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Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Presentation: To provide an engineering overview to customers for a Cypress solution. Title slide:

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Presentation: To provide an engineering overview to customers for a Cypress solution. Title slide:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Presentation: To provide an engineering overview to customers for a Cypress solution. Title slide: To define what the presentation will cover. The subtitle is a one-sentence statement of the key opportunity. Reliable, Ready-to-Certify, One-Chip PLC Solution 001-84878 Rev *E PSoC Solution for PLC PLC = Powerline Communication

2 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS PLC Works When Wireless Doesn’t Companies are adding connectivity to their products Connectivity makes products more manageable and intelligent Wireless is the preferred medium Wireless often doesn’t work When there are physical barriers or long-distance connections When WiFi and microwaves cause interference Market Vision: To define the market opportunity. Presents compelling data and end product photos relevant to the local market. Should use compelling photographs of actual PSoC products. Uses PLC to communicate with multiple lights over 480V AC power lines PLC works when wireless doesn’t Provides reliable communication despite barriers and interference Reuses existing powerline infrastructure – no new wires Companies are already designing PLC in systems Solar inverters Energy-management solutions Data center power distribution units Lighting controls Fire safety systems PLC provides reliable communication without the need to add new wires Emergency Airfield Lighting System by Ross Design 3 Lighting Controls by Wadak Integrate PLC and CapSense ® controls on one PSoC

3 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Terms You Will Hear Today Terms of Art (ToAs): To clearly define tor engineers all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution. Powerline Communication (PLC) Transmission of data over existing power lines with no added wires Application Firmware Program code used to control communications and other functions of a system PLC Network Protocol A set of rules that enables systems to transmit and receive PLC data A protocol can be applied by firmware running on a microcontroller Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) A method of encoding data using two frequencies to represent ones and zeros FSK Modulator/Demodulator An electronic circuit that encodes/decodes data for FSK transmission/reception FSK Transceiver A combined modulator and a demodulator Typical PLC System FSK Transceiver Network Protocol Application Firmware Power line OSI Model Layers 1. Physical 4. Transport 3. Network 2. Data Link 7. Application 6. Presentation 5. Session The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model standardizes the functions of a communication system Serial Data In FSK Signal FSK Modulator FSK Demodulator Serial Data Out FSK Modulation/Demodulation UART In this example, a PLC connection is used to extend the range of a UART connection. 4a

4 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Additional Terms Terms of Art (ToAs): To clearly define tor engineers all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) An electronic circuit that converts parallel bytes of data into serial bits for transmission, and vice versa Transmits and receives data packets, which are formed by the PLC Network Protocol Baud Rate The transmission rate of the data, measured in bits per second (bps) The PLC baud rate ranges between 600 bps and 2,400 bps for a UART extended over a PLC Network Reliability Measured by the percentage of transmitted data packets that are received error-free (> 90% is acceptable) Reliability is reduced by unpredictable signal loss due to noise and attenuation on the power line Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) An algorithm used to detect errors in a received data packet Used to determine when the transmitter needs to retransmit the data Forward Error Correction (FEC) An algorithm used to detect and correct errors by including an error-correction code in a transmitted data packet Encoded by receiver to reduce the need to retransmit data Acknowledgement A packet sent by the receiver to verify the successful receipt of a data packet 4b

5 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Additional Terms Terms of Art (ToAs): To clearly define tor engineers all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution. Frequency Hopping An algorithm that automatically switches the FSK center frequency between 132 kHz and 110 kHz Improves reliability in the presence of noise Out-of-Band Noise Noise that falls outside the communication frequency band Half-Duplex Communication Bi-directional transmission of data, but with only one system allowed to transmit at a time Band-In-Use (BIU) A signal that indicates there is data traffic in the communication frequency band Carrier Detection An algorithm used to detect a band-in-use event; also known as band-in-use detection The PLC Network Protocol will wait until the band is not in use before it transmits data to avoid collisions Conducted and Radiated Emissions Unwanted electronic noise conducted on the power line or radiated as Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) The amplitude of a system’s electronic noise in the 3 kHz-30 MHz (conducted) and 30 MHz-1,000 MHz (radiated) bands Regulatory bodies (e.g., FCC, CENELEC) specify limits for these emissions to minimize interference 4c

