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EMIS Training FTE Reports 6/9/2016. Overview Students are funded based on an annualized full-time equivalent enrollment or “FTE”. The FTE for a student.

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Presentation on theme: "EMIS Training FTE Reports 6/9/2016. Overview Students are funded based on an annualized full-time equivalent enrollment or “FTE”. The FTE for a student."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMIS Training FTE Reports 6/9/2016

2 Overview Students are funded based on an annualized full-time equivalent enrollment or “FTE”. The FTE for a student is generated using EMIS data, sometimes from multiple Local Education Agencies or “LEAs”. FTE Reports are generated for districts and can be used by districts to verify data accuracy and to reconcile with School Finance Payment Reports or “SFPRs”. Traditional districts, JVSDs, ESCs, Community schools, and STEM schools receive FTE Reports which are Level 2 Validation Reports contained within the Data Collector in the Student (S) Collections. 2

3 Outline FTE Report data Focus Elements Percent of Time versus FTE EMIS Calendars The Base FTE calculation FTE Fund Pattern Code assignments FD Attributes FTE Adjustment Report FTE Summary Reports FTE Reports and SFPR reconciliation 3

4 FTE Report Data EMIS data is used to generate FTE Reports Data accuracy and completeness are critical for the generation of correct reports The following slides will review the data elements used to create FTE Reports and how the elements will appear on the FTE Reports 4

5 FTE Report EMIS Data Used FS Student Standing Data Admission Date Attending Building IRN District Relationship Effective Start and End Dates How Received How Received IRN Legal District of Residence Sent to Reasons Sent to Percent of Time Tuition Type Withdrawal Reason CN –Course Master and GN – Student Course Data Location IRN Course Enrollment Start and End Dates FD Student Attribute Data Attendance Pattern Disadvantgement Disability Condition Limited English Proficiency State Equivalent Grade Level DL –Grade Schedule and DN – Organization – General Information Record Data District IRN Building IRN Grade First and Last Day of School Organization IRN PS Special Education Agreements 5

6 Data Collector Level 2 Validations Generate Full Validation Report Click on the link to download the zip file 6

7 Open file Choose the FTED-001 FTE Detail Report to begin the process of reviewing the FTE Detail Report columns on the next slide 7

8 FTE Detail Report Columns RPT DEST IRN – The IRN of the district receiving the report BLDG IRN – The IRN of the building of enrollment. Note that when building IRNs change, there is an issue where the FTE Detail report may not contain updated building IRN values. SSID – Student State Identification number EMISID – The student’s local ID Last Name First Name LEA IRN – The IRN of the district that is educating the student 8

9 FTE Detail Report Columns Continued LEVEL 2 REC TYPE CODE – This column contains the name of the report (good one to hide) FTE START DATE – Start date of this specific FTE calculation RESULT CODE – Appears as FT0000 on the FTE Detail Report and will reflect Adjustment Codes on FTE Adjustment Report (another good one to hide on this report) FTE FUND PTTRN Code – Determined by ODE based on Student EMIS coding LEGAL DIST OF RES IRN – Based on EMIS data reported ORIG FTE – Base FTE calculated on the FS and FD records and calendar data. ADJSTD FTE – Includes cross-district data and other FTE adjustments STATE EQUIV GRADE LEVEL CODE – From EMIS FD Record 9

10 FTE Detail Report Columns Continued DISAB CNDTN – Disability Condition from FD record SPECED CAT – Six different special education categories of weighted funding based on the severity of the disability Category 1 - #5 Speech and Language Impairments Category 2 - #9 Intellectual Disabilities, #10 Specific Learning Disabilities, #15 Other Health Impaired Minor, #16 Developmental Delay Category 3 - #3 Deafness, #8 Emotional Disturbance Category 4 - #4 Visual Impairments, #14 Other Health Impaired Major Category 5 - # 1 Multiple Disabilities, #6 Orthopedic Impairments Category 6 - #2 Deaf-Blindness, #12 Autism, #13 Traumatic Brain Injury 10

