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Now look at the picture The workers are working. What do you see in the picture?

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3 Now look at the picture The workers are working. What do you see in the picture?

4 Look at these pictures. Now tell, what do you see in the picture? These are symbolical picture of May Day.


6 Dear students,Let us learn some words meaning. struggle (verb) Fight/battle/combat strike ( Noun ) Walk- out/refusa l Revolution (Noun) movement

7 Kill (Verb) Murder Injured (Adj) Hurt/ruined Commemorate remember verb

8 Test analysis Industrial Revolution Workers are organizing

9 Workers are demanding for eight hours work in a day

10 They are demanding for a minimum wages,saftylaw and eight hours work in a day

11 Workers called a strike Police fired on to the strike One striker was killed. 5/6 were seriously wounded badly injured unexpected

12 Dear students,Now open Your book at page 29 and read the passage most attentively.(10 minutes) Dear students now you every one make pair to your left and discuss the questions given below and choose the best answers from the alternative:- a) Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word “commemorate” i)Forget ii)remember iii) leaves iv) memory ii)remember

13 b) The event of May 1 st,1886 reminds us the continuous-------of the workers. i)Efforts ii)contribution iii)struggle against exploitation iv) officially iii) Struggle against exploitation c)May Day is observed------- i) Nationally ii) partially iii) officially iv) Internationally iv) Internationally d) The passage is a -------- i) Notice ii) Press release iii) story iv) news report iv) News report

14 Dear students,Now you every four make a group and discuss about the following questions and make answers:- a) What does the International workers Day commemorate? Ans:-The Internati onal workers day commemorate us the h is torica l struggle for establishing eight hours work in a day. b) What were the workers demands? Ans:-The workers demands were,eight hours work in a day, a safety law and a minimum wage. c) Who Inspired the workers? Ans:- The Labour Union inspired the workers.

15 a)Where did the workers call strike? b)When did the Industrial revolution take place? c)How long did the workers use to work before 1886 ?



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