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The Rodents ORDER RODENTIA. Teeth Incisors Diastema Molars Malocclusion.

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2 Teeth Incisors Diastema Molars Malocclusion

3 Nocturnal Whiskers Prolific breeders Pests Food source Porcupette 1/year

4 History  Vermin control $  Diseases  Bubonic plague  Typhus  Hanta fever  Scientific research  Food  Fur trade items  Allegheny Wood Rat –  endangered species of rodent in PA

5 and Muskrats PARTNER SPECIES S


7 Mink (Mustela vison) Mustelidae family Semi-aquatic Hearing Sight Smell

8 Predator - opportunistic feeder Muskrats Mice Rabbits Shrews Fish Frogs Crayfish Insects Snakes Waterfowl Birds Eggs Domestic poultry

9 Dens Woodchuck tunnels Hollow logs Vacant muskrat lodges Stone piles Large tree roots Near water More than one entrance

10 Young Delayed implantation 2-7 young 3 ½” long blind, hairless 2 weeks, furred 5 weeks eyes open 6-7 weeks forage & learn to hunt w/ mom

11 Muskrats (Ondatra zibethica) Musk Rodent #1 Furbearer in USA Nicknames Marsh hare Musk beaver

12 Body Characteristics Rudder, propulsion, prop Webbed hind feet Forefeet agile, small, claws Underfur and guard hairs for insulation Weigh about 3 pounds Excellent swimmers Hold breath 15 minutes Special lips

13 Diet - herbivores aquatic plants legumes,’ grasses, grains, garden crops animal protein crayfish mussels fish frogs carrion muskrat carcasses

14 Lodges 8-10 feet across 2-3feethigh2-3feethigh Marshland channels Habitat change Keystone species Underwater entrance Rooms above water level Several rooms/tunnels Air vent central room

15 Young  Large litters  Stable population  Up to 4 litters/year  Musk trails 5-8 Blind Furless Weaned & fully furred 1 month

16 Predators  #1 Predator – Mink  Foxes  Great-horned owl  Hawks  Snapping turtles

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