11 FTE Detail Report Columns Continued ECON DISADV FLAG – Economically Disadvantaged, Y or N LEP CODE – Limited English Y, L, S, M, N FTE END DATE – End date for this specific FTE Calculation FTE INCL CODE – Indicates the portion of the student’s FTE that is included in the report destination IRN’s FTE. **Consider moving this column next to the FTE Fund Pattern Code column in Excel** FULL – The full FTE is included in the ADM of the district receiving the report PART – A portion of the FTE is included in the ADM of the district receiving this report, determined by the Fund Pattern Code NONE – None of the FTE is included in the ADM of the district receiving the report 11

12 FTE Detail Report Columns Continued Calendar – Calendar used in this FTE calculation LEA TYPE – Regular – Traditional public schools/JVSDs/ESCs STEM – STEM Districts B&M COMM – Brick and mortar community schools E-SCHOOL – Online Ohio community school CBDD – County Board Developmental Disabilities Total Hours Enrolled for this Record Total Hours Enrolled for this Calendar SRC DATA – Indicates the data submission used for the report 12

13 FTE Report Rows Students can have multiple rows on the FTE reports because of more than one enrollment or withdrawal or changes to their enrollment situation. Multiple rows can also appear because of changes to their: Disability Condition Economic Disadvantgement Limited English Proficiency Status State Equivalent Grade Level A Base FTE is calculated for each row of data An FTE Fund Pattern Code is assigned to each row FTE Adjustments can be made to each row of data 13

14 Quick Check Has up-to-date EMIS student data been reported in your Student Collections to generate the FTE reports? Has your EMIS Calendar Collection been submitted? Are you able to access the FTE Reports in the Data Collector and open each of the six FTE reports in Excel? FTE Reports contain student funding data and can be used to review and reconcile student data. This process is dependent on accurately reported EMIS data. 14

15 Focus Element - Percent of Time versus FTE Percent of time is the value reported on the Student Standing (FS) Record Student FTE is the value calculated for funding purposes (Total Enrolled Hours x Total Percent of Time) divided by Calendar Hours 15

16 Percent of Time A student’s percent of time is an important factor in the calculation of the funded FTE The Percent of time calculation has changed multiple times recently: In prior years the percent of time was calculated based on periods of the day The percent of time calculation changed for high school students to be calculated based on attempted credits (March 23, 2015) Now the calculation for high school percent of time can be done using the method that generates the highest percent of time (as of February 1, 2016) Shared students cannot be reported with a total percent of time greater than 100% for any given period of time 16

17 Calculating Percent of Time-Periods versus Credits A High School Student is enrolled in 5 courses for a total of 4.5 credits for the year. The student is at the high school for 5 periods out of a possible 7 periods a day “Periods of the Day” calculation (7 out of 7 periods a day = 100%) 5 courses or periods divided by 7 periods = 71% “Attempted Credits” calculation (5 or more credits = 100%) 4.5 divided by 5 = 90% In this example, the district should use the Attempted Credits calculation and report 90% Students in grades 1 through 8 should be calculated using the “Periods of the Day” calculation 17

18 Preschool and Kindergarten Percent of Time Preschool Percent of Time is based on their number of hours per week. Preschooler who attends less than 19 hours per week, report as 50% Preschooler who attends 20 or more hours a week, report as 100% Kindergarten Percent of Time is also based on the student’s number of hours per week but is a more specific calculation A kindergarten student who attends between 12.5 hours per week to 17.5 hours per week, report 50% to 69% A kindergarten student who attends between 17.6 hours per week and 24.9 hours per week, report 70% to 99% A kindergarten student who attends 25 or more hours per week, report as 100% 18

