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Spread the word. Hold an event Get your MP involved.

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Presentation on theme: "Spread the word. Hold an event Get your MP involved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spread the word

2 Hold an event

3 Get your MP involved

4 Organise a photo shoot

5 Get pupils involved

6 Involve your community

7 Spread the word online

8 Write a press release 17 April 2012 Olympian High Goes for Gold! Olympian High School in Golden Valley is supporting Send My Friend to School to highlight the fact that over 67 million children globally are missing out on an education. Olympian High is holding a Go for Gold Relay Race involving parents, teachers, students and even their local MP! Student Will Wynne said “The race is on to get all children into school by 2015. I’m supporting Send My Friend to School, to give every child in the world a chance to have a good education. We need to tell world leaders to remember their promises and Go for Gold!”

9 What will you do? How could you spread the word about your Send My Friend to School activities? Use the table below to help you work out the best idea. Our ideaHow easy is it to do? What will we need? Who can help us? Who will we influence? Who will we help?


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