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The INPAC A SJTU Xiao-Gang He INPAC Department of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University

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Presentation on theme: "The INPAC A SJTU Xiao-Gang He INPAC Department of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University"— Presentation transcript:

1 The INPAC A SJTU Xiao-Gang He INPAC Department of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2 Quests to Yet Un-Answered Questions Dark matter and Dark energy High energy collider physics Flavor physics of quarks and leptons Neutrino physics, masses, mixing and cosmological implications Origin of UHE cosmic ray How do elements above Fe form and Physics of light & matter, new state at extreme temperature & density Unification of different interactions Gravity and extra dimensions How did the universe begin. Theory of Everything? INPAC

3 INPAC established in 2009 INPAC (Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astronomy, and Cosmology) was founded on 2009 年 2 月 24 日 Theoretical Particle and Nuclear Physics Experimental Particle and Nuclear Physics Astrophysics, Gravity and Cosmology

4 Mile Stones INPAC- Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology ( 粒子物理宇宙学研究所 ) INPAC- Institute of Nuclear and PArtiCle Physics ( 粒子与核物理研究所 ) Center for Astronuclear Physics MOE excellent research Team Collider physics group Shanghai key lab Neutrino experiment Particle theory Dark matter eperiement Establishment of INPAC Nuclear theory

5 Research Manpower@ INPAC Pre-INPAC days of Particle and Nuclear Physics ~ 2000 年 2000, Lei-Wen Chen (Heavy iron theory) 2002, Xing Wang (finite temperature field theory) 2004, Yu-Min Zhao(Nuclear structure theory) 2007, Yang Sun (Astronuclear theory) The INPAC Era~ (INPAC established in 2009) 2009, Xiangdong Ji, founding director (QCD/Dark Matter– Theory/Exp.) 2009, Kai-Xuan Ni (Dark matter exp.). Left for UC Sandiego, 2015 2009, Xiang Liu (Neutrinoless double beta decay exp) Left for Germany, 2015 2010, Karl Giboni ( Dark matter exp ) 2010, Xiao-Gang He (Particle theory) 2011, Jianglai liu (Neutrino/drk matter exp) 2012, Changbo Fu (Nuclear/Dark matter exp) 2012, Liang Li (Collider exp) 2012, Hai-Jun Yang ( Collider exp ) 2013, James Loach (dark matter/beta decay exp) 2013, Yong-Zhong Qian ( Astronuclear theory ) 2014, Pei-Hong Gu ( Particle theory ) 2014, Jun Guo ( Collider exp ) 2014, Wei Wang (Particle theory) In 2012 More Astrophysics and Cosmology part formed a Cosmology Center, about 10 faculties. Postdoc: about 10 PhD student: about 30 Master student: about 10

6 Particle Theory Faculties (3 Professors+2 Associate Prof.) Xiao-Gang He Xiangdong Li Pei-Hong Gu Wei Wang Yong-Zhong Qian

7 Nuclear Theory Faculties (3 Professors+1 Associate Prof.) Lei-Wen Chen Yang SunYu-Min ZhaoXing Wang

8 Changbo Fu Karl Giboni Xiangdong Ji Liang Li Jianglai Liu James Loach Haijun Yang Jun Guo (4 Professors+ 4 Associate Prof.) Particle and Nuclear Experimental Faculties

9 Experimental Program@INPAC Underground Exp Dark Matter PANDA-X XENON100 Neutrino MAJORANA Daya Bay New neutrinoless double beta decay exp. Collider Exp LHC/ATLAS D0 Muon g-2 Laser

10 Quests to Yet Un-Answered Questions Dark matter and Dark energy High energy collider physics Flavor physics of quarks and leptons Neutrino physics, masses, mixing and cosmological implications Origin of UHE cosmic ray How do elements above Fe form and Physics of light & matter, new state at extreme temperature & density Unification of different interactions Gravity and extra dimensions How did the universe begin. Theory of Everything? INPAC

11 Pandax China JingPing PandaX China JingPing PandaX

12 Research Topics Area of Research Experimental particle and Nuclear physics Theoretical particle physics Theoretical nuclear physics

13 Some Statistics (2014) Research Status Published Articles : 56 Projects in Progress: 36 (4 new) Awards: 2 Team Status Faculties: 17 Research and Engineering Staffs: 3 Secretaries: 3 Postdocs: 10 (4 new) Students: 38 current (31 PhD students, 7 master students), 7 alumni (5 PhDs, 2 masters) Opening and Communication Status Invited talks: 25 Hosted Meetings/ Workshops/ Conferences: 6 Sponsored Meeting(s): 1 INPAC Open day Visiting of Shanghai Association for Science and Technology

14 Articles: 56 total Physics Report: 1 Yu-Min Zhao Physical Review Letters: 3 Liang Li Jianglai Liu Haijun Yang Physical Review C&D: 15Physics Letter B: 4JHEP: 2

15 Projects: 37 total 973 Projects: 4NSFC Projects: 16 (3 new)Projects from Organization Department of CPCCC: 5 (1 new)Projects from Ministry of Education: 10Projects from Shanghai Government: 2

16 INPAC Opening Day

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