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Unit 11 The Shirt of a Happy Man

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1 Unit 11 The Shirt of a Happy Man
(Section A 3a-3c)

2 They want to be the king. Who are they? They are brothers.
Are they friendly to each other? Why? They want to be the king.

3 a lot of wealth a lot of power a lot of fame
If you are the king, you can have … a lot of wealth a lot of power a queen Everyone will know you and everyone wants to meet you. a lot of fame

4 If you are the king, where will you live?
live in a palace have a lot of doctors They will be called in and examine you from time to time to find if there’s something wrong with your body. A. test somebody to see if he knows B. give some medicine to C. look carefully at C. look carefully at If you are the king, will you be happy?

5 prediction Is the king happy?
Look at the title and picture, and predict(预测): Is the king happy?

6 Read fast and check your prediction.
Is the king happy? 2. Underline all the characters in the story. No, he isn’t. the king; the queen; the doctor; the prime minister; the king’s banker; the palace singer; the top general

7 Careful-reading When did the story happen? Where did the story happen?
Paragraph 1&2 When did the story happen? A long time ago. A rich and beautiful country. Where did the story happen? What’s wrong with the king? He…unhappy…badly…pale…cried. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. What did the doctor say? Both medicine and rest can help him. Medicine or rest can help him. Medicine can’t help him, rest can’t help him, either. C.Medicine can’t help him, rest can’t help him, either.

8 Careful-reading Paragraph 3-5 He had … He was…
Because he worried about… happy or not people What they have reasons (worried about) losing his power the prime minister power losing his money the king’s banker wealth being followed by others the palace singer fame

9 Careful-reading Paragrap6 Finally, the king’s ____ _______was told to go out and ______ a happy man in _____ ______ time. top general find three days’

10 Retell the story a long time ago rich … beautiful country
Paras.1&2 king :unhappy…badly…didn’t feel like…pale …cried queen: …worried The shirt of a happy man. doctor:a shirt …happy prime minister: losing…power Paras.3-5 banker: losing…money singer: being followed by… Para.6 top general: was told … in …time

11 From the story, we know neither wealth nor power can make people happy.

12 Task1: Group work what makes you happy? Report :
1. What can make you happy? 2. If you want to be happy, what are you going to do? Report : In our group, we think happiness is in our mind. A: I think __________can make me happy. I am going to _____________. B: … C: … D: … If we want to be happy, we must find it by ourselves.

13 Happy. Healthy. Heavy. my shirt of happiness
The back is my family. They will always love me and support me. The front of the shirt is my healthy body. The sleeves(袖子) are my friends. They make me feel relaxed. My knowledge is the collar(衣领), which gives me dignity(尊严). And you, my kids, you are the most beautiful designs (图案) on my shirt. As time goes by, I love you more and more.

14 Task2: Design your own shirt of happiness.
______________ The front is _________. The back is __________. The sleeves are _______. The collar is __________. And the flowers on the shirt are ________.

15 Homework 1. Give you happy shirt to your family and friends.
________ 2. Role-play the story with your group. 选做作业 Search and read more stories about happiness on the Internet and then tell it to your classmates.

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