6 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS PSoC Terms Terms of Art (ToAs): To clearly define tor engineers all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution. 100+ other Components to complete the system design PSoC Creator™ PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP Integrated Design Environment (IDE) Software that installs on your PC Allows concurrent hardware/firmware design of PSoC systems PLC Components: FSK Modulator, FSK Demodulator and Network Protocol MCU Inherent system bus connection The colored header on Component icons signifies a system bus connection FSK Demodulator Component Icon Components Free “Virtual ICs” represented by an icon in PSoC Creator software Used to integrate multiple chips and system interfaces into one PSoC Dragged and dropped as icons to design systems in PSoC Creator Inherently connected to the MCU via the main system bus Component Configuration Tools Simple Graphical User Interfaces in PSoC Creator Embedded in each Component Used to customize Component parameters Launched by right-clicking a Component PLC Components integrate ICs for the FSK Transceiver and Network Protocol into a PSoC one-chip solution FSK Demodulator decodes data from the received FSK-modulated signal on the power line 4d

7 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Design Problems Engineers Face 1. PLC devices are difficult to certify Certification standards vary across countries and are not well defined The standards require you to build complicated Network Protocol firmware Certification can take multiple iterations and cost up to $50K 2. PLC systems require multiple ICs for FSK Transceiver, Network Protocol, and Application Firmware Other system functions, such as power measurement and DC-AC conversion 3. PLC reliability is reduced by unpredictable signal loss, due to Powerline loading variations Equipment noise variations from building to building PSoC one-chip PLC solution FSK Transceiver MCU for Network Protocol and Application Firmware Integration of PLC Solution into one PSoC Traditional Approach and Challenges: To present the traditional approach and the challenges engineers will face when using it to realize the Market Vision. Ends with a one-sentence segue clearly stating the benefit of the Cypress solution. PSoC solves these problems with a solution that Is pre-tested to FCC and CENELEC standards, making certification easy for you Integrates on one-chip all PLC and other system functions Is field-tested for reliability in residential and commercial environments in eight countries The PSoC one-chip solution is reliable and ready-to-certify Additional power measurement IC 5

8 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS To get started, you should: Download the PSoC 5LP PLC App NotePSoC 5LP PLC App Note Install PSoC Creator IDEPSoC Creator Open PLC Example Project to start your design Choose from 100+ PSoC Components to add other system functions PSoC Solution: Reliable and Integrated Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on the previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. Actual PLC Design by Ross Design To create a reliable, one-chip PLC solution A complex PLC design with multiple ICs… And integrated with other system functions… Is simplified by using the drag-and-drop PSoC Creator PLC Components… Emergency Airfield Light by Ross Design With added options for current sensing and LED control Contains LED control and PLC 6a

9 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS System Design in PSoC Creator IDE Cypress Solution: Compelling CY Creator introduction to solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. Provides a short, clear list of what to do to get started. PLC Example Project in PSoC Creator IDE 1.Explore the library of 100+ Components 2.Drag and drop Component icons to complete your hardware system design in the main design workspace 3.Configure Components using the Component Configuration Tools 4.Access Component datasheets directly from the Component Configuration Tool for technical specifications 5.Codesign your application firmware with the PSoC hardware using the PSoC Creator IDE C compiler 6.Use the PSoC PLC App Note for complete system design guidelines 6b

10 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Create a high-performance, FCC- and CENELEC-compliant FSK Modulator in minutes Drag and drop the FSK Modulator Component into the main design workspace Right-click the Component to customize your parameters with the Component Configuration Tool Choose the FSK signal amplitude for the largest signal (for best reliability) or smallest signal (for lowest power consumption) Choose the FSK signal’s center frequency to 132 kHz or 110 kHz to avoid noise Choose to transmit a square wave (to save PSoC resources) or a sine wave (for FCC and CENELEC compliance) Select the polarity for driving the tx_disable pin to match the polarity of the external amplifier PSoC FSK Modulator Component Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. FSK Modulator Component FSK Modulator Component Configuration Tool tx_disable drives the external amplifier to a high impedance mode when the system is receiving fsk_aout connects to the external amplification and coupling circuit, which drives the FSK signal on the power line FSK Modulator converts the UART Serial Data In a signal into an FSK signal that is transmitted over the power line Use the FSK Modulator Component Configuration Tool to set the FSK frequency, wave type, amplitude, and disable polarity The FSK signal is buffered and filtered by two internal op- amps (along with external passives) to comply with FCC and CENELEC standards 6c

