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What I Have Learned Through: Human Relations, & Learning in the Multicultural Environment By: Sydnee Brown Music Credit: Billy Joel-Vienna.

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Presentation on theme: "What I Have Learned Through: Human Relations, & Learning in the Multicultural Environment By: Sydnee Brown Music Credit: Billy Joel-Vienna."— Presentation transcript:

1 What I Have Learned Through: Human Relations, & Learning in the Multicultural Environment By: Sydnee Brown Music Credit: Billy Joel-Vienna

2 Thank you classmates and Instructor Voelkel!!! I have learned so much and delved into issues that I never considered before. Through this course I have read many of your discussion posts and I am amazed how much I can learn from people throughout the United States. I am excited to learn and grow with you all. Good luck on all of your endeavors!

3 What Have I Learned? This course has been an asset to me in many ways. For one, segregation is commonly a topic that is shied from. Discussing this topic with my peers and reflecting on my own beliefs has caused me to have a better understanding and therefore I can serve my students that much more.

4 Another subject that I will take away from this class is parental involvement. I have researched and found the benefits of parental involvement and different ways to encourage parents to become involved. Cultural sensitivity is another item that I will not forget from this class. Understanding that a student may act differently because of cultural differences is something that all teachers should take into account.

5 What Culture Means to Me Culture is Beautiful Culture is Unique Culture is Important Culture is Vibrant Culture is to be Valued

6 Segregation Today Segregation is across our school systems Segregation happens naturally Self-Segregation should be observed Students need to be educated on segregation

7 What is Racism? Racism is different from Segregation Segregation can be an effect of Racism Racism stems from ignorance Racism has a negative impact on student achievement

8 How Does Poverty Affect Education? I have always known that poverty is a huge determinant of student success in our schools. Understanding the depth of the issues in some schools came as a shock to me. Schools face great issues when it comes to class size and supplies for each student. The difference in grants for schools that are close to each other was eye opening to issues in our education system.

9 Why Should Parents Be Active Members of the Learning Process? Parents are a huge part of student learning Getting parents involved should be a priority and done with cultural sensitivity Students who receive parental support have a more positive outlook on school Student achievement goes up with parental support

10 Diverse Students and Their Needs Every student is unique and should be taught with care and consideration for their needs Some students with diverse issues need more support in the classroom Every student has the right for an equal education Differentiated instruction should be a core part of lesson planning

11 In Conclusion This class has led me towards a higher understanding of our schooling system as well as issues surrounding that system. I have also learned methods in which to understand and ease some of the issues. I plan on taking the knowledge I have collected from this class into a classroom of my own one day.

12 Photo Credit N.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2014 2011. Web. 11 Sept. 2014. 2014. eagnewsorg. Web. 11 Sept. 2014. 2014. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.

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