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THE AZTECS CONTROL CENTRAL AMERICA. THE VALLEY OF MEXICO Mountain basin 7,500’ above sea level Large lakes and fertile soil Originally inhabited by the.

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2 THE VALLEY OF MEXICO Mountain basin 7,500’ above sea level Large lakes and fertile soil Originally inhabited by the Teotihuacan (200 B.C.-700) and Toltec (900-1100) civilizations

3 TEOTIHUACAN “Place of the Gods” Outside Mexico City obsidian (volcanic glass) “Avenue of the Dead” “Pyramid of the Sun” “Pyramid of the Moon” Power and wealth based on trade Decline – 750

4 TOLTECS TAKE OVER 900-1200 A warlike people They worship fierce war god and offer human sacrifices Topiltzin – Encourages worship of Quetzalcoatl Rebellion forces Topiltzin, and Quetzalcoatl, into exile Legend of Quetzalcoatl

5 AZTEC ORIGINS Wandering nomads in the Valley of Mexico The sun god, Huitzilopochtli, speaks and nothing is ever the same.

6 FOUNDING OF TENOCHTITLAN Lake Texcoco On one of the islands, saw an eagle standing on the prickly pear cactus on a rock Built their city Eventually linked islands Palaces, temples, markets, residential areas Other cities formed around the lake

7 TENOCHTITLAN Causeways connect island city to mainland areas Canals enable people to carry goods to city and its huge main market Chinampas, floating islands, used to grow crops Central area has palaces, temples, government buildings

8 AZTECS GROW STRONGER Triple Alliance—1428 agreement of Aztec, the Acolhua, and the Tepanec 10 -15 million people by 1500 Power from tribute

9 AZTEC SOCIETY Emperor – Power is absolute – Lives in palace – Revered Noble class – Military leaders, officials, priests— rules Aztec society – Nobles own vast estates, live life of wealth and luxury Commoners: – Merchants, artisans, soldiers, farmers Lowest class: – Enslaved people


11 AZTEC CALENDAR Derived from the Maya 2 main calendars – Religious: 13 months of 20 days – Solar: 18 months of 20 days w/ 5 day period Every 52 years, the 2 calendars started on same day & marked by ceremony of fire

12 RELIGION: THE CENTER OF AZTEC LIFE Major role in Aztec society Over 1,000 gods Public ceremonies and festivals – Priests make offerings, ritual dramas, songs, dance by masked performers

13 SACRIFICES FOR HUITZI Sun god: Huitzilopochtli Human sacrifice carried out on massive scale – as many as 200,000 a year Object of war was to obtain victims for sacrifice

14 PROBLEMS IN THE AZTEC EMPIRE In 1502, Montezuma II was crowned emperor Beloved ruler New demands In 1519, the Spanish arrive – Why is this year significant? 1480?-1520

15 THE ARRIVAL OF THE SPANISH 5’4” tall, bow-legged, thin 1519 Cortes w/ 600 men reach Tenochtitlan Montezuma II offers him gifts of gold & his palace to stay Demands more gold and silver

16 REBELLION OF THE AZTECS In 1520, the Aztecs rebel against the Spanish and drive them out Montezuma II pleads for Aztecs to make peace – The crowd denounced him as a traitor – He is stoned to death by his people

17 FALL OF THE AZTEC EMPIRE 1521, Cortes and his men return & conquer the Aztecs They destroy pyramids, temples, palaces & use the stone to build government buildings and churches The rivers & canals were filled in

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