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…the impending El Niño is predicted to be one of the strongest since 1977. Battalion Chief Steve Kean – Captain Rob Firmes.

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Presentation on theme: "…the impending El Niño is predicted to be one of the strongest since 1977. Battalion Chief Steve Kean – Captain Rob Firmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 …the impending El Niño is predicted to be one of the strongest since 1977. Battalion Chief Steve Kean – Captain Rob Firmes

2 What is El Niño? O El Niño is a warming of the Pacific Ocean that occurs along the equator between South America and the Date Line, and can influence the storm track over the West. El Niño conditions do not cause individual storms, but rather influence their frequency and characteristics. O Typical El Niño jet stream patterns lead to wetter-than normal conditions over the southern United States and warmer temperatures over the north.

3 Flood Types A flood is defined as an overflowing of a large amount of water beyond its normal confines. Floods can be very unpredictable and can rapidly change. Floods are the second leading cause of deaths due to natural disasters, behind only heat related incidents. Floods are generally classified as two types: O Slow-rise floods may be preceded by a warning time, including weather service warnings, and may last hours, days, or possibly weeks. O Flash floods are the most difficult to prepare for due to the extremely short warning time, if any at all. Flash flood warnings usually require immediate evacuation within the hour. On some occasions adequate warning may be impossible.

4 Map of the trouble areas…

5 Internal Preparedness Equipment: Emergency Generators All Terrain Vehicles Rescue Apparatus Training: Swift Water Rescue (Fire) Swift Water Awareness (PD)

6 Increased Demand Heavy rains, and subsequent flooding result in increased demand for public services, including public safety.

7 Proactive Mitigation Inform and empower the public to be prepared for heavy rains and flooding by having an emergency preparedness plan in place.

8 Communication O Press Releases O Public Service Announcements O Social Media

9 Preparation Tips O Clean Rain Gutters and Drains O Check Balconies and Deck Slopes O Get Your Roof Ready O Seal Doors and Windows O Prepare for Power Outages O Trim Trees and Inspect Your Yard O Stock up on Sandbags O Monitor the News O Stock Food, Water and Meds

10 Safety Tips O Stay away from flood channels O Pay attention to barricades O Do not drive through standing water on roads or in parking lots

11 Insurance Tips O Before the storm, check with your insurance company to verify that you have the proper amount of coverage for floods. O Clear drains and gutters and remove any trash or other loose items that could be blown away by the wind or that could end up blocking the drains. O Stock up on food, prescription medications and water. Keep your kits in order in case you have to evacuate. O Take lots of photos and make a video of your possessions for insurance purposes. It’s a good idea to film the exterior of your home before the storm in case you need to make a claim afterward.

12 If no alternate route exists and you have no other reasonable alternative but to drive through standing water: O Do your best to estimate the depth of the water. Drive slowly and steadily. O Avoid driving in water where downed electrical or power lines have fallen. O Watch for items traveling downstream. O If you have driven through water up to the wheel rims or higher, test your brakes on a clear patch of road at low speed. O If your vehicle stalls in the deep water, you may need to restart the engine to make it to safety. O If you can't restart your vehicle and you become trapped in rising water, immediately abandon it for higher ground. O Try to open the door or roll down the window to get out of the vehicle. If you are unable to get out safely, call 911 or get the attention of a passerby or someone standing on higher ground so that they may call for help.

13 O Providing public education and tips through social media O Distribution and filling of sandbags; includes training residents on how to use them O Walk-through and familiarization of problem areas O Reviewing the Emergency Operations Plan O Trained swift-water rescue personnel O Will add additional personnel and resources as needed O Trouble spots/low-lying streets will be gated off

14 O California Emergency Management Agency O O Flood Smart O O National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration O O Murrieta Fire Department Webpage – Disaster Preparation O O Nationals Weather Service O O California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services O

15 Anticipated El Niño Ivan Holler ~ Kim Summers

16 Areas Subject to Flooding in the past… Jefferson Avenue

17 Areas Subject to Flooding in the past… Guava Street

18 Public Works El Niño Preparations: O Inspected over 1,000 catch basins O Cleaned 77 catch basins O Removed silt and debris from box culverts and channels O Ongoing coordination with Riverside County Flood Control Kalmia Street - 2012

19 Public Works El Niño Preparations: O Maintain current accounts for emergency heavy equipment rentals O Current stockpile of 9,000 sandbags O Ongoing monitoring of weather forecasts O Crews will be on standby to clear clogged drains or close streets as needed

20 CSD El Niño Preparations: Basins and Channels Efforts have focused on the following to mitigate overflowing basins and to minimize the development erosion rills & gullies: O Removing and replacing worn sandbags and wattles O Ensuring that the inflow and outflow lines for the channels and basins are clear O Performing work specifically at the Cal Oaks Detention Basin off Monroe to remove accumulated debris O Clearing v-ditches and other interceptor waterways on slopes Murrieta Creek @ Washington Bridge - 2009

21 CSD El Niño Preparations: Trees and Soil Saturation O Excessive rain in relatively short periods of time can cause the soil to become saturated O Trees in saturated soils can blow over in even moderately windy conditions O Trees are being identified that might pose a liability O Dead or broken branches and limbs are being removed O Thinning improves airflow, which is beneficial in windy conditions

22 On Stand-By O 200 pre-filled sandbags ready to go O 2,000 sandbags ready to be filled O 100 yards of sand O Staff and equipment on stand-by with any measurable rainfall anticipated CSD El Niño Preparations

23 Tips for Private Property El Niño Preparations: O Clean gutters and downspouts O Clear private drainages of obstructions O Plant or cover bare slopes O Construction projects are required to comply with stormwater regulations

24 Contact Numbers During a Storm: O 911 (emergencies only) O Public Works (951) 461-6400 (business hours) O PD Dispatch (951) 696-3615 (after hours) O Riverside County (951) 955-1230 (to report clogged channels) O CSD (951) 461-6124 (business hours) O CSD (951) 453-0503 (after hours)


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