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Welcome to Back to School Night! Ms.Fishberg-2nd Grade Write a special note on the paper provided for your child to find on his/her desk tomorrow.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night! Ms.Fishberg-2nd Grade Write a special note on the paper provided for your child to find on his/her desk tomorrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night! Ms.Fishberg-2nd Grade Write a special note on the paper provided for your child to find on his/her desk tomorrow.

2 Our Daily Schedule 8:30 Bell Rings 8:35 Attendance 8:35-9:15 Morning Meeting 9:15-10:30 Centers (Phonics/Reading/ RtI) 10:30-10:45 Snack/ Recess 10:45-11:00 Read Aloud 11:00-11:45 Writers Workshop 11:45-12:15 PBL (project based learning) 12:15-1:00 Lunch 1:00- 2:00 Math 2:00-2:30 PE 2:30-3:00 ELD 3:00-3:20 Community Circle/Behavior Chart 3:35 Bell Rings/Dismissal

3 Special Times * P.E. (Primary Playground) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 2:00-2:30 Wear appropriate shoes. *Centers: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:15-10:30 * Computer Lab Wednesday 9:15-10:15 Friday 1:00-2:00

4 Attendance * Students must be in line by 8:30. When students come in tardy, it is a disruption to the class. Please have your child come to school on time. Excessive tardies and/or absences are considered as retention criteria. * Students are tardy by 8:35. * Pick up a tardy slip in the office and remind your child to inform Ms. Fishberg when entering the class. * Call the office any time of the day to report an absence.

5 Breakfast/Snack * Eating a good breakfast helps your child become a better learner. * Send a healthy snack (fruit, crackers, yogurt or half a sandwich) to school for your child to eat during recess at 10:30am-10:45am. * No candy, Hot Cheetos or Taki are allowed.

6 Class Rules 1. Listen! 2. Follow directions. 3. Work quietly. 4. Complete all assignments. 5. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.


8 Please sign this each week and keep it attached to the homework.

9 Rewards! * Fake Money * Verbal Praises * Table Points * Marbles * Clipping Up on the Behavior Chart * Extra Recess * Popcorn Party (Frys 100 List-January) * Movie Party (60 wpm-December)

10 Restrooms * Remind your child to use the restroom before walking to line in the morning. * Going to the restroom during class disrupts learning time for your child and the other students. * Students are encouraged to finish their work in class before going to the restroom. * Students are reminded to use the restroom before walking onto the playground during recess.

11 Report Cards/ Parent Conferences New Report Card to accommodate Common Core curriculum * End of First Trimester- November 13, 2015 Conferences November 17, 18, 19, 20 * End of Second Trimester- March 4, 2015 * End of Third Trimester- June 6, 2015 * Progress Reports sent home at mid- point of the trimester.

12 Homework * Homework is given on Monday and is due Friday morning. * Complete only the pages indicated per day. * Do not finish the whole packet in one day. * New Homework Policy. * Read every day WITH your child for 15-20 minutes. Students must read up to 90 words per minute by the end of the year. * Take-Home Books and High Frequency Words are extremely important to read. * Do not do you child’s homework for them. * PLEASE check your child’s work for completion and NEATNESS. GOOD READERS READ EVERY DAY!


14 Spelling Tests * 10 Words a week * 2 Dictation sentences Extra practice:

15 Math New curriculum aligned to Common Core Standards. Always read parent letters sent home regarding math. Memorize Math Facts!

16 Writing * Narrative (Story) Beginning, Middle, End Setting, Details, Conclusion *Expository (Information) Step Up to Writing Topic Sentence, Details, Conclusion (Green, yellow, yellow, yellow, green) *Opinion Step Up to Writing Topic Sentence, Details, Conclusion (Green, yellow, yellow, yellow, green)

17 Science * Life Cycle * Habitats * Animals Social Studies * Citizenship * People who make a difference * Changes Over Time-timeline * Celebrating Culture * Goods and Services

18 Field Trip Suggestions? Still working on this. Natural Science Museum? * Please sign and return all forms.

19 Birthdays If you want to bring in something small (cupcakes or a healthy snack and drink) to celebrate your child’s birthday, you can drop them off in the morning and the children can enjoy their snack/treat during snack recess.

20 Great Resources! Phonics/Reading- more info Printable flashcards( addition, subtraction)- Reviewing spelling words- Find a List -> Michele Fishberg (teacher name) -> Click on the theme and week that we are on for the week. Choose an activity to do. For Reinforcement or Enrichment: Lakeshore Learning Store 8888 Venice Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90034 (310) 559-9630

21 Check your child’s backpack every day! Pink folders are to come to school everyday! *Label EVERYTHING! (Jackets, backpacks, lunchboxes, etc.) * Leave toys, pencil sharpeners, colored pencils and markers at home. THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your generous donations!

22 REMINDERS * Join the PTA- Your donation helps pay for assemblies, field trips, rewards, books and more! * Collect BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION! * Any donations for class materials are always greatly appreciated. * All parent volunteers must sign in through the office.

23 23 Thank you for coming! Sincerely, Ms. Fishberg (213) 741-0583 23

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