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1. The critic’s acidulous review of the movie persuaded many people not to see it. Parts: ac (sharp, bitter); ous (full of) Educated Guess: Definition:

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Presentation on theme: "1. The critic’s acidulous review of the movie persuaded many people not to see it. Parts: ac (sharp, bitter); ous (full of) Educated Guess: Definition:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. The critic’s acidulous review of the movie persuaded many people not to see it. Parts: ac (sharp, bitter); ous (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Sharp tasting or sour; Bitter and cutting (a remark) Antonyms: kind, benevolent, considerate, affable Variant forms: na Context Phrase: Acidulous - adj Synonyms: caustic, acrimonious, sardonic, trenchant

2 2. What anthropomorphic traits do bears and monkeys share? Parts:anthrop(mankind); morph(shape, form) ic(char. of) Educated Guess: Definition: Having human characteristics or behavior (god, animal, object) Antonyms: na Variant forms: anthropomorphism (n) Context Phrase: Anthropomorphic - adj Synonyms: humanlike, anthropoid, human

3 3. Tired of the oppressive autocrat who had ruled for many years, the people finally revolted. Parts: auto (self); crat (rule) Educated Guess: one who rules by himself only Definition: A ruler who has absolute power; An imperious or domineering person; Someone who insists on complete obedience from others Antonyms: na Variant forms: autocratic (adj) autocracy (n) Context Phrase: Autocrat - noun Synonyms: despot, dictator, tyrant, oppressor

4 4. Who wrote the bon mot, “Parting is such sweet sorrow:? (Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet.) Parts: bon (good); mot (word) Educated Guess: Definition: A witty remark; A clever saying Antonyms: na Variant forms: na Context Phrase: Bon mot - noun Synonyms: witticism, pun, quip, paronomasia, adage

5 5. His collusion with the enemy resulted in his being convicted of treason. Parts: col (together, with) lus (play, mock); ion (act of) Educated Guess: Definition: Secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others. Antonyms: na Variant forms: collude (v) Context Phrase: collusion - noun Synonyms: conspiracy, plot, scheme, cabal, machination

6 6. The bad news abruptly ended the convivial mood of the party. Parts: con (together, with); viv (life); ial (related to) Educated Guess: Definition: Friendly, lively enjoyable (atmosphere or event); Cheerful, amiable, jovial (person) Antonyms: gloomy, depressing, introverted, glum Variant forms: conviviality (n); convivially (adv) Context Phrase: Convivial - adj Synonyms: sociable, outgoing, extroverted, exuberant

7 7. In a court of law, every person should be treated with equity and respect. Parts: equ (same); ity (state or condition) Educated Guess: Definition: Fairness; Net value of property after debts paid Antonyms: inequity, disparity, bias, unfairness Variant forms: equitable (adj); equitably (adv) Context Phrase: Equity - noun Synonyms: fairness, impartiality, justice, equality

8 8. The philanthropist’s fervid interest in sculpture motivated her to give millions of dollars to build a new art museum. Parts: ferv (boil, bubble) id (related to) Educated Guess: Definition: Intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree; Hot, glowing, fiery Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, dispassionate, blasé Variant forms: fervent (adj); fervor (n) Context Phrase: Fervid - adj Synonyms: zealous, impassioned, intense, ardent, avid

9 9. The media referred to the murderer as “evil incarnate.” Parts: in (in, into); carn (flesh, meat); ate (cause, make) Educated Guess: Definition: Embodied in flesh; In human form; To give bodily, especially human, form to; To give concrete shape or form to Antonyms: na Variant forms: na Context Phrase: Incarnate - adj Synonyms: embody, personify

10 10. The minister advised his congregation to avoid lying, stealing, and other iniquities. Parts: in (not); equ (same, equal, just); ity (state) Educated Guess: Definition: Immoral or grossly unfair behavior, gross injustice Antonyms: righteousness, virtue, godliness Variant forms: na Context Phrase: Iniquities - noun Synonyms: wickedness, sinfulness, unrighteousness

11 11. Winning the lottery jackpot brought him worry and fear, not he joie de vivre he had expected. Parts: joie (joy); de (of, from); viv (life) Educated Guess: Definition: Exuberant enjoyment of life; Hearty or carefree enjoyment of life Antonyms: doldrums, despair, gloominess, melancholy Variant forms: na Context Phrase: Joie de vivre - noun Synonyms: exuberance, vitality, zest, zeal

12 12. Sometimes we become overwhelmed by the minutiae of everyday life and neglect to enjoy what is truly important. Parts: minut (small); ae (indicates plural) Educated Guess: Definition: The small, precise, or trivial details of something Antonyms: importance, priorities Variant forms: minutia (singular noun) Context Phrase: Minutiae - noun Synonyms: trivialities, details, trifles, superficialities

13 13. The in-laws thought they were being helpful, but the young couple thought that they were being nosy and officious. Parts: opus (work); fic (do) ious (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Offering unwanted advice or service, usually in an assertive, domineering way Antonyms: uninterested, uninvolved Variant forms: officiously (adv.) Context Phrase: Officious - adj Synonyms: meddlesome, intrusive, nosy, prying

14 14. The scientist perused thousands of pages of research before proposing his theory. Parts: per (through); us (use) Educated Guess: Definition: To read or examine with great care Antonyms: skim, riffle, scan Variant forms: perusal (noun) Context Phrase: Peruse - verb Synonyms: scrutinize, study, examine

15 15. The manager was totally unsuccessful in his effort to appease the petulant customer. Parts: pet (seek, ask); ant (characterized by) Educated Guess: Definition: Displaying or characterized by bad humor, especially over something minor, Childishly sulky; Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered Antonyms: pleasant, good natured, charming, cheerful Variant forms: petulance (n); petulantly (adv) Context Phrase: petulant - adj Synonyms: peevish, bad-tempered, testy, fretful

16 16. The popular guy was presumptuous to think the new girl would feel flattered by his attention. Parts: pre (before); sumere (take); ous (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Excessively forward or confident Antonyms: shy, cautious, circumspect, fearful,timid Variant forms: presumption (n); presumptuously (adv) Context Phrase: Presumptuous - adj Synonyms: arrogant, bold, audacious, egotistical

17 17.The police thought that, if they could apprehend the putative leader, he would give them important info about the others. Parts: put (think); ive (tending to) Educated Guess: Definition: Generally regarded as such; thought to be so Antonyms: confirmed Variant forms: putatively (adv) Context Phrase: Putative - adj Synonyms: reputed, supposed, purported

18 18. The booming voice of the dictator resonated throughout the crowd. Parts: re (back, again); son (sound);ate (cause, make) Educated Guess: Definition: To produce or be filled with a deep, full reverberating sound Antonyms: na Variant forms: resonance (n); resonant (adj) Context Phrase: resonated - verb Synonyms: resound, reverberate, echo

19 19. Early scientists often used sophistry in their efforts to explain the universe. Parts: soph (wise); try (science, art) Educated Guess: Definition: A plausible but misleading argument; A fallacious argument Antonyms: na Variant forms: sophist (n) Context Phrase: Sophistry - noun Synonyms: fallacy

20 20. He traversed the country collecting material and interviewing people for the book he planned to write. Parts: trans (across); vers (turn) Educated Guess: Definition: To travel across or through; To move back and forth, over, or along Antonyms: na Variant forms: traversal (n), traverser (n) Context Phrase: Traversed - v erb Synonyms: crisscross, wander, intersect

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