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HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 1 HMA-Testbed Phase 2 Negotiation and KO Meeting 2-3 July 2008, Frascati Yves Coene, SPACEBEL.

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1 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 1 HMA-Testbed Phase 2 Negotiation and KO Meeting 2-3 July 2008, Frascati Yves Coene, SPACEBEL

2 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 2 Agenda  See separate MS-Word File

3 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 3 Agenda

4 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 4 Overview  Project Objectives  Overview subjects  Tools  Baseline  Schedule and Reviews  Project Reporting  Actions

5 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 5 HMA-T Objectives 1. Permit evolution and test of HMA interoperability standards in parallel with EODAIL-Implementation and implementation of I/F with Partner G/S. 2. Permit conformance testing of any HMA adopted standards. 3. Support take-up of HMA defined standards by European Institutional Users and geospatial software product developers

6 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 6 ITT Phase 2  Closing date 14 April 2008  10 (partial) Proposals selected by TEB. Allocated budget approximately XXX KEUR. Become subcontractors of SPACEBEL.  Selected organisations notified 27 May 2008.  KO (i.e. T0) 2-3 July in ESRIN

7 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 7 HMA-T Phase 2  Support evolution of specifications OGC 06-131 EO Extension Package for ebRIM (ERDAS) OGC 07-038 ISO Extension Package for ebRIM (ERDAS)

8 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 8 HMA-T Phase 2  Conformance Testing (CITE) OGC 06-131 EO Extension Package for ebRIM  IGN  CNR-IMAA OGC 07-038 ISO Extension Package for ebRIM  IGN  CNR-IMAA  Conterra (base level conformance + INSPIRE guidance) OGC 07-118 User management for EO  Terradue  Intecs

9 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 9 HMA-T Phase 2  Support uptake of HMA standards OGC 06-080 EO Profile of GML applied to VITO synthesis products (GIM) OGC 06-131 EO Extension Package for ebRIM applied to VITO synthesis products (GIM, VITO, ERDAS) OGC 06-131 EO Extension Package for ebRIM for WS-Dali (Spot Image, ERDAS) OGC 07-018 EO Profile of SPS implementation for Radar – Earth Explorer (Deimos) and Optical (Spot Image) OGC 07-118 User Management integration with G-POD Grid (Terradue)

10 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 10 HMA-T Phase 2  Open-source support of HMA standards OGC 07-118 User Management - Open-source SSE toolbox implementation (Intecs) OGC 07-063 EO Profile WMS open-source implementation – based on UMN Mapserver (Infoterra) OGC 06-131 EO Extension Package for ebRIM implementation in opensource Gi-cat (CNR-IMAA) OGC 07-038 ISO Extension Package for ebRIM implementation in opensource Gi-cat (CNR-IMAA)

11 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 11 Overview  Project Objectives  Overview subjects  Tools  Baseline  Schedule and Reviews  Project Reporting  Actions

12 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 12 Project Tools  Action & SNCR Tracking  Project Wiki, Forum  TEAM/CITE engine  SSE Testbed  See also Project Management Plan: Issue 1.3

13 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 13 Project Tools – Action Tracking  Action and SNCR Tracking Internet-base, IP protected. Login/password per organisation.

14 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 14 Project Tools - Wiki  Wiki & Forum Register on to obtain login name and password.

15 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 15 Project Tools - Skeleton  HMA Skeleton Simulates various HMA protocols Available from Wiki.

16 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 16 Project Tools - Skeleton Supports: Catalogue, Ordering, Programming, User Management

17 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 17 Project Tools - SSE  SSE Permanent Testbed and Provides also access to HMA ICDs and HMA Skeleton.

18 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 18 Project Tools  Project Directory See last page of Software Project Management Plan Corrections/updates to be communicated ASAP. Email alias

19 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 19 Overview  Project Objectives  Overview subjects  Tools  Baseline  Schedule and Reviews  Project Reporting  Actions

20 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 20 Project Baseline  Issues: ICD updates as part of Phase 2 (ERDAS)  OGC 06-131, OGC 07-038 ICD updates expected during Phase 2 by external "events":  HMA-E: OGC 06-131 – 0.2.0 (expected july)  DAIL-Implementation: OGC 07-118 (expected october)  DAIL-Implementation agreed RIDS on baseline (OGC 07-018 etc.).  OGC CAT WG: ebRIM ?  FP7 GIGAS ICD updates if problems found with HMA-T CITE tests ?  OGC 06-131  OGC 07-038  OGC 07-118

21 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 21 Project Baseline  Best effort and flexibility expected from all partners to use latest ICD versions when they become available. Reserve budget for final consolidation at end of project (e.g. AR to FP).  Current: OGC 06-080, GML Application Schema for EO Products, Version 0.9.1, 01/08/2007. (<< More recent already available) OGC 06-131, EO Products Extension Package for ebRIM (ISO/TS 15000-3) Profile of CSW 2.0, Version 0.2.0, 25/06/2008. OGC 07-038, Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM profile of CS-W, version 0.1.8, 21/11/2007 OGC 07-018 Opengis Sensor Planning Service Application Profile for EO Sensors, version 0.9.5, 19/11/2007.

