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Organizational Overview Vision Mission Governance Planning Stakeholder(s) - Communication Structure Culture Human Resources Capacity for Change Sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizational Overview Vision Mission Governance Planning Stakeholder(s) - Communication Structure Culture Human Resources Capacity for Change Sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizational Overview Vision Mission Governance Planning Stakeholder(s) - Communication Structure Culture Human Resources Capacity for Change Sustainability Learning & Innovation Evaluation

2 Non-Profit Organizational Overview - Dimensions Vision (What is the organization’s world view?) Mission (What is our specific mission? Does this need to be refreshed ?) Governance (Is our espoused model coherent for the work we have to do? Is this the model we follow? How do we know?) Planning (What type of planning do we need to do? Scenario planning for unpredictable futures and turbulent times? Strategic planning to ensure viability of core areas of our (predictable) organizational business? Operational planning and benchmarking review?)

3 Non-Profit Organizational Overview - Dimensions Stakeholders/Communications (Whose needs are in focus? How are our “partners” engaged? What forms of communication do we “listen” to and “use”? ) Structure (If form follows function and is some indication of our relative stability or turbulence, what form have we chosen? (and/or) which form do we need to move to?) Culture (Are our beliefs, values and assumptions reflected in our stories, structures, rituals, policies and procedures?) Human Resources (What are our outstanding features - for purposes of “bragging”, appreciating or problem-solving - concerning our staff and volunteers?)

4 Non-Profit Organizational Overview - Dimensions Capacity for Change (Do we see change as an event or a condition? What are our ongoing capacities for adaptation to change(s)?) Resources (including financial) - Sustainability - Stewardship (How do we measure our resource base, its future, and our capacity to protect or to renew? to add “value” in all its range of meanings?) Learning & Innovation (Are we leading in ways that maximize our areas of real influence? Do we innovate from within? What is our capacity for risk and imagination in our work?) Evaluation (How do measure our outcomes? What early indicators do we use for long-fuse issues? How do measure value for dollars? Do we use process evaluation measures?)

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