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. Lakeside Drive and Manzanita Lane to the north corner of Jasper Lane and Manzanita Lane.

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2 Lakeside Drive and Manzanita Lane to the north corner of Jasper Lane and Manzanita Lane.

3  1 meter geophones and source intervals  Usually 3 shots at each source location  Seismographs record each shot individually › Not stacked in the field  Used rollbox to keep the source centered › Excluding the ends of the line

4  Line 4 = 887 total shot records of 120 traces each  Processed using JRG and Viewmat (v. 3.6.3)  Selected records examined with a range of bandpass filters › Designed to maximize reflections and minimize other seismic waves and noise › 20-100 Hz (10% dip) optimal for reflections in Line 4  Individually examined every record; removed any traces that failed our criteria › Non-functioning or incorrectly functioning geophone traces › Bad records caused by a misfired trigger on the source, indicated by no coherent seismic wave pattern › Strong hyperbola patterns caused by movement along the reflection line during recording


6  Line 4 = 887 total shot records of 120 traces each  Processed using JRG and Viewmat (v. 3.6.3)  Selected records examined with a range of bandpass filters › Designed to maximize reflections and minimize other seismic waves and noise › 20-100 Hz (10% dip) optimal for reflections in Line 4  Individually examined every record; r emoved any traces that failed our criteria › Non-functioning or incorrectly functioning geophone traces › Bad records caused by a misfired trigger on the source, indicated by no coherent seismic wave pattern. › Strong hyperbola patterns caused by movement along the reflection line during recording.  Constant velocity stacking › Ranged from 500 to 3500 m/s (100 m/s intervals) › Stacking reduces random-sourced signals



9  Dashed black lines = interpreted faults  Green shapes = artifact errors

10  From the unfiltered CMP stack  Dominant frequencies at ~30Hz

11  More controlled acquisition environment  Geophone functionality  Removal of 60 Hz electrical noise › Known to exist, but not dominating signal  More thorough velocity model  Our results are only preliminary › Pre-stacked depth migration

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