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Mapping the Future of Autonomous Vehicles. What do these autonomous vehicles have in common?

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping the Future of Autonomous Vehicles. What do these autonomous vehicles have in common?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping the Future of Autonomous Vehicles

2 What do these autonomous vehicles have in common?

3 Velodyne’s LiDAR Sensors

4 What is LiDAR? LiDAR means Light Detection And Ranging.

5 Lasers are pulsed toward objects Reflected light bounces back toward the sensor

6 How LiDAR works The time it takes to capture the reflection from the point of contact is used to calculate the distance of that object from the sensor The more points captured, the more complete the picture of the world

7 How Autonomous Cars use LiDAR  Depend on LiDAR sensors to collect real-time data about the world around them  The data is interpreted by an onboard computer  The computer’s programed reactions control the car’s mechanics: peddles, drivetrain, transmission, etc.

8 What was wrong with Radar?!

9 Why LiDAR is better than Radar Laser light is higher in energy and shorter in wavelength than radio waves leading to more accurate mapping

10 Why LiDAR is better than Radar LiDAR rays reflect better off nonmetallic objects than Radar waves


12 Not all LiDAR Sensors are Created Equal

13 The typical LiDAR Sensors on the market before HDL- 64E  Only 1 laser  200,000 map points per second

14 The H igh D efinition L iDAR sensor 64E 64 spinning Lasers!

15 All those Lasers  Lasers fire over 43million times per second  1.3 million usable data points per second  360° Horizontal Field of View  26.8° Vertical Field of View

16 Speed is Everything

17 Versatile and Durable  HDL-64E S2 can be mounted at any angle from 0 – 90°  Does not require additional shock or weatherproofing  No belts or chains to break or replace

18 Easy Set Up  Needs no special configuration or calibration  Designed to work with standard PC  Comes with its own point cloud viewer software called Digital Sensor Recorder  Can sync with your current GPS system Comes with its own adapter

19 Easy to Use  DSR recording/playback is just like DVD  Simple keystroke controls allow user to Zoom in and out Shift left/right/up/down Rotate on X, Y, & Z axes  All adjustments to view can be made regular, fine, or very fine  Return to original with F1

20 Completely Customizable  Use your own point cloud viewer software or customize the DSR  Adjust the spin rate and save the settings in either flash memory or RAM  Limit the HFOV as needed

21 How can I use it today?





26 The Nitty  $70,000 per unit  Not reliable within the first 3’


28 The Gritty  50m range for pavement  120m range for cars, foliage, etc..  Accuracy up to 2cm  905nm wavelength makes it class 1 eye safe  29lb  10” tall, 8”diameter

29 If your dream is to do this

30 Or save this

31 Then you will definitely need Velodyne’s HDL-64E S2

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