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Published byWendy French Modified over 8 years ago
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT 1 Multiple Access For Satellite Sukiswo
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT2 Outline Traffic Parameters Access Techniques Performance Evaluation – efficiency FDMA TDMA CDMA Fixed and On-Demand Assignment Random Access
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT 3 Traffic Parameters
Traffic intensity The traffic intensity A is defined as A =R call.T call (Erlang) Where R call = mean number of calls per unit time (s -1 ) T call = mean duration of a communication (s) Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT4
Call Blocking Probability Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT5 It is assumed that the number of users generating calls is much greater than the number of communication channels C provided between end terminals and blocked calls are not stored. Under these conditions, the Erlang B formula indicates the probability that n channels are occupied (n C):
Call Blocking Probability Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT6
Burstiness Once the connection is established, transfer of information may occur. Burstiness relates to the intermittent transfer of data. Information is conveyed in the form of data bursts that are generated at random intervals. The burstiness is defined as the peak bit rate of the active information source divided by the average bit rate: BU =R/ L where R is the peak bit rate (bit/s), is the message generation rate (s -1 ) and L is the length of the message (bits). Continuous information corresponds to low burstiness (stream traffic with BU of order 1–5) whereas highly intermittent traffic is characterised by high burstiness (BU=10 3 to 10 5 ). Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT7
Traffic Routing Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT8 Given a demand for traffic in a network of N earth stations, it is necessary to establish an adequate information transfer capacity between each pair of stations. This capacity is calculated as a function of demand expressed by traffic intensity and acceptable blocking probability (a typical value is 0.5 to 1%). Let CXY be the capacity, expressed as a number of communication channels for transfer of traffic from station X to station Y
Traffic Routing Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT9 a. One carrier per station-to-station link b. One carrier per transmitting station
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT 10 Access Techniques
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT11 Multiple access Multiple access are techniques that allow several carriers from several earth stations to access the satellite. The problem of multiple access arises when several carriers are handled simultaneously by a satellite repeater which is a nodal point of the network. The satellite repeater consists of several adjacent channels (called transponders), whose bandwidth is a fraction of the total repeater bandwidth.
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT12 Multiple access In terms of multiple access, there are two aspects to be considered: –multiple access to a particular repeater channel (i.e. a transponder). –multiple access to a satellite repeater.
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT13 Access to Transponder Three multiple access fundamental techniques: –frequency division multiple access (FDMA); –time division multiple access (TDMA); –code division multiple access (CDMA).
Access to Satellite Repeater Multiple access to a particular repeater channel (transponder) implies prior multiple access to the satellite repeater. Access to a satellite repeater is achieved as a function of the frequency and polarisation of the carrier. For every carrier with a given polarisation and frequency there is obligatory FDMA access to the repeater together with FDMA, TDMA or CDMA access to each channel. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT14
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT15 Access to Satellite Repeater Several types of multiple access as defined above can be combined.
Performance Evaluation The efficiency ( ) of a MA scheme is ratio of multiple access capacity to single access capacity at transponder saturation. = multiple access capacity / single access capacity at transponder saturation The capacity of a carrier is equal to the information bit rate R b conveyed by the carrier, sometimes called the carrier throughput. The efficiency of a multiple access scheme then is the ratio of the sum of the throughputs of all accessing carriers to the maximum throughput of a single carrier in the transponder. Efficiency then appears as a normalised throughput Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT16
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT 17 FDMA
The bandwidth of a repeater channel is divided into sub- bands; each sub-band is assigned to one of the carriers transmitted by the earth stations. With this type of access, the earth stations transmit continuously and the channel conveys several carriers simultaneously at different frequencies. It is necessary to provide guard intervals between each band occupied by a carrier to avoid interference as a result of imperfections of oscillators and filters. The receiver selects the required carrier in accordance with the appropriate frequency. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT18
TDM/PSK/FDMA The baseband signals at the earth station are digital. They are combined to form a time division multiplex (TDM) signal. The TDM multiplex signal contains the total traffic from the transmitting earth station to all other stations. The binary stream representing this multiplex signal modulates a carrier by phase shift keying (PSK) which accesses the satellite repeater channel at a particular frequency at the same time as other carriers on other frequencies from other stations. To minimise intermodulation products, and consequently the number of carriers, traffic routing is preferably performed according to the ‘one carrier per transmitting station’ principle. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT19
