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Warm-Up “The Devil and Tom Walker” Homework: Midterm Review & RP Final Drafts.

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2 Warm-Up “The Devil and Tom Walker” Homework: Midterm Review & RP Final Drafts

3  “DTW” Quiz

4  Why do you think Tom ends as he does? How does his miserly/greedy character flaw affect him in the end? Warm-Up Essential Questions:Student Objectives: What are Romanticism, Transcendentalism, and The Gothics? How can we apply these literary genres to the texts we read? Students will define Romanticism, Transcendentalism, and The Gothics Students will apply these literary genres to the texts we read.

5   Meaning – The general idea about life that is revealed in the text.  The lesson to be learned  A theme of a love story might be: love can conquer any obstacle.  A theme of a story about suffering might be: hard work pays off. Theme

6  Greed leads to a person’s downfall. What’s The Theme?

7  “For The Love of Money” The O’Jays Money, money, money, money, money Some people got to have it Some people really need it Listen to me y'all, do things Do things, do bad things with it You wanna do things, do things Do things, good things with it Talk about cash money, money Talk about cash money Dollar bills, yall For the love of money People will steal from their mother For the love of money People will rob their own brother For the love of money People can't even walk the street Because they never know Who in the world they're gonna beat For that lean, mean, mean green Almighty dollar, money For the love of money People will lie, Lord, they will cheat For the love of money People don't care who they hurt or beat For the love of money A woman will sell her precious body For a small piece of paper It carries a lot of weight Call it lean, mean, mean green Almighty dollar I know money is the root of all evil Do funny things to some people Give me a nickel, brother can you spare a dime Money can drive some people out of their minds For The Love of Money

8  Based on the song we listened to and knowledge from your own experiences, answer the following free-write prompt in your notes section of your binder: How does money affect a person’s character? 5-Minute Free Write

9  Please take out your “Devil and Tom Walker” Guided Reading Questions. “DTW” Class Discussion

10  Fill out your “If I Had $10,000” Graphic Organizer. If I Had $10,000…

11  Where in the story did you notice Romanticism? Gothic elements? Romantic/Gothic Characteristics

12   “The Devil and Tom Walker” Guided Reading Questions  Characteristics Chart Packet  “If I Had $10,000” Graphic Organizer Please Pass Forward

13  On your post-it note, write down whether you think “The Devil and Tom Walker” fits better into Romanticism or The Gothics and a one-sentence explanation stating why you think this. Place your post-it on the whiteboard under your Block number. Romantic or Gothic? Post-It Board

14   Midterm Exam Tomorrow! Review Romanticism, Transcendentalism, and The Gothics.  Research Paper Final Drafts Due Friday – HARD COPY Homework

15 Research Paper Final Drafts Due Friday – HARD COPY

16 Warm-UpPoe“Masque”SSRHomework

17  What is symbolism ? What is an allegory ? Write down any/all prior knowledge you have about these literary elements. Warm-Up Essential Questions: Student Objectives: How can we apply Romanticism, Transcendentalism, and The Gothics to the texts we read? What is symbolism? What is allegory? How do historical and authorial backgrounds affect literature? Students will apply these literary genres to the texts we read. Students will be able to define symbolism and allegory. Students will be able to identify how historical and authorial backgrounds affect literature.

18  Symbol Something that functions in a way one would expect, but also represents something else  A double meaning  Usually stands for something abstract

19  Public Symbols Meaning – Symbols that are culturally recognized What do these public symbols represent?

20  Why Use Symbols?  Symbols are used to move the reader  Examples:  Snow White’s poisoned apple  Cinderella’s glass slipper  Symbols are easily remembered or recognized  Examples:  Flags

21  Identifying Symbols 1.Symbols are often visual.  Ex. The different types of houses in The Three Little Pigs 2.Symbols often appear throughout a story.  Ex. The White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland 3.Symbols are a form of figurative language 4.Symbols often relate to the story’s theme

22  Allegory  A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.  A double story

23  Allegory: A Story Behind a Story  An allegory is a narrative that is really a double story. One story takes place on the surface. Under the surface the story’s characters and events represent abstract ideas or states of being, things like love or freedom, evil or goodness, hell or heaven.  To work, an allegory must operate on two levels. On the level of pure storytelling, an allegory must hold our attention. Its characters must seem believable and interesting enough for us to care about them. On the allegorical level the ideas in the story must be accessible to us. As you read, you should find that the allegorical level of the story gradually begins to strike you. See if you find that Poe’s story of arrogance and death hooks you on both levels.

24 Edgar Allan Poe

25  Poe’s Family and Tragic Life  Born in Boston  The son of traveling actors  Lived a tragic and unhappy life

26  Tragic and Unhappy Life  Mother died of tuberculosis when Poe was one  Father deserted him at the age of two  Adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John Allan  Had constant disagreements with his step-father John Allan

27 ... continued  Studied briefly at the University of Virginia  Drinking and gambling difficulties kept him from continuing at UVA University of Virginia, 1856

28 ...continued  In 1836 he married his 14 year old cousin, Virginia  Last 12 years of his life he worked as a journalist, editor, and creative writer Virginia Clemm

29 ... continued  Lived in poverty stricken conditions most of his life  In 1846 his wife died after a long illness Poe’s home during the 1840’s

30  Addiction  All evidence suggests that Poe was an alcoholic.  Poe also habitually used drugs such as morphine, opium, and laudanum to treat depression and other health conditions.  Poe had a weakened nervous system due to a brain lesion and a heart condition.  Laudanum, a highly addictive, opium based medicine, was commonly used to treat headaches and stomach pains in 1800’s.

