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Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills March 25 – 29, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills March 25 – 29, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills March 25 – 29, 2013

2 Extra Credit Writing March 25- 29, 2013  Legend says that if you catch a leprechaun he has to grant you three wishes.  Where would you look for a leprechaun and what would your three wishes be if you caught one? 2

3 Language Arts Monday, March 25, 2013  Target Learning: I can explain the difference between first person (autobiography) and third person (biography) narration.  Reading Logs: Due Monday, April 1, 2013.  Word of the Day: (Multiple Meanings) (3 minutes).  Address –  1. A speech or written statement.  2. The place where a person may be reached.  3. To deal with or discuss.  Write one context clues sentence for each meaning or definition. 3

4 Language Arts Monday, March 25, 2013  Writing Prompt: (3 minutes)  On this day, pancakes were first made. Many would consider pancakes to be their favorite breakfast food. Would you? What is your favorite food to eat for breakfast? 4

5 Language Arts Monday, March 25, 2013  Target Learning Instruction:  Introduction to Research Project:  Selecting and Narrowing Your Topic, Literature Textbook, pp. 582-583. Worksheet, p. 69. Complete for Homework Due Date: Wednesday, March 27 th.  First and Third Person Narration, pp. 242-243. Think/Pair/Share.  Complete the Practice on p. 243:  1) Draw a timeline of your life—from birth to now—with at least 3 major events.  2) Pick one event from your timeline and write a paragraph about the event from the first person point of view (autobiography), and finally,  3) Write about the same event from the third-person point of view (biography). 5

6 Social Studies Monday, March 25, 2013 Target Learning: I can explain how to create a web page design for my chapter 8 project.  Chapter 8 Project: A Web Site—worksheet, pp. 19-22.  Read/discuss prewriting steps 1, 2, and 3. Complete steps 1 and 2 during chapter 8 work, then complete step 3.  Due at the end of our chapter 8 study.  In Your Own Words : Explain the chapter 8 project and create a project plan.  Preview chapter 8 pp. 222-223 and write at least 3 questions that can be answered using the timeline.  Read Fact, Opinions, and the Past, p. 224 and complete the You Try It! on p. 225. 6

7 Study Skills Monday, March 25, 2013  Target Learning: I can complete a story map on Michael Vey Prisoner of Cell 25.  Teacher read aloud: last chapter of Michael Vey…  Complete story maps and turn-in. 7

8 Language Arts Tuesday, March 26, 2013  Target Learning: I can identify the elements of first person narration connected to the main ideas of a story. RD 3.5.  Word of the Day: (Multiple Meanings) (3 minutes).  Associate –  1. To bring into relation.  2. To unite.  3. A companion or comrade.  Write one context clues sentence for each meaning or definition. 8

9 Language Arts Tuesday, March 26, 2013  Writing Prompt: (3 minutes)  March 26 th is “Make up Your Own Holiday Day.” So, create your own holiday! Keep the following in mind:  The day  The reason for celebrating  Special events that will take place  Any type of symbols that will be associated with your holiday Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: © 9

10 Language Arts Tuesday, March 26, 2013  Target Learning Instruction:  Before You Read the Autobiography, p. 244.  Read p. 244, complete a two-column chart about animal behaviors, and create a word map for each of the three words in the vocabulary development box on p. 244.  Read the story Storm, by Gary Paulsen and answer the main idea questions in the four yellow text boxes. 10

11 Social Studies Tuesday, March 26, 2013  Target Learning: I can read and complete Cornell notes using the SQP2RS guided reading steps and a K-W-H-L chart.  Check/discuss: Fact, Opinions, and the Past, p. 224 and You Try It! on p. 225.  Independently read Chapter 8, Section 1: The Early Hebrews, pp. 226-231 and complete Cornell Notes. 11

12 Study Skills Tuesday, March 26, 2013  Target Learning:  HOLES 12

13 Language Arts Wednesday, March 27, 2013  Target Learning: I can use personal pronouns to transpose a first person narration into a third person narration. RD 3.5.  Word of the Day: (Multiple Meanings) (3 minutes).  Average –  1. Typical.  2. Common.  3. Ordinary.  4. To find the mean value.  Write one context clues sentence for each meaning or definition. 13

