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The Faculty Perspective: Tips & Tricks for CBL in Online Courses Dr. Tammy Esteves | Dr. Leora Waldner.

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Presentation on theme: "The Faculty Perspective: Tips & Tricks for CBL in Online Courses Dr. Tammy Esteves | Dr. Leora Waldner."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Faculty Perspective: Tips & Tricks for CBL in Online Courses Dr. Tammy Esteves | Dr. Leora Waldner

2 eService-Learning…

3 Poll… Have you done service-learning in an online class? (type YES or NO in the chat box)


5 EXTREME eSERVICE-LEARNING Public Policy Class course 100% online; service 100% online graduate public administration class nine weeks community partner = government or non-profit agency two products: policy analysis and best practices research

6 EXTREME eSERVICE-LEARNING Public Policy Class select topic find the bug find the client

7 How can we best increase water safety awareness and swimming skills in diverse communities?

8 EXTREME eSERVICE-LEARNING Public Policy Class pre-production joint syllabus design products, webinar dates modify discussion board posts encourage student self-selection

9 EXTREME eSERVICE-LEARNING Public Policy Class create an eService-Learning section in the course shell

10 EXTREME eSERVICE-LEARNING Public Policy Class launch class topicSlam webinars reinforcement

11 EXTREME eSERVICE-LEARNING Public Policy Class manage deliverables group work Peer-review as DB post narrated PowerPoints add road map

12 NAMEAlternative #1Alternative #2Alternative #3 Doe, J. Social Media Campaign Strategic Neighborhood Alliances Targeted Information Johnson, T. Target ethnic media through media partnerships Local events using minority celebrities Culturally relevant delivery method Michaels, M. Awareness day in diverse communities Incorporate water safety into physician training Require water safety course in schools Thomas, P.Plots in TV showsPool fencing legislation National awareness tours James. W.Competitions, Events, Ethnic Observances School & community- based water safety programs Minority celebrities + twitter

13 EXTREME eSERVICE-LEARNING Public Policy Class “The course is a real life course where students get to apply theories to real life situations” STUDENT QUOTE (COURSE EVALUATIONS, 2015)

14 EXTREME eSERVICE-LEARNING Public Policy Class “Working with a community partner in this course was a great motivator. It makes it so you can see that your work actually matters instead of just the read -> answer questions -> write a paper…” STUDENT QUOTE (COURSE EVALUATIONS, 2013)



17 LESSONS LEARNED service on-site + class online Be ready. Day 1.

18 LESSONS LEARNED service on-site + class online Be structured. And flexible.

19 LESSONS LEARNED service on-site + class online Communication is critical.

20 LESSONS LEARNED service on-site + class online Make it a win-win-win.

21 HYBRID TYPE I service on-site + class online “… a superb job of interfacing technology, real world, text and theory to a blend easily absorbed by I believe all students.” STUDENT QUOTE (COURSE EVALUATIONS)

22 HYBRID TYPE I service on-site + class online “Enjoyed the group project in the community; very valuable experience.” STUDENT QUOTE (COURSE EVALUATIONS)

23 HYBRID TYPE I service on-site + class online “The work with non-profit organizations in the community helped us practice/apply our newly learned skills and helped them with some ‘low cost’ consulting.” STUDENT QUOTE (COURSE EVALUATIONS)


25 STAY IN TOUCH! Dr. Tammy Esteves | @tlesteves | Dr. Leora Waldner | Dr. Leora Waldner |

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