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1. Baseline – from LMC 5.10.11 2  Presentation by F. Bordry at LHC Machine Committee 5.10 on LS1 Organisation: 1. Linac4 is not going to be connected.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Baseline – from LMC 5.10.11 2  Presentation by F. Bordry at LHC Machine Committee 5.10 on LS1 Organisation: 1. Linac4 is not going to be connected."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Baseline – from LMC 5.10.11 2  Presentation by F. Bordry at LHC Machine Committee 5.10 on LS1 Organisation: 1. Linac4 is not going to be connected during LS1 2. Linac4 should keep its present commissioning schedule (end of commissioning April 2014)  Reasons: 1. LHC shut-down will be from November 2012 to July 2014 → no time for assessing Linac4 reliability (and no safety margin…) 2. The injectors are required to run for physics in 2014 (we need the PSB from March 2014).

3 Injector schedule for 2013/14 3 Linac4 commissioni ng is in the official LS1 schedule

4 Linac4 commissioning schedule 4 Start of beam commissioning (3MeV): May 2013 End of beam commissioning (160 MeV): April 2014 (version November 2010) 5 commissioning stages: (on intermediate dumps) 3 MeV10 MeV50 MeV100 MeV160 MeV Linac4 ready : end of April 2014 APPROVED

5 Linac4 Plans 2013/2014 5 Linac4 ready for connection to PSB (H- 160 MeV or protons 50 MeV) Linac4 Ready for connection means: 1.Transfer line to BHZ20 installed; 2.Equipment for connection to BHZ20 and upgrade of LT/LTB ready We should keep the objective of being ready from July 2014, because:

6 Future options 6 Trying to look into the crystal ball, we can see 4 possible scenarii:

7 Future options 7 Connect to the PSB during an intermediate length shut-down (2015/16 or 2016/17) a 4-5 month shutdown for upgrading the pixel detector has been asked by CMS for 15/16 or 16/17. We need 6 months for the connection, and if we start during the end-of-year ion run the time should be sufficient. Connect to the PSB during an intermediate length shut-down (2015/16 or 2016/17) a 4-5 month shutdown for upgrading the pixel detector has been asked by CMS for 15/16 or 16/17. We need 6 months for the connection, and if we start during the end-of-year ion run the time should be sufficient. Option1 Option2 In case of problems with Linac2 connect Linac4 to produce 50 MeV protons, at any moment from 2014 LHC start-up degraded PSB performance because of lower peak current, no need to modify LBE/LBS or the LT/LTB lines, minimum additional shielding in Linac2 area. Need to prepare Linac4 transfer line and the proton source or the stripping. In case of problems with Linac2 connect Linac4 to produce 50 MeV protons, at any moment from 2014 LHC start-up degraded PSB performance because of lower peak current, no need to modify LBE/LBS or the LT/LTB lines, minimum additional shielding in Linac2 area. Need to prepare Linac4 transfer line and the proton source or the stripping. Option3 Option4 Connect to the PSB during LS2 (2018 or 2019?). Depending on the physics results, there is still a (minor) possibility that LS1 will move (by one year?). In this case, one could connect eg. in 2015.

8 From LMC minutes 8

9 When will the PSB be ready for connection ? 9  If Linac4 should be ready in the 2 nd half of 2014 for an emergency connection with 50 MeV protons, it is not clear when the PSB injection equipment will be ready.  The last pre-Chamonix 2011 schedule foresaw connection at end 2015, but now some groups would like to delay the preparation of the connection equipment (instead of advancing it to end 2014…).  The issue is now being discussed in the new PSB upgrade project; it is clear that the PSB would definitely like to separate H- injection from the energy upgrade, which will certainly take place during LS2.

10 Status of the project 10  Installation in the building is progressing (presentation by J. Coupard).  The RFQ is almost completed (some recent problems are being repaired) and the 3 MeV test stand will soon deserve its name (presentation by C. Rossi). The beam measurement programme at the test stand is essential for the optimum performance of Linac4. H- will hopefully come next spring…  The new sources are progressing well (at least, no negative feedback so far…).  A recent (this week) review on the beam instrumentation has shown that we should revise some instruments to better match to the requirements for an H- beam.  The design of the transfer line has been finalised and all elements defined (next priority LBE/LBS).  The construction of the accelerating structures has started (1 st segment of DTL tank received last week, 2 CCDTL modules will be received at BINP in November, EB welding of PIMS started, etc.).  The RF tests stands are progressing well.  Started second phase of consultations for the modulator contract (last major contract to be placed!).

11 What does EVM say? 11 For the moment we are within the budget, but the project is accumulating delay

12 Linac4 subsystems 12 Building and infrastructure Positive cost index, delay 3-4 months Linac equipment Negative cost index, delay 4-5 months Still within the safety margin for a commissioning in 2014, but getting tight…

13 A couple of examples 13

14 Budget 14  Many thanks to all WP holders for providing in time the budget profile for 2011/12/13. Your quick and effective collaboration is essential!  The data has been communicated to Rpc that will correct the 2011 figures and use your estimates to prepare the 2012 budget.  Remember that project budgets are not lost, but can be reported on next year.

15 15 Thank you for your attention

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