14 Language Arts Wednesday, March 27, 2013  Writing Prompt:  On this day in 1964, Alaska was hit by an 8.4 earthquake. The “Great Alaska Earthquake” was the most powerful earthquake recorded in the U.S. and North America. Write about five (5) earthquake facts that are important to know.  Prompt created by: © 2007  Photo: Public Domain – U.S. Army 14

15 Language Arts Wednesday, March 27, 2013  Target Learning Instruction:  Complete Literary Response and Analysis, p. 252 and Vocabulary Development, p. 253.  Research Projec t: (CLASS homework).  Read Thinking About Purposes and Audience, pp. 594-585.  Complete Prewriting worksheets, pp. 71-72.  Use information from pp. 71-72 to create at least five questions to guide the work of your research. (Research questions due Friday, March 29 th ). 15

16 Social Studies Wednesday, March 27, 2013 Target Learning: I can explain the significance of Abraham, Moses, the Exodus, the Ten Commandments, David, Solomon, and Diaspora to the development of the Jewish religion. HSS 6.3.3.  Peer Check/Editing of Cornell notes:  Teacher PowerPoint notes.  Cornell notes scoring rubric.  Complete assessment questions, p. 231. 16

17 Study Skills Wednesday, March 27, 2013  Target Learning: 17

18 Language Arts Thursday, March 28, 2013  Target Learning: I can use personal pronouns to transpose a first person narration into a third person narration. RD 3.5.  Word of the Day: (Multiple Meanings) (3 minutes).  Current –  1. Prevalent.  2. Customary.  3. A flowing.  4. Flow, as of a river.  Write one context clues sentence for each meaning or definition. 18

19 Language Arts Thursday, March 28, 2013  Writing Prompt:  On March 28, 1881, “The Greatest Show on Earth,” also known as the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, was formed. Would you like to be a performer in the circus? Why or why not and what would you like to do?  Prompt created by: © 2007  Photo: © 19

20 Language Arts Thursday, March 28, 2013  Target Learning Instruction:  Finish Literary Response and Analysis, p. 252 and Vocabulary Development, p. 253 and check in class.  Review for comprehension and vocabulary test over the story Storm, by Gary Paulsen. 20

21 Social Studies Thursday, March 28, 2013  Target Learning: I can create a set of Ten Commandments that reflect the responsibilities and rights of students and faculty.  Trade and grade: Assessment questions, p. 231.  Study Guide worksheets, pp. 59-60 including the challenge activity to write a set of Ten Commandments that reflects the responsibilities and rights of students and faculty for your school.  Homework: study for test over Chapter 8, Section 1, pp. 226-231. 21

22 Study Skills Thursday, March 28, 2013  Target Learning: 22

23 Language Arts Friday, March 29, 2013  Target Learning:  Word of the Day: (Multiple Meanings) (3 minutes).  House –  1. A building in which people live.  2. To give shelter to.  3. Lodge.  Write one context clues sentence for each meaning or definition. 23

24 Language Arts Friday, March 29, 2013  Writing Prompt:  On this day in 1885, Coca-Cola was invented. If you could invent your own soda, what would it be? What is its flavor? What type of bottle would it come in? What would its name be?  Prompt created by: © 2007  Photo: © 24

25 Language Arts Friday, March 29, 2013  Target Learning Instruction:  Research Project: turn-in research questions (worksheets pp. 71-72).  Comprehension and vocabulary test over Storm.  Reading Informational Materials, p. 254 : Create a main idea chart and word maps for the five words in the vocabulary development box on p. 254. 25

26 Social Studies Friday, March 29, 2013  Target Learning:  Chapter 8, Section 1 test.  Biography of Esther, Queen of Persia : worksheets pp. 6-7.  Create a resume for Esther.  Sample resume outline on next slide. Also, check out sample resumes at Microsoft Word templates. 26

27 Outline for Esther’s Resume  Heading : Name and Address  Objective: (Career goal or ideal job).  Experience: (List of previous jobs and responsibilities at each job).  Education: (Names of schools or training programs).  References: (Names of people who can provide proof of Esther’s abilities). 27

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