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We listen to God’s Word during the Liturgy of the Word. The Liturgy of the Word is the first main part of the Mass when we listen to God’s Word. During.

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Presentation on theme: "We listen to God’s Word during the Liturgy of the Word. The Liturgy of the Word is the first main part of the Mass when we listen to God’s Word. During."— Presentation transcript:

1 We listen to God’s Word during the Liturgy of the Word. The Liturgy of the Word is the first main part of the Mass when we listen to God’s Word. During Mass we only listen and respond to readings from the Old Testament and not the New Testament. During the Liturgy of the Word, we worship God by listening to his Word. How can listening to the Word of God help you grow in faith? The Liturgy of the Word begins with the first reading. The first reading is from A.Old TestamentB. New Testament In the Old Testament we learn all about the great things that God did for his people BEFORE AFTER Jesus was born. YES NO

2 A ___________ is a song of praise from the Bible. A.New Testament B.Old Testament C.Homily D.Psalm After the first reading we let God’s Word enter our hearts and then we sing a psalm. The second reading is from the Old Testament New Testament. The second reading is about the teachings of the Apostles and the beginning of the Church. At the end of the first and second readings the reader says, ____________________ And we respond, ________________________ We listen as the Gospel is proclaimed. What are the four books in the New Testament called? _____________________ YES NO

3 What is not one of the four books in the New Testament? A.Matthew B.Mark C.Paul D.Luke E.John Draw a line to the correct reading of the Liturgy of the Word First ReadingGospel Second ReadingNew Testament Third ReadingOld Testament To proclaim the Gospel means to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ with praise and glory. After the Gospel, the priest talks about the readings at Mass. He helps us to understand the readings. This is called A.HomilyC. New Testament B.GospelD. Old Testament YES NO

4 What do we learn from the homily? Together we pray the Creed and the Prayer of the Faithful. After the homily we stand and pray A.The Our Father B.Creed C.Hail Mary D.Act of Contrition The word creed comes from a word that means “believe”. After the Creed we pray for the needs of all God’s people. This prayer is called The Prayer of the Faithful. List 3 things we pray for in the Prayer of the Faithful. 1 2 3 YES NO

5 The first reading at Mass is usually from the Old New Testament The second reading at Mass us usually from the Old New Testament In the homily Creed we say what we believe as Christians. A psalm Gospel is a song of praise from the Bible. We learn the Good News about Jesus’ life and teachings by listening to the A.First ReadingC. Homily B.Second ReadingD. Gospel The homily Creed is the talk given by the priest or deacon that helps us understand the readings and the Gospel and how we are to live. Match the correct word. The first main part of the Mass psalm when we listen to God’s Word A song of praise from the BibleLiturgy of the Word The talk given by the priest Or deacon that helps us understandhomily the readings and how we are to live

6 YES YES NO YES We learn how to e better followers of Jesus and we can learn to care for one another and we can grow in Gods love A BEFORE D YES NEW TESTAMENT YES The word of the Lord/Thanks be to God Yes Gospels C FIRST – Old SECOND – New THIRD – Gospel YES A Learn what is means to believe and what we can do to be better followers of Jesus. We learn how to grow closer to God and one another. YES B YES YES Whole Church, Pope, the sick, people in the parish who have died, people we know ad we want to pray for, ourselves. Old New Creed Psalm Gospel Homily 1-liturgy of the Word 2-psalm 3-homily ANSWERS

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