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THE STATE PENSION FUND (VER) PRESS RELEASE 28th January 2015. 26.2.2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "THE STATE PENSION FUND (VER) PRESS RELEASE 28th January 2015. 26.2.2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE STATE PENSION FUND (VER) PRESS RELEASE 28th January 2015. 26.2.2015 1

2 Year 2014 in Brief Return on investment for the year 2014 was 7,8 per cent (6,4 per cent in 2013). Market value of investments was 17,6 billion euros (16,3 billion euros 31st December 2013). The proportion of the fixed-income investments was 50,4 (51,6) per cent on 31st December 2013, the proportion of quoted equities was 39,5 (39,9) per cent and the proportion of other investments was 10,1 (8,5) per cent. The return of fixed-income investments was 4,9 (-1,6 per cent in 2013) and the return of listed equities was 11,7 (18,2) per cent. Other investments gained a return of 7,8 (5,7) per cent. Return on investment for the year 2014 was 7,8 per cent (6,4 per cent in 2013). Market value of investments was 17,6 billion euros (16,3 billion euros 31st December 2013). The proportion of the fixed-income investments was 50,4 (51,6) per cent on 31st December 2013, the proportion of quoted equities was 39,5 (39,9) per cent and the proportion of other investments was 10,1 (8,5) per cent. The return of fixed-income investments was 4,9 (-1,6 per cent in 2013) and the return of listed equities was 11,7 (18,2) per cent. Other investments gained a return of 7,8 (5,7) per cent. 26.2.2015 2

3 Trend in VER’s investments 2001-2014 3 Million euros 26.2.2015

4 Investments Grouped According to the Risk 1) Including transferable interests. 2) The total return includes non allocated expenses/returns. 3) The volatility of investments is calculated according to a period of a 24 months observation. The bonds volatility is calculated of all (not solely general government) bonds.. 26.2.2015 4

5 The Breakdown of The Investment Portfolio 31.12.2014 Investments are grouped according to TELA’s recommendations 26.2.2015 5

6 Fixed Investments by Sector on 31.12.2014 6 26.2.2015

7 Equity Portfolio Breakdown by Country 31.12.2014 7 26.2.2015

8 8 Breakdown of Alternative Investments 31.12.2014 26.2.2015

9 The Return and The Difference From The Strategic Allocation 26.2.2015 9

10 5 Years Investment Returns, % Returns are calculated after the costs of investment activities. The geometric average of VER’s 5 years return is 6,8 per cent and the 10 years is 5,5 per cent 11,3 % 26.2.2015 10

11 Key Figures 2013-2014 20132014 Income From Pension Premiums, MEUR1 6341 712 Net Premium, MEUR- 45-16 Transfer To State Budget, MEUR1 6781 728 Total Sum of The Balance Sheet, MEUR14 32114 715 Pension Contribution, MEUR94 00095 400 Funding Rate %*1718 Personnel2223 Cost of Investment Activities (% of average capital)0,04 11 *investments/pension provisions 26.2.2015

12 VER’s Net Premium 12 Million euros 26.2.2015

13 VER’s Pension Liability and Funding Rate 13 26.2.2015

14 VER’s Pension Premium Income and the State’s Pension Expenses 14 26.2.2015

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