19 Sent to Percent of Time for CCP College Credit Plus Participants will have a Sent to “PS” and a Sent to Percent of Time The physical location of the CCP course and the teacher of the course have no impact on the Sent to Percent reported Combined total percent of time must not exceed 100 The reported “Sent To” Percent of Time will have no impact on district funding for CCP students If the student is sent to more than 2 places, then combine the sent to PS as needed Example, the student attends a CTC and two colleges for CCP. Report the Sent to 1 as JV with 0% of time, then combine the two colleges into one value and report the Sent to as one college (choose one) 19

20 Quick Check Are all student percent of time calculations accurate? Are all Sent-to percent of time calculations accurate? Are students with changes to percent of time reported correctly on multiple Student Standing (FS) records? Student Percent of Time is used to calculate student FTEs for funding. There are adjustments and errors for students reported in excess of 100% however, there are no errors when a student is reported with less than a full percent of time. 20

21 Focus Element - EMIS Calendars Calendar data is used to create the denominator in the calculation of student FTEs Incorrect calendar data can negatively impact student FTE calculations Example, Seniors attend three days less than other high school students. Seniors are placed on a default calendar (1080 hours) and withdrawn on their last day which is three days before the end of the default calendar (1062 hours). (1062 x 100%) divided by 1080 = Student FTE 0.98 In this example, seniors should be placed on a calendar that represents attendance days for their attending situation (1062 hours) which will generate a full FTE for a senior who is enrolled all year. (1062 x 100%) divided by 1062 = Student FTE 1.00 21

22 Attendance Patterns EMIS Calendars are reported as- District IRN, Building IRN, Grade Level, Attendance Pattern 123456-123789-01-AB 123456-123789-**-** Students are reported by a district, in a building, in a grade level, with an attendance pattern Calendar data and student data are reported in separate collections The student and calendar data is then “matched” together through a “Calendar Determination” process 22

23 Calendar Determination Non-JVS/Non- ESC To determine which calendar to use for a non-JVS/non-ESC entity to calculate a student’s FTE, ODE looks at the district IRN, the building IRN, Grade Level and Attendance Pattern The matching process looks at all four elements and tries to make the most specific match When no match is found, the process attempts to find a calendar that is as specific as possible by dropping the attendance pattern, then the grade level, and so on If no match is found, the state calendar is used (999999-999999-**- **) 23

24 Calendar Determinations for JVSDs and ESCs The determination process first looks at the reporting entity for an exact calendar match (district IRN, building IRN, grade level, attendance pattern) if an exact match is found then that calendar is assigned For students who are enrolled in courses that contain a single Location IRN that is outside the hierarchy of the JVSD or ESC, then the determination process attempts to find the most specific calendar match at the location IRN LEA For students who are enrolled in courses with the JVSD or ESC Location IRN or are also enrolled in multiple location IRNs outside the hierarchy of the JVSD or ESC, then the determination process attempts to find the most specific calendar match at the reporting entity. If no match is found, then the state calendar will be assigned (999999-999999-**-**) 24

25 Quick Check Are all students being reported with appropriate attendance patterns? Are all attendance patterns being reported in the calendar collection? Are calendars being reported to EMIS and determined correctly on the FTE Report? Calendar data is used as the denominator of the student FTE calculation. Incorrect calendar data can prevent students from being fully funded. 25

26 Focus Element - The Base FTE Calculation The Base FTE is determined by using a calculated numerator and a calculated denominator The Base FTE numerator is the student’s total enrolled hours multiplied by the student’s percent of time The Base FTE denominator is the total instructional hours in the assigned calendar 26

27 The Base FTE Calculation A Base FTE aka Potential FTE is calculated for each row on the FTE Detail Report for each unique FS/FD Combination that appears on the report Adding together the FTE for each row with a matching SSID will give the total base FTE for that particular student 27

