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Control surfaces sgt. Vojtěch Pták 23-4PIL 17.4.2014; Brno.

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Presentation on theme: "Control surfaces sgt. Vojtěch Pták 23-4PIL 17.4.2014; Brno."— Presentation transcript:

1 Control surfaces sgt. Vojtěch Pták 23-4PIL 17.4.2014; Brno

2 three axes three movement by them



5 ELEVATOR is to control pitching – movement by the lateral axis Operated by the stick pushing it forward for nose down or pulling backwards for nose up. When you push it, elevator recessed to the horinzontal stabilizer on the empennage goes down => more lift to fin – nose down And the other way around

6 AILERONS The control surfaces at the trailing edge in the end of the wing they are being used to control longitudinal axis, which is controlling the rolling Operated by the stick pushing it to sides. When you pust the stick to the left, the left aileron goes up and the right aileron goes down Movement up – spoiler – the need of diferenciaton It moves more down than up

7 RUDDER is controlling yawing – the vertical axis Operated by pedals using legs. When you push left pedal, the rudder - which is recessed to vertical stabilizer – moves left. Gyroscopic moment – when it moves by one axis, it moves by the other one too. Thanks to propeller

8 FLAPS To increase lift Operated by special stick or a button Located in the trailing edge close to fuselage Take off and landing position Several kinds of flaps


10 FLAPS + ELEVATOR in 1 - divided

11 SPOILER Installed on the wing to be flipped up to annul the lift Used as a brake INTERCEPTOR Analogy of spoiler Installed in the bottom part of the wing

12 Combination In endeavour to make control surfaces more effective and save some space and material and even all components, developers made a big effort to combine some surfaces and make them multipurpose. The description and function explanation is following


14 Combination of elevator and aileron Mounted only to the planes without empennage When both move up or down – elevator When opposite ways – aileron To combine pitch and roll – diferenciation of the movements


16 Combination of flap and aileron Installed on the trailing edge of the wing To substitute aileron – one moves down, the other holds position When both moves down – flaps When one moves all the way down and the other less – the same as turning while flaps protruded


18 Combination of rudder and elevator Installed on the empennage, on two inclined stabilizers When both moves the same way – elevator Oposite ways – rudder Any other combination of movements – combination of yawing and pitching

19 F-22 RAPTOR


21 Aileron situated in the tail of the plane All stabilizer is movable Moving different ways causes rolling Moving same ways causes pitching


23 Combination of spoiler and aileron Situated on the trailing edge at the end of wing When moving up – spoilers When moving oposite ways - aileron


25 CANARD Analogy to taileron – but in front Substitution of elevator

26 1 Wingtip - winglet 2 Low Speed Aileron 3 High Speed Aileron 4 Flap track fairing 5 Krüger flaps 6 Slats 7 Three slotted inner flaps 8 Three slotted outer flaps 9 Spoilers 10 Spoilers Air-brakes


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