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SQA SEEMiS. SEEMiS Group Limited Liability Partnership, owned and managed by our partner members (local authorities) Only Education Management Information.

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Presentation on theme: "SQA SEEMiS. SEEMiS Group Limited Liability Partnership, owned and managed by our partner members (local authorities) Only Education Management Information."— Presentation transcript:


2 SEEMiS Group Limited Liability Partnership, owned and managed by our partner members (local authorities) Only Education Management Information System (MIS) provider in Scotland. All 32 local authority and some independent/GASS student data is processed and managed by SEEMiS By working closely with its members and the strategic bodies responsible for the education direction in Scotland, the Group looks to continually improve its product set and support local authorities and their associated schools to deliver their statutory and discretionary responsibilities. Introduction.......................................................

3 NORTH Aberdeen City Council Aberdeenshire Council Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Highland Council Moray Council Orkney Council Shetland Council EAST Angus Council Clackmannanshire Council Dundee City Council Fife Council Perth & Kinross Council Stirling Council CENTRAL City of Edinburgh Council East Lothian Council Falkirk Council Midlothian Council Scottish Borders Council West Lothian Council WEST Argyll & Bute Council East Renfrewshire Council Glasgow City Council Inverclyde Council Renfrewshire Council East Dumbartonshire Council West Dumbartonshire Council SOUTH Dumfries & Galloway Council East Ayrshire Council North Ayrshire Council North Lanarkshire Council South Ayrshire Council South Lanarkshire Council

4 SEEMiS and SQA have been working collaboratively to help improve services and support. SQA provide a file to SEEMiS on a yearly basis with the current SQA courses, codes, levels and units. Majority of helpdesk calls we receive are how to or issues related to missed SQA deadlines. The school Timetabler and the SQA Coordinator work together to ensure the school courses are available and relevant This Session>School Courses Offered course codes, levels and unit completion dates are correct - Progress>Administration>Secondary Units and Dates SQA courses and relevant units are confirmed for the pupils - Progress>Administration>Secondary>Confirm Courses SQA course and units are not suppressed - SQA>Suppress Course and Units Take up Report details the number of pupils by subject, level or completion date - Progress>Reports>Take Up Report Click+Go School Courses...................................................

5 SQA are the owners of the SCN numbers and SQA manage this area with schools. SQA have confirmed that only in exceptional circumstances will there ever be a need to change an SCN number for a pupil. A new SCN number is required to be generated in Click+Go as another pupil has been allocated this number requests to clear the pupils current SCN number will come to SEEMiS directly from SQA SQA will then inform the schools this action has been completed and a new number requires to be generated in Click+Go>Record Edit, SQA tab It is recommended that school also inform their Local Authority representative Pupil is attending college to complete a qualification and the college is presenting the pupils course The school should provide the college with the pupils SCN number and advise the pupil has already been registered this will help prevent a second SCN number being created Candidate has a 2 SCN numbers already allocated and SQA request the number to be changed SQA will liaise directly with the schools to complete this task. An audit of this change takes place in the background Record>Edit, SQA tab. It is recommended that school also inform their Local Authority SCN Numbers...................................................

6 A pupil is only ever registered once with SQA. Registration updates should be sent from C+G to SQA Include pupil to send a registration update ensure there is no registration date - SQA>Control Centre Including and transmitting information to SQA - SQA>Export Transmit to SQA Registering twins with the same first initial, surname and DOB are the same, both registrations are sent to SQA at the same time, SQA accepted one registration but have rejected the other registration with error R082. The rejected registration should be registered by exception, remove the registration date, include the pupil and also tick the exception box in Click+Go control centre Within SQA>Control Centre, Registration tab a pupils SQA Forename is not showing A field within pupil edit is available for the pupils SQA Forename, enter the name here or Click ‘Copy’ this will update from the Pupils Forename – Record>Edit, SQA tab Informing SQA of a pupils address change Update the pupils address within pupil edit, then send a registration update from Click+Go to SQA - Record>Edit, Address tab School have received this SQA error G003 ‘SCN and DOB, combination not known’ Remove the registration date within the control centre send resend the registration to SQA Registration...................................................

7 Course/units not coming into the control centre Check SQA catalogue making sure the SQA codes and levels are valid Offered course codes, levels and unit completion dates are correct - Progress>Administration>Secondary Units and Dates SQA courses and relevant units are confirmed for the pupils - Progress>Administration>Secondary>Confirm Courses SQA course and units are not suppressed - SQA>Suppress Course and Units Pupils entries are not pending with SQA - SQA>Control Centre Some local authorities allow dual entry presentation - Dual entry for the same course at different levels Add the course options in two separate columns, This Session>Timetable>Options>Setup Option Structure Assign options to pupil in two separate columns, This Session>Timetable>Options>Assign Individual Options Confirm course 1, run a compare in SQA>Control Centre, export to SQA, wait on SQA responding Once response from SQA received, confirm course 2, run a compare in SQA>Control centre highlight relevant course and units, ensure there is also a tick in the exception column, export to SQA Withdrawing the exam only Defer Exam, select the course and check the box beside the student you want to remove from the exam. A withdrawal through to the Control Centre for the Course award only - SQA>Defer Exam Entries...................................................

