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 i (plural)fungi, nuclei, alumniLatin  jus (law)justice, justify, unjustLatin  lum (light) luminous, illuminate, superluminousLatin  ann (year)annual,

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Presentation on theme: " i (plural)fungi, nuclei, alumniLatin  jus (law)justice, justify, unjustLatin  lum (light) luminous, illuminate, superluminousLatin  ann (year)annual,"— Presentation transcript:

1  i (plural)fungi, nuclei, alumniLatin  jus (law)justice, justify, unjustLatin  lum (light) luminous, illuminate, superluminousLatin  ann (year)annual, anniversary, annuity Latin  apo (away) apology, apogee, apostasyGreek  sen (old) senile, senior, seniority Latin  sol (alone) solitude, solo, deolateLatin  bas (low) bass, contrabase, basilLatin  rogat (ask)interrogation, derogatory, arrogateLatin  parl (speak)parliament, parlor, parlandoLatin

2  Do bacilli and fungi have nuclei in their cells?  Can a system of justice ever be unjust?  The luminous moonlight illuminated the aluminum sculpture.  The superannuated doorman celebrated his fiftieth anniversary.  Once the satellite reached its apogee, we could not find it with binoculars.

3  The senior class president befriended the not- so-senile old man.  On his solo transcontinental flight, he enjoyed the solitude.  Basic instructions are included with each new bassoon.  The interrogation was derogatory in tone.  Several members of the Parliament had a parley in the parlor.

4 1. Do solifidians believe in salvation through faith alone? Yes, solifidians believe that only (sol) faith (fid) is necessary. 2. Can you close a business deal by abrogating it? No, to abrogate is to ask (rogat) that something be taken away (ab). It is to nullify. To abrogate a deal is to break it. 3. Is a kindergarten child a superannuated individual? No, a superannuated person is high (super) in years (ann). 4. Is the moon at apogee near to or far from the earth? At apogee, the moon is away (apo) from the earth (geo).

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