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Maastricht University ePortfolio in medical education: a student’s view Maastricht University Faculty of Medicine Lisette Romme and Erik Driessen.

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Presentation on theme: "Maastricht University ePortfolio in medical education: a student’s view Maastricht University Faculty of Medicine Lisette Romme and Erik Driessen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maastricht University ePortfolio in medical education: a student’s view Maastricht University Faculty of Medicine Lisette Romme and Erik Driessen

2 Maastricht University Introduction Years 1 and 4 Structure of the ePortfolio Mentor Lay-out A student’s view Conclusion

3 Maastricht University Introduction Method for learning how to reflect Monitoring of academic and professional competence development Personal responsibility for self assessment

4 Maastricht University Year 1 Unit 1 Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6 Portfolio

5 Maastricht University Year 4 Surgery Portfolio File Ear, nose, throat File Internal Medicine File Ophthal- mology File Derma- tology File

6 Maastricht University Structure of the ePortfolio Curriculum vitae Competencies related to 4 roles –Role as a medical expert –Role as a scholar –Role as a health care worker –Role as an individual Important to look backward and forward!

7 Maastricht University Mentor Supervisor Assessment

8 Maastricht University Lay-out (1)

9 Maastricht University Lay-out (2)

10 Maastricht University Reflection Personal development A student’s view Too rigid Quality of mentors 

11 Maastricht University Conclusion ePortfolio is used as workplace In future it should also be used as showcase

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