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Class Cestoidea Hymenolepis nana.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Cestoidea Hymenolepis nana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Cestoidea Hymenolepis nana

2 Class Cestoidea, classification
A- Intestinal cestode :live in the lumen of intestine:eg Taenia saginata Taenia solium Hymenolepis nana B- Tissue cestodes: present within the tissue (liver,lung,bone....) Cysticercosis Hydatid disease

3 Hymenolepis nana Disease :hymenolepiasis nana Morphology:1-3 cm,
scolex with 4 suckers and hooks, neck, immature segments, mature segments, gravid segments

4 Hymenolepis nana adults

5 Morphology Egg:spheroid, translucent, Internal 4-8 polar filaments
Cystocercoid:bladder like structure with the head in upright position

6 Cysticercoid (larval stage)

7 Life cycle 1- adult in the small intestine (definitive host)
2-Mature eggs pass with feces ( diagnostic AND infective stage) 3- NO( intermediate host) 4- The definitive host is infected by ingestion of food,drink contaminated with eggs ( mode of infection)

8 Very important auto infection
Types : internal,eggs hatch in intestine,converted into cysticercoid,adult worms External: feco-oral:lack of personal hygiene,person transmittes eggs from anus to mouth by contaminated hands,reach to stomach, hatch, converted into cysticercoid,in the intestinal wall, adult.

9 Signs and symptoms 1- in light infections,no symptoms
2- enteritis,colic,diarrhoea 3- dizziness and convulsion in children( neurotoxic effect)

10 diagnosis 1- clinical picture 2- finding eggs in stool

11 H.nana egg

12 Treatment Niclosamide ( 2 gm) chewed and swallowed with a little amount of water

13 Prevention and control
1- personal cleanliness 2-treatment of infected persons 3- avoid contaminated food or drink

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