28 Calculating the Base FTE for Grades KG - 23 28

29 Calculating the Base FTE for Grade PS For Preschool students, the numerator is based on the student’s calculated enrollment days (percent of time is not applied) Preschool students without a disability are not funded (NFRG) Enrolled hours/Calendar hours = Base FTE PS Base FTE Example – Enrolled 178 days divided by 178 calendar days = 1.00 PS Base FTE Example – Enrolled 89 days divided by 178 calendar days = 0.50 PS Base FTE Example - Enrolled 40 days divided by 178 calendar days = 0.224719 29

30 Verify Base FTEs Are all fundable students contained on this report? Look for Base FTEs that are less than 1.00 Add Base FTEs together for students with multiple lines Use the calendar display report to verify base FTEs 30

31 Calendar Display Report Data Collector > Calendar Collection > Preview/Review > Calendar_Display.csv Find the total enrollment hours for the applicable calendar on the Calendar Display Report Note- Teacher Professional Development Hours and Parent Teacher Conference Hours are not included in the calculation of Student FTEs 31

32 32 Use the Calendar Display Report cumulative hours column to add up Hours Enrolled on a specific calendar Highlight applicable cells and locate SUM, then subtract any days from partial weeks enrolled

33 Quick Check Are you able to verify student Base FTEs using the Base FTE calculation? Are Base FTEs being calculated using the correct calendar? Is the State Calendar assigned to any students? Base FTEs are calculated using student percent of time, hours enrolled and calendar hours. 33

34 Focus Element -FTE Fund Pattern Codes EMIS data as reported or as derived from the reported data are used in determining the FTE Fund Pattern Code Since student EMIS coding can change, it is possible for one student to have more than on FTE Fund Pattern Code assignment Fund Pattern Codes determine how funding will flow for students 34

35 FTE Pattern Code Assignment EMIS Elements used in the FTE Fund Pattern Code assignment Enrollment Reason – How Received value reported for the student Legal District of Residence Flag – Defaults to “N”, set to “Y” when: Student is attending their resident district Student is direct enrolled into a JVSD Student is a PS student reported by a JVSD Student is attending a JVSD from their resident district 35

36 FTE Pattern Code Assignment EMIS Elements used in the FTE Fund Pattern Code assignment Jointure Flag –Defaults to “N”. Indicates if districts involved are in the same CTPD. Only applicable when the student is reported by a JVSD. Set to “Y” if enrollment reason is “9 – Open Enrollment” and both Legal DOR and How Rec’d IRN are within the JVSD’s jointure. Set to “Y” if enrollment reason is a value other than “9 – Open Enrollment”, “*Not Applicable”. “E – PS ECE Grant”, “N – PS Other Funding”, or “X – Direct Enrollment to a JVSD” and the How Rec’d IRN is within the JVSD Jointure. Organization Type – Regular District, JVSD, ESC, etc. Grade Span – PS, KG, 1-3 or 4 - 23 Preschool Transfer Flag – PS students with disabilities only and both DOR and ESC report “TFRPESCYS” Tuition Flag- Students KG through 23 for whom tuition is being collected 36

37 FTE Fund Pattern Codes 37

38 FTE Fund Pattern Codes continued 38

39 FTE Fund Pattern Codes and Inclusion Codes FTE Fund Pattern Codes and FTE Inclusion Codes must be used together OPDD – Student open enrolling from a regular district to another regular district. OPDD and Full – will appear on FTE Detail Report of Resident District OPDD and None – will appear on the FTE Detail Report of Educating District Use Excel Sorting, Filters and Pivot Tables to review FTE Fund Pattern Codes and FTE Inclusion Filters 39

40 Quick Check Are all FTE Fund Pattern codes correct? Are there any unfunded FTE Fund Pattern codes on your FTE Detail Report? (NFER, NFRG, NFST) Are there any FTE Fund Pattern Codes of **** on your FTE Detail Report? FTE Fund Patterns are determined based on EMIS coding. Incorrect student coding can result in unexpected FTE Fund Pattern assignments and potential loss of funding. 40

