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Collection & preparation of Crude drugs

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1 Collection & preparation of Crude drugs

Name of the Staff : M. Padmavathi Designation : Assoc. Lecturer Branch : D. Pharmacy Institute : K.N.P.W. Year : D. Pharmacy I year Subject : Pharmacognosy Subject Code : PH-103 Topic : Collection & preparation of Crude drugs Duration : 50 Minutes Sub Topic : Rauwolfia Teaching Aids : PPT, Animations, Photographs

3 OBJECTIVES On completion of this lesson, you would be able to know
Biological source Active constituents Uses and Various methods of cultivation Collection and preparation for the market of Rauwolfia.

4 Indian Snakeroot - Rauwolfia serpentina
Known to Unknown Indian Snakeroot - Rauwolfia serpentina Fig.78.1

5 Dried Roots Fig.78.2

6 Rauwolfia Synonyms : Biological source
Rauwolfia root, Serpentina root, Chota Chand, Sarpagandha Biological source Rauwolfia consists of dried roots known as Rauwolfia serpentina belonging to the Family Apocynaceae. It consists not less than o.14% of alkaloids calculated as Reserpine.

7 Cultivation of Rauwolfia
Rauwolfia can be propagated by various methods like by seeds, roots, cuttings, roots, stumps etc., The propagation from seeds is usually the method of choice. The healthy seeds are sown into the nursery beds. The rate of germination of seeds is very low. Hence sufficient quantity of the seeds are sown.

8 Cultivation of Rauwolfia
Rauwolfia grow well in tropical forests (temperate range 10o C to 40o C) which are humid in summer. The growth is good if there is enough rainfall. Soil should be acidic (Ph 4 to 6) with more clay, but it cannot tolerate temperature below 5o C. Propagation can be done by sowing seeds or root cuttings or stem cutting.

9 FARM VIEW Fig.78.3

10 Sapling stage of Sarpagandha

11 Cultivation of Sarpagandha

12 Sarpagandha Plant Fig.78.6

13 Flowering Stage Fig.78.7

14 Fruiting stage Fig.78.8

15 Fruits Fig.78.9

16 Plant with flowers and fruits

17 Ripened Fruits Fig.78.11

The drug is mainly collected from wild plants. The roots and rhizomes are dug up in October – November from 3 to 4 year old plants. The aerial parts are removed and roots are separated. These roots are washed and dried in air till moisture content is 10 to 12%. The roots should be kept away from light.


Rauwolfia contains 30 Indole alkaloids. The alkaloids are classified into the following types. Indole alkaloids Indoline alkaloids Indolenine alkaloids Oxyindole alkaloids and Pseudo-indoxyl alkaloids

The important alkaloid of Rauwolfia is Reserpine. Apart from the alkaloids it calso contains Oleo-resin, Phytosterol, fatty acids, unsaturated alcohol and sugars. The other alkaloids present in the drug are Ajamalicine, Ajamaline, Rauwolfinine, Rescinnamine,Reserpinine, Yohimbine, Serpentine and Serpentinine.

22 USES The activities are Rauwolfia are mainly to Reserpine which has depressant action on Central Nervous System. It produces Tranquilizing effect (emotional calmness without producing hypnosis) and lowers the Blood Pressure. It can be administered orally and has cumulative effect.

23 USES It is also given parenterally in the treatment of hypertension, when the oral route is found to be impracticable. Reserpine should be used with caution in anxiety, depression and in the patients with Cardiac arrhythmia, Myocardial infarction, Bronchitis, Asthama or Gastric ulcers. It has Tranquillizing effect rather than Hypnotic one.

24 SUMMARY Rauwolfia consisting of dried roots of Rauwolfia Serpentina belonging to family Apocynanceae which contains not less than 0.14% of Alkaloids as Reserpine. Its Cultivation with different Saplings constituents and was found to be useful as Anti Hypertensive, CNS depressant, major Tranquiliser etc.

25 QUIZ Ranwolfia consists of dried roots of a) Rauwolfia serpentina
b) Witnania somnifera c) Ailanthus glandulosa d) Phytolacca decandra

26 QUIZ Rauwolfia is used as a) Antihypertensive b) Major Tranquiliser
c) CNS Depressant d) All the above

27 Frequently Asked Questions
What are the other names of Rauwolfia? Write down the biological source of Rauwolfia. What are the chemical constituents of Rauwolfia? Which is the drug which is used as Antihypertensive? How the harvesting of Rauwolfia done? Write down the preparation for the market of the drug.


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