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Exercises. Hello and welcome. In this lesson we will be talking about exercises. We will be learning: Why exercises are important How exercises keep you.

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Presentation on theme: "Exercises. Hello and welcome. In this lesson we will be talking about exercises. We will be learning: Why exercises are important How exercises keep you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exercises

2 Hello and welcome. In this lesson we will be talking about exercises. We will be learning: Why exercises are important How exercises keep you healthy and strong The different types of exercises Examples of these exercises which you can do to stay healthy.

3 Why are exercises important? Exercises are important because it helps your body healthy and strong. Lets look into ways in which exercises can keep you healthy and strong.

4 How do exercises keep you healthy and strong? 1. They can help improve your heart and lungs, this will reduce the chances of becoming ill. 2. Increased metabolic rate, this will help maintain a healthy weight.

5 How do exercises keep you healthy and strong? 3. They can help make your joints and muscles become stronger. 4. They can help you with your posture by giving you a strong back, allowing you to stand tall.

6 What types of exercises are there ? There are several different types of exercises which can be done to stay healthy: Aerobic Stretching Strength training

7 Example of Aerobic Exercises Jogging or Running

8 Example of Aerobic Exercises Swimming

9 Examples of Aerobic Exercises Cycling

10 Example of Stretching Exercises Yoga

11 Example of Stretching Exercises Pilates

12 Example of Stretching Exercises Tai Chi

13 Example of Resistance Exercises Push-ups

14 Example of Resistance Exercises Chin-ups

15 Example of Resistance Exercises Squats

16 Before you move on the next topic, why not have a go at an activity?, or try your hands at a game? You will find them under Exercises.

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