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October 18, 2011 Instructor Joel Williams Presented by Minh Nguyen.

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2 October 18, 2011 Instructor Joel Williams Presented by Minh Nguyen

3 Until now, sport cars are often known as “speed, fashion, expensive or luxury” means of transport. The rich are always in a competition of the latest, the most expensive, new color or the fastest cars that can show their “levels” with people who are in the same class position. Besides that, people who do not own sport cars are still dreaming of them *. I really want to know which kind of car they will buy if they are ready to have one now. I selected BMW-z4, Porsche-boxster, Audi R8 Spyder, Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, Lotus Ellise, Lamborghini-gallardo and Chevrolet Corvette to do the survey. I printed their pictures, showed them to 50 people and asked them which one they like most if they have just only one choice and tell me the reason of that choice. As a result, 11 people voted for BMW-z4, 17 voted for Porsche-boxster, 10 for Audi R8 Spyder, 2 for Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, 7 for Lotus Ellise, 2 for Chevrolet Corvette and just 1 for Lamborghini- gallardo. * I avoid calling them the poor because some people are not poor at all but they are not ready to spend a not-small amount for a sport car.

4 CarFrequencyCumulative Frequency Relative Frequency Angle Porsche - boxster17 17/50=0.34122.4 Audi R8 Spyder102710/50=0.2072 Mercedes – Benz SLS AMG 2292/50=0.0414.4 Lotus Ellise7367/50=0.1450.4 Lamborghini – gallardo 1371/50=0.027.2 Chevrolet Corvette 2392/50=0.0414.4 BMW-z4115011/50=0.2279.2 Σf = 50 Σ(f /n) = 1

5 Range: max – min = 17 – 1 = 16 Midrange: (max + min)/2 = (17 + 1)/2 = 9 Mode: 2 Mean: Sum/n of entries = 50/7 = 7.14 Median: 7





10 After the survey, I got 11 votes of BMW-z4, 17 votes of Porsche-boxster, 10 of Audi R8 Spyder, 2 of Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, 7 of Lotus Ellise, 2 of Chevrolet Corvette and 1 of Lamborghini-gallardo. When I did the survey that includes 2 questions “Which car do you like most here?” and “the reason of that choice?”, I found that most reasons of choices came from style and color of cars, some came from reliability of brand names and some came from cars’ prices. Perhaps when people really buy a sport car, their choice at that time will change but anyway, the results of the survey still help. From the most favorite cars, researchers go to find out reasons that are behind the choices, produce and send the market sport cars that match customers’ demands best.

11 Websites: Sports-Cars/ Sports-Cars/ spyder.html spyder.html People: - UHD students - HCC students - San San Tofu’s customers - Roommates - Friends

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