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Rome High School Annual Title I Meeting 2015-2016 Rome High School Annual Title I Meeting 2015-2016 Media Center 6:30 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome High School Annual Title I Meeting 2015-2016 Rome High School Annual Title I Meeting 2015-2016 Media Center 6:30 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome High School Annual Title I Meeting 2015-2016 Rome High School Annual Title I Meeting 2015-2016 Media Center 6:30 p.m.

2 What is Title I? Title I is the largest federally funded program for elementary, middle, and high schools. Through Title I, money is given to school districts around the country based on the number of low-income families in each district. Each district uses its Title I money for extra educational services for children most in need of educational help. The focus of the Title I program is on helping all students meet the same high standards expected of all children. Georgia Department of Education. (2012). A Parent’s Guide to Title I [Brochure].

3 Purpose of a Title I School-wide Program The purpose of school-wide Title I program is to improve the entire educational program in a school which should result in improving the academic achievement of all students, particularly the lowest achieving students. The goal of such a program is to assist those students to demonstrate proficiency on academic standards.

4 Focus School Designation  Accounts for 10% of Title I Schools with a large gap between their highest- achieving subgroup and lowest-achieving subgroup or schools that have had a graduation rate lower than 60% for two years in a row.  Requires the school to have a plan (FLP- focused learning plan) to support targeted students

5 RHS School-wide Plan  New plan is nearing completion  Will Be Available on school website  Our goals include increasing graduation rate- still waiting on official % for 2015 (93%), and to surpass the state average on all GA Milestones(new EOCT)

6 What Do Your Students Do & Need?  Our curriculum  Common Core Curriculum (GSE)/GPS  Current Required Assessments-Required Proficiency  GHSGT-phased out with last year’s seniors  GA Milestones replaces EOCT for –Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Phy. Science(now at RMS), Biology, 9 th Literature, 11 th (American) Literature, US History, Economics  Passing the test is 70%  Test counts 20% of course grade which student must pass(this 1 st year will not count-teachers will create an additional final exam)

7 GA Milestones  What’s the difference, why the change?  Our standards are more rigorous requiring students to read, apply, create, and write  Now the assessments will be aligned to assess how we are teaching  Tests contain questions on the standards & questions used to make national comparisons  There will be questions requiring students to come up with the answer instead of choosing  There will be questions requiring students to write out responses  ELA & Math only this 2nd year

8 Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs)  Parent communication will go home with last year’s with scores from EOC when they are received.  Students engaging in a common sequence will receive SGPs:  – ELA: CRCT reading/ELA → 9th Grade Lit → American Lit  – Math: CRCT math → Algebra → Geometry  – Science: CRCT science → Physical Science/Biology → Biology/Physical Science  – Social Studies: CRCT social studies → US History → Economics

9 SGP Video Student Growth Percentiles SGPs-Explained

10 Parent Involvement Policies  District policy available on district website  RHS policy  Updated in July  Will be updated again in Spring 2016 and each spring annually  Available on website and in front office  Will go home with all students in September  Parent Involvement Budget  1% of district funds divided among schools as needed  RHS spends on Parent conference travel, Books given to students on Literacy Night, math resources for parents, copies for parent notifications  How is it decided?

11 Parent Compact  Updated July 2015  Input from specific meetings held with students, with parents, with teachers  Will be updated again in spring 2016 and each spring annually  Available on website and in front office  Will go home with all students in September

12 Parents Right to Know  Can request teacher qualifications  Parents must be notified if students taught more than 4.5 weeks by a non-highly qualified teacher

13 Flexible Learning Plan  Plan offered due to Focus designation  Students assigned points based on criteria such as previous test scores, attendance, and grades  Students placed in tiers based on number of points and then based on ranked are placed into FLP program  RHS program is after-school & hopeful plans for a summer extension  Tutorial sessions with software and teacher assistance in identified areas of weakness

14 Parent Rights  Reminders from the Parent Involvement Policy  Parents can AND SHOULD be involved  Parents have the right to request opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children  The school must respond to any such suggestions from parents as soon as practicably possible

15 School Contacts  Dr. Phillip Brown, Principal  Dr. Ellen Brewer, Literacy Coach  Parent Involvement Coordinator, Title I Lead Contact  Bill Singleton, Assistant Principal  Curriculum & Scheduling Contact  Ms. Linda Felton, Assistant Principal  CTAE Director, Detention Hall Issues  Mr. Gene Johnson, Assistant Principal  10 th -12 th Discipline and Bus Issues  Ms. Amber Garlin, Assistant Principal  9 th Academy  Dr. Cara Harrell, FLP Coordinator  Guidance Dept-Counseling, Testing, other  Ms. April Eidson(9 th ), Ms. Cindy Tobin(10 th ), Ms. Chaja Pinkard(11 th ), Ms. Melody Burse (12 th )

16 School Contacts  Phone 706-235-9653  Website:  Emails: @  pbrown  ebrewer  bsingleton  lfelton  gjohnson  agarlin  charrell  aeidson, ctobin, cpinkard, mburse

17 Thank You! Please Leave questions/comments on Post-Its on the Chart Paper Fill out the survey and leave on the table at the door

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