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Dry Deposition Oliver Wild Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK Co-Is: Lisa Emberson (SEI, Univ. York) Dominick Spracklen.

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Presentation on theme: "Dry Deposition Oliver Wild Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK Co-Is: Lisa Emberson (SEI, Univ. York) Dominick Spracklen."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACITES@Lancaster: Dry Deposition Oliver Wild Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK Co-Is: Lisa Emberson (SEI, Univ. York) Dominick Spracklen (Univ. Leeds) PDRA: Catherine Hardacre ACITES Network Meeting, York, 9-10 th January 2013

2 Why Focus on Dry Deposition? Dry deposition links atmosphere and biosphere – Vital for budgets of many atmos. constituents (O 3, NO y, SO 2, aerosol…) – Vital for input of nutrients/pollutants/oxidants to vegetation, soils – Key component of wider climate and Earth System feedbacks – Policy-relevant implications for air quality, ecosystem health, crops… Deposition is poorly represented in current models – Strong observation/theoretical experience in UK community (CEH, SEI) – Model implementation/development has not kept pace with this A missed opportunity for the UK community? – Timely: metrics for deposition required for developing fully-coupled UK ESM, e.g, for implementing JULES in UKCA/HadGEM

3 Why Focus on Dry Deposition? Current models do not represent key processes well – Dependence on land surface, vegetation, meteorology… – Heterogeneity of surface (scale effects) Key uncertainty in budget terms (esp. for O 3, aerosol) – Poorly characterised from an atmospheric perspective! Important for Earth System Modelling – Key process for land-surface/atmosphere interactions – Necessary for representation of many ES/climate feedbacks Accommodating new process understanding – Exchange processes: deposition and emission not always separable – Interactions with wet deposition, biogenic emissions, PBL met.

4 Dry Deposition Processes 1. Turbulent transport through atmosphere 2. Molecular diffusion through laminar sub-layer 3. Uptake on surface by adsorption, followed by dissolution or reaction (depends on surface type: vegetation, soil, water, light, etc.) R a Aerodynamic resistance R b Laminar resistance R soil Soil resistance R can In-canopy resistance R cut Cuticular resistance R sto Stomatal resistance

5 Global Tropospheric Ozone Budget Global Model Budgets Observational Constraints Tropospheric O 3 burden 340±40 Tg335±10 Tg Strat-trop exchange 550±170 Tg/yr550±140 Tg/yr Photochemistry 450±300 Tg/yr?? Deposition 1000±200 Tg/yr?? Photochemistry Strat.-Trop. Exchange Deposition Ozone impacts: vegetation damage, stomatal closure, reduced CO 2 and H 2 O fluxes, near-surface oxidation, …

6 SOx NHx mg(S)/m 2 /yr mg(N)/m 2 /yr Accent Studies GBC, 2006

7 Aims Traceability across models from box models up to ESM – Include latest obs-based developments in deposition schemes – Ensure new advances can be rapidly implemented across all models Develop metrics to assess representation of dry deposition – Provide clear, cross-scale benchmarks for characterising deposition – Provide rigorous comparison against observations at small scales – Define constraints for modelling land/atmos interactions in ESM Self-consistency across gas phase and aerosol species – Aim for integrated, unified approach where possible Forge stronger links with land-surface researchers – e.g., interface with JULES model, etc. Not trying to reinvent deposition here: focus on unifying current schemes and ensuring coherence and consistency, not on developing new schemes!

8 Climate Impacts and Future Air Quality Importance of including Earth System interactions when looking at future atmos composition (JGR, 2010)

9 Current Plans Catherine Hardacre to start 1 st Feb 2013 Characterize schemes currently in use in UK models – Focus on approaches in UKCA and DO3SE – Identify necessary development pathway – Coordinate with other efforts under JULES, ECLAIRE, UKCA… Provide improved framework for observational comparison – Work with observations to define key ecosystem-scale tests – Initial focus O 3 but need to work across species (NO y, NH 3, SO 2, aerosol…) Define range of metrics for comparing schemes – Global and regional diagnostics for budgets – Characterise impacts on vegetation as well as atmospheric composition – Quantify sensitivity to vegetation type, phenology, leaf area, soil, PBL met, etc. to characterise spatial and temporal variability and assoc. uncertainty – Apply metrics to model intercomparison data (HTAP, ACCMIP, CCMI) and encourage use in future studies

10 Practical Aspects Gain insight from involvement in international model studies – Upcoming process-focussed CCMI and HTAP intercomparisons Contribution to UK ESM efforts – New interactions with land surface community, etc. – Provide opportunities for new science, e.g., Earth System interactions – Benefits for air quality/ecosystem impact studies, too. Welcome input from all in ACITES and ESM communities – What do you need? How can we be of most use? – Which processes/species are most important to look at?


12 Objectives – To extend Weseley deposition scheme based on experience with DO3SE model (in UKCA, CTM, box model) – To characterise current schemes based on their impacts on atmos composition and on vegetation (metric design) – To provide improved framework for observational comparison – To explore impacts of vegetation heterogeneity: sensitivity to vegetation type, phenology, leaf area, PBL met. Wider benefits – Gain insight from involvement in ongoing international model intercomparisons, e.g., ACCMIP – Provide input to future air-quality assessments, e.g., under HTAP – Involve UK land surface community/JULES DO3SE model (Lisa Emberson, SEI)

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