TDM/PSK/FDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT20
SCPC/FDMA The baseband signals at the earth station each modulate a carrier individually. This is called ‘single connection per carrier’ (SCPC). Each carrier accesses the satellite repeater channel on its particular frequency at the same time as other carriers on other frequencies from the same or other stations. Information routing is thus performed according to the ‘one carrier per link’ principle Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT21
FDMA Efficiency Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT22
FDMA Efficiency Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT23
FDMA Efficiency Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT24
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT 25 TDMA
The earth stations transmit one after another bursts of carrier with duration T B. All bursts of carrier have the same frequency and occupy the full repeater channel bandwidth. Hence the satellite repeater channel carries one carrier at a time. Bursts are inserted within a periodic time structure of duration T F, called a frame. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT26
TDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT27 Operation
TDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT28 Burst generation
TDMA : Burst generation Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT29 The burst corresponds to the transfer of traffic from the station considered. The bit rate R which modulates the carrier is thus given by: R =R b (T F /T B ) bit/s With the technique of one carrier per station-to-station link, the station transmits N-1 bursts per frame, where N is the number of stations on the network and the number of bursts P in the frame is given by P = N(N -1) Hence, for example, if Rb=2 Mbit/s and (T F /T B )= 10, modulation occurs at 20 Mbit/s
TDMA : Frame structure Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT30
TDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT31 Burst reception
TDMA efficiency In single carrier operation, the maximum throughput is R R=B , where B is the channel bandwidth (Hz) is the spectral efficiency of the modulation (bit/s Hz). With multiple access, the actual total throughput is, Where t i represents the sum of the times not devoted to transmission of traffic (guard times plus burst headers). The TDMA efficiency ( ) is thus: Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT32
TDMA efficiency The efficiency depends on the number P of bursts in the frame. Let p be the number of bits in the header and g the equivalent duration in bits of the guard time. Assuming that the frame contains two reference bursts, this gives: where R is the bit rate of the frame (bit/s). The efficiency as a function of the number of accesses, that is the number of stations N on the network, depends on the traffic routing technique adopted. in the case of a ‘one carrier per link’ technique, P =N(N-1) in the ‘one carrier per transmitting station’ routing technique, P =N. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT33
Frame duration considerations A long frame duration requires a higher storage capacity in the transmitting and receiving earth station buffer memories. Interface-to-interface delivery delay =Round-trip propagation time + 2TF (s) In practice, frame durations typically range from 750 u s to 20 ms. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT34
Example The variation of throughput as a function of the number of bursts of traffic P, equal to the number N of traffic stations or the number of accesses, can be examined by inserting the values of the INTELSAT / EUTELSAT standard. Taking p=560, g =128, R=120,832 Mbit/s and TF=2 ms gives: Notice the relatively slow decrease of efficiency as a function of the number of accesses. For instance, for 50 accesses the efficiency is still 85%. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT35
Example Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT36
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT 37 CDMA
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT38 Code division multiple access operates on the principle of spread spectrum transmission. The code sequence which serves to spread the spectrum constitutes the ‘signature’ of the transmitter.
CDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT39
CDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT40 The receiver recovers the useful information by reducing the spectrum of the carrier transmitted in its original bandwidth. This operation simultaneously spreads the spectrum of other users in such a way that these appear as noise of low spectral density.
CDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT41
CDMA With code division multiple access (CDMA), network stations transmit continuously and together on the same frequency band of the satellite repeater channel. The signature consists of a binary sequence, called a code, which is combined with the useful information at each transmitter. Two techniques are used in CDMA: –direct sequence (DS); –frequency hopping (FH). Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT42
Direct sequence CDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT43
Direct sequence CDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT44
Spectrum Direct sequence CDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT45
Frequency hopping CDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT46
Frequency hopping CDMA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT47 Spectral distribution in FH-CDMA for RH « Rb.