11 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Create a high-performance, FCC- and CENELEC-certified FSK Demodulator in minutes Drag and drop the FSK Demodulator Component into the main design workspace Right-click the Component to customize your parameters with the Component Configuration Tool Choose the FSK frequency to match the frequency of the FSK Modulator’s transmitted signal (options: 132kHz, 110kHz) Enable or disable the receive filter, which removes Out-of-Band noise to improve reliability Choose the receive gain to optimize for noise: high gain for low-noise environments and low gain for high-noise environments PSoC FSK Demodulator Component Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. FSK Demodulator ComponentFSK Demodulator Component Configuration Tool FSK Demodulator converts an FSK signal into the UART Serial Data Out signal For noisy environments, the optional Receive filter removes Out-of-Band noise to improve signal reception Use the FSK Demodulator Component Configuration Tool to set the FSK frequency, enable/disable the Receive Filter, and set the Receive Gain 6d

12 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Create an easy-to-use, robust PLC Network Protocol in minutes Drag and drop the Network Protocol Component into the main design workspace Right-click the Component to customize your parameters with the Component Configuration Tool Connect to the FSK Modulator and FSK Demodulator components to form a half-duplex communication system Configure the baud rate of the built-in UART, which transmits and receives packets (range: 600 – 2,400 bps) Configure the Band-In-Use detector, which performs carrier detection and collision avoidance (for CENELEC compliance) Enable Acknowledgment Expected to verify successful communication Enable FEC encoding to enhance packet integrity Enable Frequency Hopping to automatically switch between 132 kHz and 110 kHz to improve reliability in the presence of noise Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. Network Protocol Component Configuration ToolNetwork Protocol Component The Network Protocol forms the packet, which is serialized by the built-in UART into the tx signal. The tx signal, in turn, connects to the FSK modulator Use the Network Protocol Component Configuration Tool to set the packet and signal analysis parameters The built-in UART deserializes the rx signal from the FSK Demodulator, after which the Network Protocol validates the packet for address match and CRC The Band-In-Use detector tests the power line to prevent packet collisions PSoC Network Protocol Component 6e

13 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS PLC Example Project Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. 1.FSK Demodulator to convert the FSK signal from the power line into baseband serial data, received by the Network Protocol 2.Network Protocol to enable devices to send and receive data (via a built- in UART) and prevent collisions on the power line 3.External amplification and coupling circuit to connect the FSK signal to the power line 4.FSK Modulator to convert the baseband serial data from the Network Protocol into an FSK signal that is transmitted over the power line 5.Demo user interface to show data transmission over the power line and display the data on an LCD 6.Optional external host interface to allow a host to control the PSoC 5LP device via I 2 C, UART, or SPI Watch our demo video: PLC Example Project in PSoC Creator IDE with integrated FSK Transceiver and Network Protocol 6f

14 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS PSoC PLC solution provides reliable performance up to 13 kilometers without a repeater The solution has been field-tested under residential and commercial conditions in eight countries: Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Singapore and the U.S. Example: Field-testing at Magarpatta Township, Pune, India - PLC-based Water Meter installations on the 9th floor of commercial buildings are approximately 700 meters apart. The PLC collection point is where water usage data is collected and transmitted to a central billing system via cellular radio. Magarpatta Township PlanBuilding w/ Water MetersMeter Room w/ Concentrator Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. PSoC PLC – Reliable Performance PLC-based Water Meters PLC collection point 6g

15 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS 0 120 Amplitude (dB  V) PSoC PLC – Compliance Tested Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. The PSoC PLC solution is pretested to meet the CENELEC and FCC regulatory standards CENELEC EN50065-1 (European specification for powerline communication) Enforces communication rules within the 3 kHz – 148.5 kHz frequency band Defines the timing and thresholds to prevent packet collisions Sets conducted and radiated emission limits FCC Part 15 (North American specification for radiation by generic electronics) Sets conducted and radiated emission limits (subset of EN50065-1 limits) PSoC PLC Conducted Emissions CENELEC Max PLC Signal Limit = 122 dB  V CENELEC and FCC Emissions Limit = 45 dB  V Actual PSoC PLC 132 kHz Signal = 118 dB  V 20 2 Frequency (MHz) 1 6h

