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 Translate the following terms related to education into English:  Sveučilišni studij  Veleučilište  Redoviti student  Prvostupnik  Dodiplomski.

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Presentation on theme: " Translate the following terms related to education into English:  Sveučilišni studij  Veleučilište  Redoviti student  Prvostupnik  Dodiplomski."— Presentation transcript:


2  Translate the following terms related to education into English:  Sveučilišni studij  Veleučilište  Redoviti student  Prvostupnik  Dodiplomski studij

3  How would you define public administration?  What does public administration explain?  What do public administrators do?  What does public administration degree prepare students for?

4  Public administration can be defined as the implementation of policy by civil servants within an official government's executive framework.

5  Public administration attempts to explain how decisions in government are made as well as administrating projects to carry out those decisions.  Studying public administration can be a very rewarding experience for anyone looking to give back to their community by solving difficult problems.

6  Public administrators manage nearly every aspect of public service at the state and local levels offering the opportunity to help shape the future.

7  A public administration degree provides an academic background for individuals pursuing a career in both government and non-governmental/non-profit organizations.

8  History:  During the first third of the 20 th century professions and professional education was born  Many occupations became professions, including administration, accounting, journalism, social work and others

9  Recognised professions (medicine and law) strengthened pre-entry education for admission into their ranks  In the same period, higher education was professionalized: professors organized themselves and developed standards of entry

10  A large part of higher education became preparation for career occupation or for professions

11  Public administration was part of a larger movement towards professionalization  Similar to other fields (other emerging professions)  Distinctive features (fear of concentrated governmental power and bureaucracy)

12  Shared with other emerging professions  Lack of development or slow development of career opportunities for graduates  Shortage of financial and other resource support

13  Professional education in public administration is concerned with:  Application, operations and performance of public administration, not primarily with theory, abstractions and research methodology

14  It draws on other relevant disciplines (law, sociology, political science, IT, economics…)  It develops the insights and skills needed to plan, determine policy, organize, manage and implement programs and operations

15  Professional education is problem-oriented  It is concerned with the functions, operations and substance of what is being planned and executed

16  Translate the text Development of Education in Public Administration, p. 5

17  To revivify – oživjeti, vratiti u život  To assert a claim – ostvariti pravo  Accounting – računovodstvo  City planning – urbanizam  Forestry – šumarstvo  Pre-entry education – pripremno obrazovanje  Standards of entry – upisni kriteriji  Emerging professions – profesije u razvoju  Research methodology – metodologija istraživanja

18  Professionalization of higher education  Distinctive features of education in public administration  Aims of professional education in public administration

19  _GTwgvRbY _GTwgvRbY


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