31 ... continued  Died in Baltimore after having been found in a drunken stupor  Died a poor man

32 Poe’s Work Known for: TT ales of mystery and terror stories II ntroducing the modern detective story

33  Gothic Elements Make note of each as we see them in the text  Supernatural horrors and an atmosphere of unknown terror pervades the action  High emotion, sentimentalism, but also pronounced anger, surprise, and especially terror  Use of words indicating fear, mystery: apparition, devil, ghost, haunted, terror, fright, fainting

34  Turn to p. 446 in your textbook and let’s read the historical background of “The Masque of the Red Death” together. Around 1350, Europe was struck by an epidemic of bubonic plague (Black Death) that killed more than a quarter of its population. The plague killed its victims quickly—within three to five days—and there was no cure. Artwork from that time is full of haunting symbols like the Dance of Death, where Death, personified as a skeleton, whirls anonymous figures to their graves. These grisly allegorical images spoke to the deepest fears of their audience, for whom death was a nearby presence. Note how Poe borrows from this history in his own tale of death. Historical Background


36 “The Masque of the Red Death” “The Masque of the Red Death” Page 446 – Begin pair reading the first 3 paragraphs of the text.

37   Read silently for 15 minutes.  Fill out your SSR Summary Logs. SSR

38  Finish reading first three paragraphs and answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper: What is Prospero’s plan? Research Paper Final Drafts Due Friday – HARD COPY Homework

39 Warm-Up“Masque”Homework

40  What is one symbol you can identify from our reading thus far in “Masque of the Red Death”? What do you think the symbol represents? Warm-Up Essential Questions: Student Objectives: How can we apply Romanticism, Transcendentalism, and The Gothics to the texts we read? What is symbolism? What is allegory? How do historical and authorial backgrounds affect literature? Students will apply these literary genres to the texts we read. Students will be able to define symbolism and allegory. Students will be able to identify how historical and authorial backgrounds affect literature.

41  Let’s read together – p. 447 Class Read & Discussion

42  Answer your assigned corner questions in groups based on your post-it note color. Four Corners Activity!

43  Four Corners Share!

44  Please fill out your “Masque of the Red Death” Symbolism and Allegory Chart provided. Symbolism and Allegory Chart

45  Please fill out your “Masque of the Red Death” Gothic Characteristics Chart provided. “Masque” Gothics Chart

46  Rank your comfort level with today’s lesson by giving either a thumbs up, thumbs in the middle, or thumbs down hand gesture. Thumbs Up Activity!

47  Research Paper Final Drafts Due TOMORROW in HARD COPY Homework

48 Realism, Regionalism, Naturalism (1860 – 1920) Warm-Up Realism, Regionalism, Naturalism Closure

49 Research Paper Final Drafts DUE Please pass forward!

50 Warm-Up: “Wheel of Knowledge” Essential Questions:  What are Realism, Regionalism, and Naturalism? Student Objectives:  Students will be able to define and identify characteristics of Realism, Regionalism, and Naturalism. On the wheel graphic organizer provided, each group member should fill in one section about what he/she knows about The Civil War. When you are finished, transfer the information to your notebook and answer the following question: What changes occurred during this time and how might it affect the literature of this period?


52 Background Knowledge about the Civil War

53 Literary Cultural Changes

54 From Romanticism to Realism





59 In the years after the Civil War, the United States experienced dramatic changes in: Population Technology Distribution of wealth Women’s rights *American authors reacted to these changes by turning away from their previous Romantic ideas and toward Realism. REMEMBER: Romanticism celebrated nature rather than civilization and valued imagination and emotion over rationality

60 What is Realism? Realism was a literary movement whose authors described life as they saw it, instead of how they imagined or wanted it to be.

61 REALISM  A faithful representation of reality in literature, also known as “verisimilitude.”  The appearance or semblance of truth; likelihood; probability  Emphasis on development of believable characters.  Written in natural vernacular, or dialect. Why did it develop?  The Civil War  The urbanization and industrialization of America  As a reaction to Romanticism  To show real life as real people lived it without sentimentality and supernatural elements.  Increasing rates of democracy and literacy  The emerging middle class  Upheaval and social change in the latter half of the 19 th century

62 How Did American Writers Depict War? From Romanticism to Realism Before Civil War  Most Americans depicted war with Romantic characteristics  Focused on glory of battle  Justness of a cause  Heroism of a leader After Civil War  Emphasized discomfort of military life  Horrors on the battlefield  Consequences of war

63 REGIONALISM What is Regionalism?  Often called “local color.”  Focuses on characters, dialect, customs, topography, and other features specific to a certain region (eg. the South)  Coincided with Realism and sharing many of the same traits.  Prominent from 1865-1895  Why did Regionalism develop?  Dual influence of Romanticism and Realism  The Civil War and the building of a national identity  An outgrowth of realism with more focus on a particular setting and its influence over characters

64 Naturalism What is Naturalism?  Applied scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to the study of human beings.  Influenced by Darwinism (natural selection) and psychology (Freud)  Believed that men were governed by heredity and environment.  Often depict man in conflict with nature, society, or himself.  Prominent from 1880-1920(ish) Why did Naturalism develop?  The swell of immigrants in the latter half of the 19 th century, which led to a larger lower class and increased poverty in the cities  The prominence of psychology and the theories of Sigmund Freud  Pessimism in the wake of the Civil War and Reconstruction  Publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species

65 Something to Think About


67 Writing prompt In one paragraph (5-7 sentences) write about a time in your life in which you had to overcome a challenge. How did overcoming this challenge better your character?

68 Fist-To-Five How comfortable do we feel with Realism, Regionalism, and Naturalism on a scale of 0-5?

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