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 The first standardized system of measurement, based on the decimal called the "metric" system.  As of 2005, only three countries, the United States,

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2  The first standardized system of measurement, based on the decimal called the "metric" system.  As of 2005, only three countries, the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar, have not changed over to the metric system.  The official modern name of the metric system is the International System of Units or abbreviated SI.

3  Almost all other countries are using the metric system  Other countries’ companies are refusing to buy products from the U.S. if not labeled in metric units  Scientists need a universal way to communicate data (SI Units)

4  Meter  Length  Liter  Volume  Gram  Mass

5  When you think of a millimeter (mm) think of:  The thickness of a dime.  When you think of a centimeter (cm) think of:  The width of your pinky.

6  When you think of a meter (m) think of:  The height of the doorknob.  When you think of a kilometer (km) think of:  A little more than half of a mile

7  One side has inches  The other side is the metric side.  The big numbers represent centimeters  The smaller lines represent millimeters.  How many millimeters are in a centimeter?  10

8 123 4 5 ABC DEFGH ABCABC DEFDEF GHGH 0.22 cm 0.53 cm 1.00 cm 1.69 cm 2.04 cm 2.47 cm 3.30 cm 3.91 cm

9 123 4 5 IJKL MNOP IJKIJK LMNLMN OPOP 0.97 cm 1.38 cm 1.89 cm 2.08 cm 2.80 cm 3.57 cm 4.57 cm 5.02 cm

10  With the group you will be put into, use a meter stick to measure the items on your chart.  Be sure to measure in meters, centimeters, and millimeters.

11  When you think of a liter (L) think of:  About the size of a bottle of water.  When you think of 5 milliliters (mL) think of:  One teaspoon  When you think of 2 kiloliters (kL) think of:  A hot tub

12  When you think of a gram (g) think of:  A paper clip  When you think of a kilogram (kg) think of:  A little more than 2 pounds.

13  1 m = 100 cm  1 cm = 10 mm  1 m = 1,000 mm  1 km = 1,000 m  1 g = 100 cg  1 cg = 10 mg  1 g = 1,000 mg  1 kg = 1,000 g  1 L = 100 cL  1 cL = 10 mL  1 L = 1,000 mL  1 kL = 1,000 mL

14  King Henry Died by Drinking Chocolate Milk  King: Kilo  Henry: Hecto  Died: Deca  By: Base (m, L, g)  Drinking: Deci  Chocolate: Centi  Milk: Milli

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