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APUSH Unit 4 / Period 6 Flash Cards The transformation of the U.S. into an industrialized society brought significant change. Chapter 17.

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1 APUSH Unit 4 / Period 6 Flash Cards The transformation of the U.S. into an industrialized society brought significant change. Chapter 17

2 Homestead Act a)Promised 160 acres of trans-Mississippi land free to any citizen or prospective citizen, male or female, who settled on the land for five years b)1862 c)Trans-Mississippi U.S. d)Relates to Period 6 because symbolizes U.S. settlement of the West that was both stimulated and supported by U.S. industrialization

3 Battle of Little Big Horn a)4,000 Sioux Indians under the command of Crazy Horse & Sitting Bull assembled to stop white gold prospectors in the Black Hills (a violation of the U.S. treaty with the Sioux) and killed 200 U.S. soldiers under the command of George Armstrong Custer b)1876 c)Western South Dakota d)Relates to Era 6 because symbolizes U.S. settlement of the West that was both stimulated and supported by U.S. industrialization

4 Ghost Dances a)Religious cult under shaman Wovoka that combined elements of Christianity and traditional Indian religion; rituals were designed to bring about a vision Wovoka received where Indian united and destroyed whites b)1889 c)The Plains (Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, the Dakotas, Oklahoma Territory d)Relates to Era 6 because symbolizes U.S. settlement of the West that was both stimulated and supported by U.S. industrialization

5 Dawes Act a)U.S. law that broke up reservations, giving each Indian an allotment of land on which to become an independent small family farmer; remaining reservation lands were opened to white settlement b)1887 c)Trans-Mississippi West d)Relates to Era 6 because symbolizes U.S. settlement of the West that was both stimulated and supported by U.S. industrialization

6 New Immigrants a)Immigrants to the U.S. primarily from Southern & Eastern Europe & Asia who settled primarily in cities; many worked at industrial jobs for pay and under conditions many Americans considered intolerable in exchange for economic opportunity or to avoid religious persecution or military conscription back home b)1890ff c)Urban U.S. d)Relates to Era 6 because symbolizes U.S. shift toward industry

7 Tammany Hall a)New York’s citywide Democratic organization that used an army of party workers who provided services primarily to immigrant industrial workers in cities in return for votes b)1880sff c)New York City d)Relates to Era 6 because symbolizes U.S. shift toward industry

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