41 Focus Element – FD Attributes Weighted funding can be verified on FTE Reports for – Special Education Disability Conditions/Categories Economic Disadvantgement Limited English Changes in FD Attributes can result in additional lines of data on the FTE Detail Report for the same student 41

42 FD Attributes Verify student data on the FTE Detail Report for each element and verify that effective dates of these elements are correct Use Excel to Sort and Filter on each column 42

43 Quick Check Are all special education students coded with a correct disability condition on the correct dates? Are all economically disadvantaged students reported with a correct disadvantgement code for the correct dates? Are all Limited English Students reported with appropriate LEP codes for the correct dates? FD Attributes can generate weighted funding. Students who are identified as special education, economically disadvantaged and/or limited English should be coded and dated accurately. 43

44 The FTE Adjustment Report Contains students who have an adjusted FTE Contains many of same columns as the FTE Detail report with two additional columns, ADJSMNET Start Date and ADJSMNT End Date Contains Adjustment Result Codes which indicate the issue causing the adjustment 44

45 FTE Adjustment Result Code FT0001 Adjustment for Over One FTE When multiple districts report enrollment for a student (subsequent enrollment), and there are no overlapping enrollment dates, and the total FTE is greater than 1.0 for a student, an adjustment is made to the student’s FTE for the district reporting the latest enrollment dates Look in ODDEX SOES, History, and SCR for enrollment dates however districts cannot see how much of a student’s total FTE has been used by each entity 45

46 FT0001 Over 1 FTE Example A full time student is enrolled at district A from the start of their school year then withdraws and subsequently enrolls at district B. The first district will get part of the student’s 1 FTE for the school year and the subsequent district can only receive up to the amount remaining of the student’s 1 FTE. Depending on the calendars for both districts, a student can “use-up” a disproportionate amount of the student’s 1 FTE prior to enrolling at district B An adjustment will be made to the subsequent district’s FTE in the case where the enrollment periods are generating an excess over 1 FTE for this student 46

47 FTE Adjustment Result Code FT0002 Adjustment for Overlapping Dates Overlapping Dates occur when a student is enrolled in two districts at the same time (Invalid Concurrent Enrollment) –an adjustment is made for the overlapping dates. Dates prior to and after the overlap dates are funded. For days that overlap, the student’s percent of time is set to 0 and the FTE is recalculated accordingly Look in ODDEX SOES, SCR and History for overlapping enrollment dates 47

48 FT0002 Overlapping Dates Example A student was enrolled at district A from August 12 th to March 23 rd. The same student enrolled at district B on March 18 th which created a 5 day overlap in enrollment For the 5 overlapping days, neither district will be funded and both districts will see an adjustment to their FTE for the overlap 48

49 FTE Adjustment Result Code FT0003 Adjustment for Percent of Time on Overlapping Dates Percent of Time on Overlapping Dates occurs when a student is enrolled at multiple entities and the percent of time exceeds 100% (Valid Concurrent Enrollment) –an adjustment is made for the excess percent of time reported. The percent of time for the student will be reduced at the reporting entities for the portion of the percent of time that exceeds 100% Look in ODDEX History and SCR for percent of time reported by each entity or consult the other LEA to reconcile the data 49

50 FT0003 Percent of Time on Overlapping Dates A student was reported by the resident district and the JVSD as educating the student at the same time. The JVSD reports the student as 20% of time, while the sending district reports the student as 86% of time Both entities will see an adjustment to the FTE for this student for the excess percent time which will bring the student’s total funded FTE to 1 50

51 FTE Adjustment Result Code FT0004 Adjustment due to the E-School Cap Total funding that an e-school will receive funding is capped. This capped value is based on the prior year’s enrollment. The cap amount varies from school to school and from year to year If the e-school reports FTEs in excess of their cap amount, then the FTE for each student is reduced to bring the school’s total FTE back to their cap amount This adjustment is made after any other adjustments have already been made to the student FTEs This adjustment does not impact disability weighted funding 51

