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Reduced Wattage Lamp Replacement Update Elaine Miller, NEEA Summer Summit, June 16, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Reduced Wattage Lamp Replacement Update Elaine Miller, NEEA Summer Summit, June 16, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reduced Wattage Lamp Replacement Update Elaine Miller, NEEA Summer Summit, June 16, 2016

2 2 To Cover −Quick RWLR update −Challenges and next steps −Current demand creation strategies

3 3 Program Objectives 2016 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Participating distributors achieve market penetration of 40-50% for LW T8 lamp sales Sign new distributors in the lamp maintenance market that touch an additional 25% of the T8 lamp market Top three manufacturers support the program with special pricing that brings 28W lamps to parity with 32W Lighting decision makers learn about the benefits of LW T8 lamps through articles, events, and the low watt T8 landing page Sales database used by NEEA, Commercial Lighting Regional Plan and key stakeholders to gauge direction of market and help develop programs

4 4 Increased Market Penetration Goal 40% - 50% Aggregate Market Penetration of LWT8  Progress  21% aggregate market penetration for Q1 2016  Some distributors have had robust increases, others have struggled  Market penetration ranges from 6% to 64%  Field support for Platt and North Coast branches

5 5

6 6 Increased Market Touch Goal Touch an additional 25% of the T8 lamp market  Progress  Program captured 32% of T8 market in 2015  Enrolled 5 new distributors and 29 new branches since October 2015  Continued engagement, CED Columbia Div, Wesco, Crescent Montana, Home Depot & (131 branches)  Engaging with regional manufacturer reps

7 7 Increased Market Touch TBD

8 8 Branches Enrolled  187 branches currently enrolled  104 participated in the pilot program

9 9 Current Strategy Continued engagement - New promotional periods for 7 current participants by Sep. 2016 Launch new contracts - 2 new participants joining Summer 2016 Ongoing recruitment - CED Columbia Div, Wesco, Crescent Montana, Home Depot & (131 branches)

10 10 Price Parity Goal Price parity for 28W and 32W lamps  Progress  Distributors have special pricing agreements for LWT8s  3 manufacturers have active LW SPAs  Anecdotal evidence  28W lamp prices have decreased  End-user prices for some LWT8 lamps is lower than 32W  2 nd tier manufacturer offers LWT8s at a lower price than 32W without a SPA

11 11 Demand Creation Goal Lighting decision makers learn benefits of LWT8 lamps through articles, events and  Progress  Refreshed  Salesperson and end-user facing video in late stage of development  Published case studies for grocery stores  Exploring options for schools and Capital Lighting

12 12 Data Management Goal Create database to capture all RWLR sales data  Progress  Completed database in January 2016  Normalizing and cleaning data so it aligns with other NW programs  Developing market data reports for utility funders

13 13 Data Management

14 14 Biggest Challenges / Questions −Change within large organizations is hard. −TLEDs (and TLED programs) are really competing now with certain customer segments and in certain areas. −How to keep distributors engaged in declining market? −How to better leverage one success of this program around special pricing for the region?

15 Reduced Wattage Lamp Replacement Marketing Carol Lindstrom, NEEA Summer Summit, June 16, 2016

16 16 Distributor Support −Marketing strategy & tactical support −Informational website at with case studies, video, links to distributors −Customizable suite of templates −Sales training video and customer-facing video, customized for each distributor

17 17 Create customer demand −Commercial Real Estate Outreach Property management organizations Building owners K-12 schools State and local government buildings −Building Operator Certification / Trade Association Outreach Lighting maintenance workshops Meeting sponsorship Educational materials −Public Calendar of Outreach and Events

18 18 Utility Toolkit −Drive to utility programs/incentives −Customizable tools for Key Account Managers Program overview Lighting Decision Tool Lighting Calculator Infographic Customer-facing information flyer

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20 20 Questions for utilities −Interest in attending events? −Notification of contacting building owners in your territory? −Toolkit: Valuable to your KAMs? Feedback? Missing anything? Interest in having NEEA customize for your utility?

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