CDMA efficiency The efficiency of CDMA can be considered as the ratio of the total capacity provided by a repeater channel in the case of single access, that is a single carrier modulated without spectrum spreading, and that of a repeater channel transmitting several CDMA carriers simultaneously. The total capacity of the repeater channel is then the product of the capacity of one carrier and the number of carriers, that is the number of accesses. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT48
CDMA efficiency The maximum total throughput is equal to N max R b. The throughput of a single carrier modulated without spectrum spreading and occupying a bandwidth B N would be the chip rate R c. The throughput of CDMA is thus given by the ratio: Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT49
Example Consider a CDMA network occupying the whole of a 36MHz satellite repeater channel. The receiving bandwidth is B N = 36 MHz. It is assumed that each carrier has a capacity equal to 64 kbit/s. With BPSK modulation of theoretical spectral efficiency =1bit/s Hz, the chip rate is R c =B N / =36 Mbit/s and the spreading ratio Rc/Rb is 36x10 6 /64x10 3 =563. Table shows the maximum number of accesses, the maximum total throughput of the network and the resulting efficiency for a required bit error probability. The CDMA efficiency, of the order of 10%, is low compared, for example with that of TDMA. The values in the table are optimistic: thermal noise is neglected, user codes are assumed to be orthogonal and no account is taken of degradation due to the demodulator. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT50
Example Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT51
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT 52 Fixed and On-Demand Assignment
Fixed & On-Demand Assignment Traffic routing implies access by each carrier transmitted by the earth stations to a radio-frequency channel. For each of the three fundamental modes (FDMA, TDMA and CDMA) described in the previous sections, each carrier is assigned a portion of the resource offered by the satellite, i.e. a satellite channel (a frequency band, a time slot or a fraction of the total power keyed to a code) or a part of it. This assignment can be defined once and for all (a fixed assignment) or in accordance with requirements (on- demand assignment). Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT53
Fixed Assignment With fixed assignment, the capacity allocated each earth station is fixed independently of the traffic demand from the terrestrial network to which it is connected. An earth station can receive a traffic request from the network to which it is connected greater than the capacity which is allocated to it. It must then refuse some calls; this is a blocking situation, in spite of the fact that other stations may have excess capacity available. Because of this, the resource constituted by the satellite network is poorly exploited. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT54
Fixed Assignment The total capacity of the repeater channel is shared among 20 stations. Each station thus has 1520/20=76 communication channels available. These channels are shared among the 19 destinations. There are, therefore, 76/19= 4 channels per destination. The maximum traffic intensity A must be determined such that the blocking probability B(C=4, A)=E C=4 (A) remains less than 0,01. It is found, by using equation (6.2) or Figure 6.1, that A= 0,87 erlang, that is 0,217 erlang per communication channel. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT55
On-Demand Assignment With on-demand assignment, the satellite network resource can be assigned in a variable manner to the various stations in accordance with demand. There will, therefore, be the possibility of transferring capacity from stations with low demand to stations with excess demand. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT56
On-Demand Assignment The total capacity S of the repeater channel can be assigned to any station whatever the destination. One must realise the condition B(S=1520, A)=E S=1520 (A) < 0,01 which leads to A=491 for the 1520 communication channels and hence an intensity A/1520=0,98 erlang per communication channel. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT57
Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT 58 Random Access
This type of access is well suited to networks containing a large number of earth stations where each earth station is required to transmit short, randomly generated messages with long dead times between messages. The principle of random access is to permit transmission of messages almost without restriction in the form of limited duration packets, towhich correspond bursts of modulated carriers, which occupy all or part of the bandwidth of the repeater channel. It is, therefore, multiple access with time division and random transmission. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT59
Random Access The performance of random access is measured in terms of the normalised throughput and the mean transmission delay. Normalised throughput has been defined previously as efficiency and is restated here as the ratio of the volume of traffic delivered at the destination to the maximum volume which could be transmitted in the available bandwidth. Random access has been the object of numerous studies since 1970. Its practical application has become important in the context of private networks using small stations (very small aperture terminals, VSAT) which have been widely developed to provide satellite communication between computers and distant terminals. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT60
ALOHA Protocol Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT61 Principle of the ALOHA random multiple access protocol without collision
ALOHA Protocol Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT62 Principle of the ALOHA random multiple access protocol with collision
Pure ALOHA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT63
Slotted ALOHA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT64
ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT65
Transmission efficiency. Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT66
Mean transmission time Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT67
Comparison of efficiency Komunikasi Satelit, Sukiswo, ST, MT68
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