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P96, Part A& B Sample answers : 1.can 2.strong 3.more 4. strong 5.sight 6.tongue 7.strong 8.see 9.strong to 11. smell.

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Presentation on theme: "P96, Part A& B Sample answers : 1.can 2.strong 3.more 4. strong 5.sight 6.tongue 7.strong 8.see 9.strong to 11. smell."— Presentation transcript:


2 P96, Part A& B Sample answers : 1.can 2.strong 3.more 4. strong 5.sight 6.tongue 7.strong 8.see 9.strong to 11. smell

3 P96, Part C Sample answers: 1.colours 2. sight 3.sense 4.smell 5.more 6.strong 7.ears 8.tongue 9.touch 10.dolphins

4 Listening text Part A Zhou Qiang: Hey, here’s a leaflet about zoo animals. Listen to what it says about elephants’ senses. Firstly, they can’t see very well----- although they can see some colours unlike horses and cattle who can’t see any colours at all! Wang Nan: Wow, I never thought about animals seeing colours!

5 Zhou Qiang: It also says that elephants have a strong sense of hearing and smell. They can hear things that other animals can’t. And listen to this: their sense of smell is better than any other animals’. How about that? Their sense of touch is good too. And they talk. Well, they make sounds to communicate with each other. They’re very clever, aren’t they?

6 Wang Nan: Yes. What about snakes? Zhou Qiang: Well, it says they have very good sight, hearing and smell. They use their tongue to sense what food is around and that’s why they are so good at hunting food ! Wang Nan: Animals’ senses are interesting. I want to find out more when I get home. Zhou Qiang: Good idea!

7 Listening text Part B Zhou Qiang: Hi, Wang Nan! I’ve been busy surfing the Net and I’ve found out some cool facts about dolphins. Did you know that they have a very strong sense of hearing? They can hear much quieter sounds than humans can. They don’t have ears like ours: they have small openings behind their eyes! They hear mostly through their lower jaw, which has fatfilled holes which send sounds to their ears. Sound also travels through the flesh and bone around their ears.

8 Dolphins can also see very well, both under and above water. They have a good sense of touch, and can feel things through their skin. They’re also very good at communicating with each other. Their worst sense is probably their sense of smell, as dolphins can’t smell anything at all! I think dolphins are very clever, like elephants, and have some very well-developed senses!


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