Hierarchy of Needs: Think Maslow! Based on motivation Two-Factory Theory: Based on hygiene factors (working conditions, salaries, etc) and motivator factors (achievement, recognition, job satisfaction) Expectancy theory: Perceived needs influence their behavior; more motivated if there is a positive relationship between good performance and outcomes or rewards

10 Leadership Theories …. Organizational Behavior Modification: Based on Skinner’s work; uses positive reinforcement to motivate followers to repeat behavior. Negative reinforcement de-motivate staff to repeat the negative behavior

11 Management Theory Complexity Theory: Decision making is distributed throughout the organization without regard to hierarchy Gardner’s Task of Leadership includes: Envisioning goals in partnership with others (patients, families, peers, etc) Affirming values – act based on personal values Motivating- values drive our actions (motivate)

12 Management Theory ….. Gardner’s: Managing Achieving workable unity: facilitate good working relationships (conflict resolution skills) Developing trust Explaining – willingness to communicate and explain Serving as a symbol Representing the group-serving on interdisciplinary committee Renewing- maintaining the energy of the group

13 Bleich’s Tasks of Management Based on “processes of care” Effective management depends on knowing, following, and revising processes for efficiency and effectiveness See Table 1 – 3, p. 19

14 Bleich’s Tasks of Followership Followers complement the leader and add to each other’s cognitive, technical, interpersonal, and emotional strengths See Box 1 – 4 p. 19

15 Five Basic Functions of a Manager According to Drucker (1974) Establishes and communicates goals and objectives Organizes, analyzes, and divides work into tasks Motivates and communicates Analyzes, appraises, and interprets performance and measurements Develops people, including self

16 Reference Yoder-Wise, P.S. (2011). Leading and Managing in Nursing (5 th ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Mosby, Inc.

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