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Requirements: Stories Emerson Murphy-Hill. What are User Stories? A user story represents a feature customers want in the software A user story is the.

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements: Stories Emerson Murphy-Hill. What are User Stories? A user story represents a feature customers want in the software A user story is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirements: Stories Emerson Murphy-Hill

2 What are User Stories? A user story represents a feature customers want in the software A user story is the smallest amount of information (a step) necessary to allow the customer to define (and steer) a path through the system Written by customers (communication w/ developers)

3 Format of User Stories Title: 2-3 words Acceptance test Priority: 1-2-3 (1 most important) Story points Description: As an x, I want to y so I can z. x= user role; y=goal; z=why Create Receipt Acceptance Test: createReceipt1 Priority: 1Story Points: 1 As a customer, I want to have a running receipt of items purchased at a cash register with a short description of each scanned item and its price so that I can check what I have been charged and I can return items if I need to.

4 Example Acceptance Test for a Story Create Receipt Acceptance Test: createReceipt1 Priority: 1Story Points: 1 Keep a running receipt of items purchased at a cash register with a short description of each scanned item and its price. Test ID DescriptionExpected ResultsActual Results create Receipt1 Preconditions: The cashier has a new customer The cashier scans three cans of beans @ $.99, two pounds of spinach @ $.59/lb, and a toothbrush @ $2.00 The receipt has the following information: 3 cans beans @ $.99 2 lbs spinach @ $.59/lb 1 toothbrush @ $2.00

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