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October 2, 20121. Context of Austrian & EU regulations on LCPs (I)  before 1980: principle of neighbourhood protection  1980: Implementation of first.

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Presentation on theme: "October 2, 20121. Context of Austrian & EU regulations on LCPs (I)  before 1980: principle of neighbourhood protection  1980: Implementation of first."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 2, 20121

2 Context of Austrian & EU regulations on LCPs (I)  before 1980: principle of neighbourhood protection  1980: Implementation of first act with emission limit values (ELVs) for boiler plants in Austria -> change to precautionary principle  11/1988: First LCP-directive  01/1989: Stricter ELVs in Austria, ELVs for existing plants October 2, 2012Katrin Panzenböck, Austria2

3 Context of Austrian & EU regulations on LCPs (II)  1994: stricter ELVs in Austria  1995: Austrian’s accession to EU  1996: IPPC-directive (transition period for existing plants until 2007)  2001: current LCP-directive October 2, 20123

4 Context of Austrian& EU regulationson LCPs (III)  2004:Austrian Implementation of new LCP directive and IPPC for existing LCPs  2007: Adaptation of all Austrian LCPs to IPPC  2008-2010: discussion of new industry emission (IE) directive, replacing i. a. IPPC-and LCP- directives  2013 + implementation of new ELVs from IE- directive October 2, 20124

5 Different types of plants in Austria -Simmering October 2, 20125

6 Simmering  In Austria power-plants were built 1974 -2012 still in use  Different ages of plants: old ones (~1970) are more easily adapable than middle aged ones  Stack beside the power house, „end of the pipe“ air- cleaning installations can be installed  Stack on top of the power house -> problem with installation -> this type of plant was closed down in Austria October 2, 20126

7 7 Theiß

8 Plants in Austria  Theiß: built 1974/1976 -> 200o new gas turbine and power house (red) & air new purifing installations (dark grey)  Rated thermal input ~1000 MW  2000 district heating October 2, 20128

9 9 Dürnrohr

10  Two providers are owners -> two power houses  Coal fired  Built 1986  1750 MW rated thermal input  One block can be provided with hot steam from a waste incineration plant built in  Waste incineration built 2002 October 2, 201210

11 Emissions of LCPs in Austria 1990 -2004  Dust – 25 %  NOx – 17 %  SO2: 1980 -2004: - 92 %, since 1990: - 55% Reduction of emissions between 1990 and 2004: October 2, 201211 NOxSO2DustThermal Input Power plants-22 %- 72 %- 16%+ 23% Reffinery-22%+ 32 %-34%- 11% Industrie+ 9%- 69 %-34%+ 128% Total- 17%- 55%- 25%+ 23%

12 Austrian specifics  In Austria: not only early implementation, strict ELVs, no National Emission Reduction Plan (NERP) but also strict one stack approach for all boilers  Boilers in “close territorial relation”and“run as a rule at the same time”-> one stack, one boiler plant -> leads to higher total rated thermal inputs and lower ELVs October 2, 201212

13 LCP and IPPC-Directive October 2, 201213  Act on boiler-plants considers > 50 kW  In same act immission rules and IPPC for LCPs  Today given Austrian ELVs for boilers are only a „security-net“, each local administration can require stricter ELVs from the operator during authorisation of plant or during adaptation to IPPC  IPPC adaptation and immission rules led often to (much) stricter ELVs than in act, some plants have to be closed down before 2017, even though they comply with LCP-directive

14 Results of strict Rules  Austrian LCPs have the third biomass share of total energy input in EU – mostly in paper and pulp industry  Austrian LCPs have the lowest SO2 emission factor (years 2004-2006 AT = 30 g/GJ; EU Ø = 310)  Austrian LCPs have the lowest NOx emission factor  AT = 53 g /GJ; EU Ø = 129)  Austrian LCPs have the fourth lowest dust emission factor (AT = 3,5 g/GJ; EU Ø = 15,4) October 2, 201214

15 Monitoring in Austria  Continuous Monitoring starts at 10/30 MW (LCP-directive: 100 MW)  LCPs have to be controlled by an authorised expert every year  Data transmission about emissions to government since 1980 October 2, 201215

16 Reporting obligations  Reporting obligations about the emissions of (all!) steam boilers since 1980  „Dampfkesseldatenbank“ data bank on stream boilers  Since 2007 not manual census, but online database – integrated into an Austrian environement data management October 2, 201216

17 EDM - electronic data management  Operators have to provide data online  Controled by „Umweltbundesamt“ - organisation which is not public but in 100% ownership of governement -> subordinated to the minsitry of environement – principal task: data mangement  EDM asks also for other data about other environemental issues (waste, water,…) October 2, 201217

18 Thank you for your attention! October 2, 201218

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