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1)-The Basic Features :  Agent-Based Microsimulation Model  Continuous Time Representation  Dynamic Interactions among the Model Components  Event-Driven.

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Presentation on theme: "1)-The Basic Features :  Agent-Based Microsimulation Model  Continuous Time Representation  Dynamic Interactions among the Model Components  Event-Driven."— Presentation transcript:

1 1)-The Basic Features :  Agent-Based Microsimulation Model  Continuous Time Representation  Dynamic Interactions among the Model Components  Event-Driven Sequential Process  Provision of Feedback and Learning 2)- The Component Steps:  From Projects to The Scheduler  Skeleton Schedule  From Scheduler to The Projects  Updating Perception of the Environment  The Projects, The Individual and The Household  Generation and Allocation of Activities  Formation of Weekly-Daily Agenda  The Scheduler and The Dynamic Traffic Microsimulator ---- Dynamic Scheduling and Rescheduling  Daily Scheduling Time Frame with Weekly Rescheduling Option 3)- The Planning Horizon: Typical Week  Inter-Day Activity Reallocation captures the day-to-day dynamics 4)- Daily Skeleton Schedule Formation:  Hazard-Based Duration Models for Daily Routine Activities—Ensuring the Incorporation of Policy Variables at this Level  Iterative Microsimulation of Start-Time and Duration of the Skeleton Components from the Modelled Duration Distributions.  The Typical Daily Skeleton Schedule Components are: Work/School and Night Sleep Skeleton Component Distributions for Full-Time Workers-Hazard Model, (Habib & Miller, 2005) 5)- Activity Generation, Allocation and Location  Household Based Activity Generation:  Poisson Regression / Negative Binomial Regression / Inter-Activity Hazard Models for Shopping, Recreational Activities etc.  Regression Models for Serve-Dependent Activities etc.  Household Based Activity Allocation:  Rule-Based Allocation Model  Generalized Linear Latent and Mixed Model (Multilevel- multivariate Latent Variable Model); Multivariate Ordered Probability Model  Tour-Based Activity Location Choice Model Considering Potential Utility of Possible Locations.  Activity Generation-Allocation-Location Selection Processes are in General Project Based.  Scheduler Adjusts the Project-Specified Episode Attributes based on the Dynamic Interactions with the Environment AN INTEGRATED DYNAMIC MODEL FOR ACTIVITY-BASED TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND POLICY ANALYSIS K. M. Nurul Habib & Eric J. Miller The ILUTE Component The Daily Activity/Travel Scheduler 7)- Concluding Remarks  The Unscheduled Episodes in the Daily Agenda Enters in the Following Day Agenda and may Remain as Latent Activity Demand for the Following Days  It Ensures the Day-to-Day Dynamics of Activity Generation Process  Dynamic Traffic Microsimulator Ensures the Consideration of Within-Day Dynamics in Activity Scheduling Process  Activity Scheduling-Rescheduling Process is Hybrid  The Scheduling Process is Rule-Based but the Rescheduling Process Considers Utility-Based Priority and Precedence Measurements.  The Econometric Methods of Generating Activity Episodes and Attributes Ensure Policy Sensitivity by Incorporating Policy Variables Skeleton Component Distribution for Part-Time Workers-Hazard Model, (Habib & Miller, 2005) 6)- Activity Scheduling and Rescheduling  The Provisional Activity Scheduling is based on Rule-Based Methods as in TASHA with Tour-Based Model Choice Model (See Miller & Roorda, 2003).  Activity Rescheduling model uses the Concept of Activity Utility to Determine Priority, Flexibility and Precedence. The Corresponding Mode Choice Correction is Based on Rules  The Utility of Activity Episodes is Based on Dynamic Utility with Multiple Prior Concept (Habib & Miller, 2005)  Activity Utility has Two Components: Goal and Process Utility Utility Goal UtilityProcess Utility  Function of the Project Type & Attributes  Function of Time, Starting from The Project Generation  Models the Stress To Compel Execution or Deletion  Dynamically Determines Priority, Flexibility and Precedence +  Function of the Activity Type & Attributes  Function of the Episode Duration  Explicitly Recognizes the Uncertainty and Risk Aversion Attitude

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