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Week 15 Warm-ups and Vocabulary. Monday, November 30, 2015(ELA) Please add the following words to the “vocabulary and grammar” section of your binder:

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Presentation on theme: "Week 15 Warm-ups and Vocabulary. Monday, November 30, 2015(ELA) Please add the following words to the “vocabulary and grammar” section of your binder:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 15 Warm-ups and Vocabulary

2 Monday, November 30, 2015(ELA) Please add the following words to the “vocabulary and grammar” section of your binder: 1. acclaim (noun) approval or loud applause 2. acrid (adj) sharp, irritating, or bitter to the sense of taste or smell 3. braggart (noun) someone who brags a lot 4. brawl (noun) a big noisy fight, often involving lots of people behaved 5. docile (adj) well behaved; easy to handle 6. dumbfound (verb) to make speechless with amazement 7. flaw (noun) a slight fault; a defect

3 Monday, November 30, 2015(GRAMMAR) Please rewrite the following paragraph, correcting all the mistakes: as the 7 friends left the room they tried to elude orson odious who knew all the tricks of making other students lives wretched without getting caught by the teachers himself. william waggish and his new friend jesse jocose commenced composing another limerick this one about the stern science teacher and they entitled it crude science

4 Tuesday, December 1, 2015(ELA) 8. gaudy (adj) too flashy and showy 9. illiterate (adj) unable to read or write 10. lavish (adj) much more than enough; extravagant 11. peevish (adj) showing annoyance or irritation; being in a bad mood 12. potential (adj) possible; capable of being or becoming 13. retort (noun) a quick or clever reply 14. vicious (adj) evil, spiteful; painfully severe or extreme 15. vista (noun) a distant view or prospect

5 Tuesday, December 1, 2015(GRAMMAR) Please rewrite the following paragraph, correcting all the mistakes: isabelle ingenuous and her friends laughed imagining their teachers unsightly toes. they forgot about the toad orson odious and all that he liked too do too make theyre lives miserable

6 Wednesday, December 2, 2015(ELA) Please read and respond to the following journal prompt. Write your respond in a paragraph (at least 4-5 sentences). Have you ever had an experience that changed how you thought and acted? That’s what happens to Chad. In this song, Chad leaves his mean, showy ways and becomes kind and caring, proving that people can change.

7 Wednesday, December 2, 2015(GRAMMAR) Please rewrite the following paragraph, correcting all the mistakes: by her desk near the portal of the room ms stern science stuck out her tongue smoked slightly from her proboscis fluttered her eyes like a blinking lizard and froze mid-step for less than 3 seconds. stranger and weirder murmured sam sagacious whom noticed these things

8 Thursday, December 3, 2015(GRAMMAR) Please rewrite the following paragraph, correcting all the mistakes: lunch is the usual boisterous pandemonium typical of a middle school lunchroom. a fight broke out among 2 girls over something a rumor-monger had reported that the other had purportedly said and both were suspended on the spot

9 Friday, December 4, 2015(GRAMMAR) Please rewrite the following paragraph, correcting all the mistakes: dean dread called theyre parents from the lunchroom right in front of the girls peers. after that incident dean dread stood on the stage with his ham sized hands on his hips glaring forebodingly at the students as if he dared them to try anything else accept talking and eating

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