8 Running a compare in Control Centre producing an 'Unprocessed Entry Report' This report will show in the Control Centre if a result was entered into SEEMiS and accepted by SQA then altered in SEEMiS Click+Go or Tracking & Monitoring by a staff member in the school The most common reasons for this are: Pass/Fail entered in error Completion Date changed Progress>Bulk Entry>Mark National Qualifications or Tracking&Monitoring>Teacher View School has entered a fail or pass inappropriately School has submitted a FAIL in error SQA will not remove the FAIL. Schools should submit a new entry with a different completion date. Once the entry has been processed successfully, school should process a pass Results...................................................

9 School have submitted a PASS in error, this is one area where contact to SQA and SEEMiS is required School should contact SQA Data Services who will issue them with the form which the school will require to complete and return to SQA SQA would then open up the entry at their side so that the school can then take the appropriate action e.g. Fail, Withdraw, or leave open so that they can process a change of level. Schools will also need to contact SEEMiS helpdesk providing us with a copy of the form sent to SQA to allow SEEMiS to also open up the entry within Click+Go Once both SQA and SEEMiS have confirmed that the area is open. The school can update the entry as required and submit the file to SQA. The school have marked a pass for the Baccalaureate Project. SQA are rejecting it, why? The project for the baccalaureate is graded and cannot be marked via Mark National Qualification Units in Click+Go or Mark Units in Tracking & Monitoring. To mark a grade for baccalaureate, Progress>Bulk Entry>Mark Scottish Baccalaureate Units Results...................................................

10 How can I tell what I have sent to SQA from Click+Go? To check the status of the school roll, courses, units and results. More detail can be viewed by selecting the relevant column item and clicking on the arrow with the question mark - SQA>Reports>Status To see exactly what courses and units have been sent to SQA- SQA>Reports>SQA Entries list List by Subject, this is broken down into individual course codes and can be useful for departmental checks - SQA>Reports>List by Subject School are sure a course has been sent for a pupil but SQA don't have this information Candidate History this screen will show all information which has been sent from the SEEMiS system to SQA during this session. This screen will show the Command that was sent ie Entry, Withdrawal, EntryUpdate along with the file name also an indicator to show if an error was sent back from SQA - SQA>Export>Candidate History Errors sent back from SQA to SEEMiS SQA response messages will detail messages sent from SQA to SEEMiS, to see the details of the full error, click under the error column on the line this will open a small window with the full error message - SQA>Response>Messages Quality Checks...................................................

11 Schools not using the SEEMiS Tracking & Monitoring application or Pupil Tracking in SEEMiS Click+Go one tracking period per year stage must be set up in Click+Go Tracking>Set up monitoring periods so that estimates can be imported into the Click+Go SQA estimates screen where the SQA Coordinator will manually complete the estimates Schools using SEEMiS Tracking & Monitoring or Tracking in SEEMiS Click+Go In-house process is required where the SQA Coordinator will advise teaching staff which tracking period has to be populated with the pupils estimate On importing tracking into the SQA estimates area, the source, year stage and relevant tracking period are selected to import, SQA>Estimates>Edit estimates if required To transmit estimates to SQA - SQA>Export>Estimates Edit Estimates - what do the different colours signify in the edit estimate screen? SQA>Estimates>Edit Estimates Blue – estimate for the pupil has not yet been sent to SQA Black-estimate for the pupils has been sent and accepted by SQA Red – pupils course is not current Estimates...................................................

12 SQA direct SEEMiS to the dates for release and you may notice that various areas of SEEMiS will not be available when there is an embargo on results. SEEMiS will receive the results file and process this information populating Click+Go instructed by SQA. Pupil Profile, which shows SQA results for individual students Mini-stacs exam result reports Management>Mini-stacs>Whole School Report – This report will generate a pupil list and the grades attained for the selected level AND a subject list that shows how many pupils have attained each grade. The UPS Average and how many pupils have achieved a specific grade Exam Results – There are 2 reports available - overall award for all the subjects for pupils or by selecting the ‘elements’ option this will also include any unit results Exam Results by Student – specific pupil results Subject Report – Subject and level, list of pupils with course element and course award, course award estimate and UPS VISION SQA reports available VISION Reporting>SQA Tracking&Monitoring Management>SQA Results Report SQA Results...................................................

13 We provide SQA training, dates and details of the SQA Co-ordinators Course are available on our website If you are able to log Helpdesk calls these can be sent by email to or logged via the community (some local authorities ask you to go via your MIS team) Calls can be logged at any time however our operational hours are Mon- Fri, 08:30-16:45 SEEMiS adheres to SQA deadlines which will be available on the SQA Coordinators website Useful Links...................................................

14 Thank you Questions

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