16 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS App Notes: PSoC 5LP PLC SolutionPSoC 5LP PLC Solution PLC Repeater Implementation Training: Introduction to PSoC 5LPIntroduction to PSoC 5LP Design Challenges Communicate over an AC power line at 480V AC Support 2000 units on the power line PSoC ® Solution Provides PLC system that works on 480V AC line Supports more than 64,000 units on a power line PSoC Value Suggested Collateral FSK ModulatorFSK Modulator (encodes data for transmission) FSK DemodulatorFSK Demodulator (decodes received data) Network ProtocolNetwork Protocol (implements communication rules) UARTUART (communicates with other ICs in the system) Solution Examples: To give detailed one-page PSoC Solution Examples from the field in the specified format. PSoC Creator Components Block Diagram PSoC 5LP One-Chip Solution Rx Line Driver Coupling Circuit Power line Network Protocol RC Filter Passives Tx FSK Modulator ARM ® Cortex TM -M3 (32-bit) MCU 32 Tx, Rx LEDs UART 3 2 GPIO 32 LP Notch Filter Passives FSK Demodulator Uses the PLC subsystem to remotely manage landing lights Integrated PLC Components Emergency Airfield Lighting System by Ross Design PSoC ® 5LP PLC Example – Emergency Airfield Lighting System 7

17 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS PSoC Solutions vs. Competition’s FeaturePSoC 5LPPSoC 1 (low cost) ST Microelectronics Ready-to-certify Yes No Network Protocol Included None Transceiver FSK Max Distance* 13 km6.5 km5 km Data rates 2.4 kbps Error Detection 8-bit CRC None FEC Yes No Integrated microcontroller 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 (100 DMIPS) 8-bit M8C (4 MIPS) None Integrate other system functions Yes (8- to 20-bit ADC, 8-bit DAC, comparators, filters, op-amps) Yes (8- to 14-bit ADC, 9-bit DAC, comparators, filters, op-amps) No Competitive Comparison: To define key features of the Cypress solution and demonstrate its superiority over NBA(s). Must be credible and objective to the salesperson and customer. * Conditions: 122-dB  V transmitted signal, 1-ohm load, and <25-dB  V noise,without repeater 8

18 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS EVC Slide: To clearly define the value of the Cypress solution, including BOM integration and unique functionality. Powerline Communication Solution Value 9 Competitor Transceiver: FSK Power line transceiver ST Microelectronics ST7540 Price: $5.07 1 BOM Integration MCU: ARM Cortex-M3 MCU ST Microelectronics STM32F105VCT6 Price: $5.08 1 PMIC: Single phase dual outlet power management IC Maxim 78M6612-IGT/F Price: $2.71 1 $5.07 $5.08 $2.71 $7.79 $12.86 Competitor MCU PMIC BOM Integration Value Total Value Delivered Target PSoC Solution: Total Cost: 13% Total Savings: CY8C5868AXI-LP032 $11.23 1 $1.63 1 Digikey website 1ku pricing on 12/14/2014

19 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS Here’s How to Get Started Data Center Intelligent Power Distribution Units Use PLC for remote power monitoring and control Call to Action: To tell customers how to start their design process. 1.Visit our web page: 2.Download the PSoC 5LP PLC App Note: 3.Install PSoC Creator software: 4.Open PLC example project to start your design 11 Lighting Controls by Wadak Integrate PLC and CapSense ® controls on one PSoC Solar micro-inverter by mPowerSolar Uses PLC for monitoring and remote diagnostics

20 Engineering PresentationOwner: SSHI Rev *ETech lead: ROSS References and Links References and Links: Provide comprehensive view of resources to assist in learning about and adopting the solution. Demo Video: To request a live demo: contact Application page: Contains links to all PLC-related collateral from Cypress App Note (AN76458) for PSoC 5LP PLC Solution: App Note (AN77759) for Getting Started with PSoC 5LP: App Note (AN62487) for Repeater Implementation: App Note (AN62769) for Encrypted Data Communication: App Note (AN62792) for Updating Field Firmware: Introduction to PSoC5 LP: 13

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