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Workshop Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) for oceanography - introduction Dick M.A. Schaap – MARIS March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) for oceanography - introduction Dick M.A. Schaap – MARIS March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) for oceanography - introduction Dick M.A. Schaap – MARIS March 2016

2 2 EUROFLEETS2 Project: Research vessels are necessary for marine science: –to maintain observation systems –to monitor oceanographic parameters –to deploy sophisticated equipments in the deep sea –to carry out specific observation missions –to collect rare and sensitive biological samples. Their role is expanding with the development of new in-situ operational observation systems (moorings, floats, gliders, seabed observatories...).

3 3 EUROFLEETS2 Project: RVs are essential for a high quality of marine research Very expensive assets with high costs for development, investment, operation, maintenance and implementation A continued investment flow is vital to maintain and increase Europe’s research capacity The EU FP7 Project aims at developing a common strategy and establishing an integrated European infrastructure for the European fleet of research vessels.

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5 5 FOSTERING INNOVATION AND INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS: Is a major project objective and aims at: –Exploring opportunities for technology transfer and innovation between the project and industry –Establishing a regular dialogue with industrial organizations as providers and users –Implementing and evaluating a number of potential business cases Opportunities for technology transfer are provided by 2 RTD work packages: 1.Regional RVs guidelines and generic designs 2.Software and Tools

6 6 1. RRV GUIDELINES AND GENERIC DESIGNS Subjects under research are: –Noise and vibration reduction –Bubble sweep-down avoidance –Work deck installations  Specifications and guidelines for RRVs  Input for innovative basic designs for RRV’s Potentially interested industry partners are those engaged in design, outfitting and building of research vessels

7 7 2. SOFTWARE AND TOOLS Subjects under research: –Developing Eurofleets Automatic Reporting System (EARS) –Includes developing Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) standards and services for streamlined and standardised exchange of metadata and data aboard the vessels and to the data centres at shore Will feed into the EVIOR platform - European Virtual Infrastructure in Ocean Research – which tracks RVs that are equipped Potentially interested industry partners are manufacturers of oceanographic and navigation instruments

8 8 SWE – COOPERATION ANDS TUNING WITH OTHER PROJECTS Multiple SWE developments in Europe: –EUROFLEETS2 –SeaDataNet –JERICONext –SenseOcean –NexOS –SCHeMA –ODIP and ODIP II with USA and Australia –FixO3 –CommonSense Projects in USA –X-DOMES –US-IOOS –MMI

9 9 SWE – COOPERATION ANDS TUNING WITH OTHER PROJECTS Option to elaborate, demonstrate and establish international oceanographic SWE standards For research vessels and fixed platforms To streamline and harmonize the flow of (meta)data

10 10 SWE WORKSHOP AT OI2016 Giving an overview and state of art Facilitating dialogue between research and industry, in particular manufacturers of platforms and instruments Seeking follow-up in dialogue and possible use cases with interested parties

11 11 SWE WORKSHOP AT OI2016 - PROGRAMME Eurofleets2 on board data management system (EARS) development by Jordi Sorribas – CSIC (Spain) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) standards by Simon Jirka – 52North (Germany), presented by Joaquin del Rio - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) Importance of Controlled Vocabularies by Alexandra Kokkinaki – NERC-BODC (United Kingdom) The X-Domes project by Janet Fredericks – WHOI (USA) Pilot with SWE in the Adriatic by Elena Partescano – OGS (Italy) The SCHeMA project by Paolo D’Angelo – ETT (Italy) Panel discussion

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