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Quantum Computers: The hope of daily Life By: Ashutosh Rai.

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1 Quantum Computers: The hope of daily Life By: Ashutosh Rai

2 Quantum Computers: History Quantum computers have quite a few distinct differences from regular computers. They rely on the quantum nature of matter - that is, at subatomic levels, particles can act like waves - to analyze and perform complex operations of data. Quantum computation uses “qubits” whereby these values can be a superposition of either a 0 or 1.

3 Continue…. The field of quantum computing was first pioneered by Paul Benioff and Yuri Manin in 1980, and further pursued by Richard Feynman in 1982 and David Deutsch in 1985. Feynman’s contributions to quantum have been widely celebrated in the physics community. The development is currently still in its early years.

4 Use of quantum computers to help us in our daily life The aim of quantum computing is to speed up the computation The computational capacity required to simulate the human brain is so huge By using the quantum effects, such as tunneling, scientists think that it might be possible to overcome the problem of boosting the speeds and I think the D−wave systems is a good start.

5 Continue… Quantum computers can indirectly affect our daily lives by providing superior cryptography For example and secure our online transactions it is simply incomparable to current computers, when they operate at full capacity. D-Wave systems already has a fully functional system in its various applications.

6 Continue… Due to the superposition of quantum states, these processors can handle multiple threads at a time, compared to other computers. Quantum computers will be able to read secret messages communicated over the internet using the current technologies Such as RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and other cryptographic protocols that are based on the hardness of number- theoretic

7 Continue… Another use of quantum computers is searching huge amounts of data. Let’s say that we have a large phone book, ordered alphabetically by individual names (and not by phone numbers). If we wanted to find the person who has the phone number 6097348000, we would have to go through the whole phone book and look at every entry. For a phone book with one million phone numbers, it could take one million steps. a quantum computer would be able to do the same task with one thousand steps instead of one million.

8 Continue… Quantum computers would be useful whenever we have to find something in a large amount of data “a needle in a haystack”—whether this is the right phone number or something completely different. We discovered that a quantum computer could do it in a substantially smaller amount of time.

9 What This all Means for the General people Thanks to quantum computers, the forecast is much more reliable, and you know to bring your umbrella for the rain later that day. Thanks to quantum computers, your GPS is now able to not only predict the fastest and most traffic-free route for you, but to do it in real time as well.

10 Continue… But thanks to the new software that came out last week which incorporates quantum computing, your credit card information is still safe and sound. And on your way home after work, you go to the pharmacy to pick up the special medicine your mom needs for her illness. With the advancements in quantum computing, doctors and scientists were able to work together to find a cure and make it available in record time.

11 Continue… Although you may never own a quantum computer, the presence of quantum computing will soon impact your life in some way. With big companies like Google and NASA hopping on board, it shouldn’t take long before we start seeing some of these life-changing applications taking place. Just be patient. That accurate weather forecast or traffic- predicting GPS may not be so far off after all!


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