22 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 22 Project Baseline OGC 07-118 User Management Interfaces for Earth Observation Services, Version 0.0.2, 23/04/2008. OGC 07-063 OpenGIS Web Map Services - Application Profile for EO Products, Version 0.2.0, 15/06/2007.  Up-to-date HMA-T project baseline will be put on HMA-T Wiki. Will be controlled via HMA-T Change Control Board.  Latest working versions (not yet baseline) will also be made available for information via HMA-T Wiki.

23 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 23 Other Project Inputs  Selected HMA-T Phase 1 outputs: CITE test assertions HMA-T Phase 1 for OGC 06-131 “Proposed Compliance levels for OGC 06-131”, HMAT-TN-0002- SPB, Issue 1, revision 1, 2/06/2008.  Early ERGO project outputs Relevant for TEAM CITE tests for SOAP HMA-T Phase 1 tests converted to use To be agreed/confirmed with Agency. See also ERGO presentation on Day 1.

24 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 24 Overview  Project Objectives  Overview subjects  Tools  Baseline  Schedule and Reviews  Project Reporting  Actions

25 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 25 Schedule and Reviews  Issues: Only physical meetings for KO, AR and FP required in ITT Partners propose short(er) and long plannings. Several partners have PDR and CDR deliverables in their Proposal.  Proposal: Each partner reschedules according to one of the two possible plannings (see next slide). Two Acceptance Review events planned.

26 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 26 Schedule and Reviews  These are tentative dates.  Additional ad-hoc progress meetings at OGC TC Meetings.

27 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 27 Proposed Payment Plan  To be confirmed by all organisations and accepted by ESA.

28 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 28 Overview  Project Objectives  Overview subjects  Tools  Baseline  Schedule and Reviews  Project Reporting  Actions

29 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 29 Progress Reporting  Monthly Reports Contractual: Word Document per subcontractor Technical Progress: Wiki Page per month. Predefined section headings.  Monthly Teleconferences Teleconf unless already a meeting in same month. T0+2M, 4M, 6M, 8M Grouped per subject. Dates will be in update of SPMP.

30 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 30 Actions  All partners to: Update deliverables list and schedule in line with harmonised planning for inclusion in SPMP update. Provide IP information for access to action tracking tool. Provide abstract of their Phase 2 task in appropriate section on HMA-T Wiki (TBC) – one page per partner.

31 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 31 Agenda  See separate MS-Word File

32 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 32 Presentations  Objectives: Present work packages, deliverables and planning Raise issues if any Address various remarks raised by TEB Allow other organisations to identify possible overlaps, cooperation, synergies etc.

33 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 33 Conclusion  Possible synergies to be exploited: Harmonised planning across all participants CITE development according to "short planning": AR-1 Same TEAM engine version with extentions (for SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 –TBC): input from ERGO/HMA-E by Intecs. Sharing (on Wiki) available:  Reference implementation (and test) end-points  Reference datasets CITE development aiming for similar deliverables and deliverable structure/content allowing for integration into single OGC "ATS" document (per spec):  ATS – Abstract Test Suite documentation. IGN Proposal ?  Acceptance Test Plan for ATS  ETS – Executable Test Suite documentation

34 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 34  Clients SSE  FEDEO clearinghouse TEAM engine Toolbox Skeleton EOLI SA (Jan 2009 ?) CNES Charter catalogue GIM WMS client (SAS project)  Servers Skeleton SPS (Spot, Deimos) WMS Toolbox (PEP + gateway) G-POD service(s) GI-cat catalogue ERGO catalogue EO Proxy (VITO) EO Proxy (Dali) HMA-E reference platform 06- 131 and 07-038 (Sept. '08) Proxy for MUIS (which version?) Charter catalogue

35 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 35 Possible Client/Server combinations  Compliance test baseline Skeleton and test data to be updated for new 07-018 (SPS) and 06-131 (when adopted for HMA-T) ESA to provide Envisat and MERIS metadata for 06-131 and 07- 038 sample requests, corresponding responses and metadata (EO GML, ISO 19139). Spot Image to provide the same for Spot for use in the skeleton. Skeleton to be accessed by SSE Portal Skeleton to be accessed by TEAM engine (at ESA). Skeleton to be accessed by Team engine in the SSE Toolbox  Demonstration baseline

36 HMA-T Phase 2 KO, 2-3 July 2008 Slide 36  WMS (HTTP binding) TEAM engine SSE WebMapServer  Identity Mgt TEAM engine in SSE Toolbox as client (with SOAP header support) SSE Portal (after integration of DAIL Portal UM capabilities in Framecontract WP340) Future version of Skeleton will support the UM ICD.

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