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Hamilton County ARES Monthly Meeting February 25 th, 2016.

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1 Hamilton County ARES Monthly Meeting February 25 th, 2016

2 Meeting Rules No food is allowed in the meeting room. We will have access to the adjoining kitchen where food and drinks will be allowed. Only sealed drink containers are allowed in the meeting room. No Alcoholic beverages permitted. No smoking. Smoking is allowed in designated outdoor area at least 25 feet from the building and away from the main entrance.

3 Meeting Rules No open flames (including candles) of any kind all allowed within property owned by the Red Cross. We are required to clean up at the end of all meetings. Parking is not allowed at the side door. Please park in the main lot.

4 Announcements There is one Public Service Events on the schedule for HCARES during March. The Chattanooga Marathon will be held on March 6 th. The event will start at 8:00am at the Aquarium and end at Finley Stadium. map/ChattMarathon_MAPS_Marathon%2 0(1).pdf map/ChattMarathon_MAPS_Marathon%2 0(1).pdf

5 Announcements 2016 Chattanooga Marathon March 6 th (Sunday) 26.2 mile distance This is the first year for this event. The operating period for the operation will most likely be 7:00am to 3:00pm. There are 13 Aid stations located on the course that could use an operator stationed

6 Announcements 2016 Chattanooga Marathon We need 17 operators to cover Aid Stations, Start, Finish, and Net Control. Need more if working short shifts and relief We can work with your schedule. We can also team you up with someone if you are not sure if you want to man a position on your own or if this is your first event.

7 Annoucements 2016 Chattanooga Marathon We will be using repeaters so handhelds should get the job done. Operators will be tasked with keeping count of runners passing their location and passing any aid traffic to Net Control as needed. Half Marathon will be starting at 8:00am

8 Announcements “Amateur Radio Parity Act,” HR.1301 February 11 th the bill passed out of subcommittee to full committee by voice vote. It currently has 120 cosponsors. Calls for the FCC to apply reasonable accommodations rules to private land use restrictions

9 S1685 S1685 is currently in Committee and has been marked up on November of 2015. This is the Senate version of the House bill. It currently has 3 cosponsors. 5U1cJ6E 5U1cJ6E

10 Net Control Operations Net- Individuals acting together to increase efficiency and effectiveness through shared information and resources. The purpose of a net is to provide a means of orderly communication within a group of stations.

11 Net Control Operations There are two types of nets. Directed- also sometimes called formal nets Open- also called informal, undirected, or free mode

12 Net Control Operations Directed Nets Have a formal structure and rules and directives The Net Control Station will issue instructions on how the net will be run, All communication goes through a net control station

13 Net Control Operations Directed Nets NCS- Net Control Station- The station that is performing the net control duties( W4AM, KI4KLM) NCO- Net Control Operator- Amateur operating the net control station(KE4IDH, K4VOM, KG4OVQ)

14 Net Control Operations NCO- There will often be more than one NCO for public service, and Emergency Nets For weekly nets, the NCS and the NCO will be the same call sign.

15 Net Control Operations Directed Nets Directed nets can be divided into 2 types –Scheduled Nets ARES Training Net CARC Social Net Skywarn –Emergency Nets

16 Net Control Operations Net Control for ARES Nets The Net Control Operator is in charge of running the net. Keeps a log of check-ins and notes when stations leave the net (closing or off frequency)

17 Net Control Operations Net Control for ARES Nets NCO controls the flow of messages according to priority Keeps record of where messages come from and where they go.

18 Net Control Operations Use the Net script (Preamble) to run the net. The script can be found on the Hamilton County ARES webpage at Look under the Net menu tab. Write down all check-ins. Note if they have any traffic and what level the traffic is.

19 Net Control Operations After initial check-ins, go back and call on the stations that had traffic in order of importance. Priority traffic goes first, followed by routine traffic. Emergency Traffic always comes first. The net stops and does not continue until emergency traffic is passed.

20 Net Control Operations Priority Traffic- This is for important messages having a specific time limit, official messages not covered in the emergency category, press dispatches and emergency-related traffic not of the utmost urgency. Routine Traffic- Most traffic during normal times (announcements)

21 Net Control Operations Training- after check-ins are done and any traffic is passed, NCO will start the training portion of the net. If the NCO does not have anything already planned, they can ask if there is a station with a training topic to give.

22 Net Control Operations After training is completed, ask if anyone has any questions or comments on the training subject. Then go down the check-in list and ask for any general comments or questions. At the end, ask if there are any late check- ins. Ask them if they have any comments This is for important messages having a specific time limit, official messages not covered in the emergency category, press dispatches and emergency-related traffic not of the utmost urgency. This is for important messages having a specific time limit, official messages not covered in the emergency category, press dispatches and emergency-related traffic not of the utmost urgency.

23 Net Control Operations Helpful tips for NCOs Try to start a scheduled net on time. Use a script Speak slowly and clearly with an even tone Speak across the face of the mike not into it

24 Net Control Operations Have paper and pencil handy for logging check-ins and taking notes. When there is a double, try to pick out some of the call sign of the stronger station. Ask all stations to stand by and try to connect with the stronger station. After that ask for the other station to give their call sign

25 Net Control Operations During check-ins, recognize participants by name when possible Make sure to give your call sign and purpose of the net every nine minutes Don’t think on the air. If you need time to decide what you want to say, tell the net to “stand by” and un-key your mike.

26 Net Control Operations Keep transmissions as short as possible. Use the Standard ITU phonetics Use plain English, leave the q codes for cw

27 Net Control Operations Practice Tips Practice Copying all call signs Writing down traffic and other information Practice listening Practice passing NTS messages

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