52 FTE Adjustment Result Code FT0005 Adjustment for disability not funded Subgroup weighted funding – Student appears on the Disability Not Funded Report Be sure all students with disabilities have active IEPs in place and reported. Refer to the Disability Not Funded report once it is available 52

53 FTE Adjustment Result Code FT0006 FT0006 – Adjustment due to the 105-hour rule 105 Hour Rule – When a student is reported with a Withdrawal Reason of “76” (105 hours of continuous unexcused absences) along with zero excused absences, and zero days of attendance, the students FTE will be set to 0 Look in Data Collector FS Standing Preview/Review File for students withdrawn with a code of “76”. If the student began the school year (roll over student) with unexcused absences and was subsequently withdrawn using withdrawal code 76 without attending or being reported with any excused absences, then the student will show an adjustment code of FT0006 53

54 FTE Adjustment Result Code FT0007 Adjustment for student 22 or older If a student is age 22 or older on the effective start date, admission date, or school year start date (whichever is later), the student is not eligible to be funded. An FTE adjustment will occur that reduces the FTE for the student to zero Look at the Data Collector Preview/Review GI- Demographic file for students with a date of birth indicating an age of 22 or older as of their effective start date, admission date or school year start date, whichever is later. Sort by Date of Birth Column using Excel 54

55 FTE Adjustments continued BDD Adjustments- Resident districts sending students to a Board of Developmental Disabilities (BDD) must report the Sent to Reason of MR. BDDs also submit data to ODE that is compared to data submitted to EMIS by districts. An FTE adjustment may result if the district and BDD data do not match Preschool Student Adjustments- No overlapping dates are calculated If the total FTE for a preschools exceeds 1, then the excess FTE is deducted from the last educating entity 55

56 FTES and Rounding If there are multiple date ranges reported for the same student and they are summed, the total FTE might be slightly less than 1.0 (0.999999) due to rounding. However, on the payment side the FTE amount is rounded back to 2 decimal places and should not effect the student’s funding. Example- Student’s summed FTE = 0.999999. For funding, the FTE is changed to 1.0 56

57 FTE Adjustments Coming Soon The 30 Day Adjustment is for situations where a student is not reported to EMIS through the Student Cross Reference Collection within 30 days of enrollment or withdrawal. The district will only be funded for the 30 day window and will not be funded for any days beyond the 30 days when the enrollment or withdrawal is not reported. Not Resident of the District - This is for situations where the student’s address falls outside the address for the district being reported as the district of residence. This is a flag in the SOES System in ODDEX. 57

58 Quick Check Are any adjustments correctable? Some adjustments can occur based on another reporting entity’s data. Do you need to contact another LEA? FTE adjustment reports should be checked regularly and frequently even when your data hasn’t changed. The FTE Adjustment report contains codes that indicate an adjustment to a student’s FTE. Some codes indicate situations that could be corrected which can result in an increased FTE. Some situations cannot be corrected. 58

59 The FTE Summary Reports (FTES-001) FTE Total by Fund Pattern Summary by fund pattern with summed original and summed adjusted FTEs (FTES-002) FTE Total by Student and Fund Pattern Summary by student and fund pattern with summed original and summed adjusted FTEs (FTES-003) FTE Total by Student Summary by student with summed original and summed adjusted FTEs (FTES-004) FTE Summary of Students with Adjustments Summary by students with adjustments with summed original and summed adjusted FTEs including the difference 59

60 FTE Summary Reports – (FTES-001) FTE Total by Fund Pattern Summary by fund pattern and inclusion code (Full or Part) with summed original and summed adjusted FTEs 60

61 FTE Summary Reports – (FTES-002) FTE Total by Student and Fund Pattern Summary by student and fund pattern with summed original and summed adjusted FTEs 61

62 FTE Summary Reports – (FTES-003) FTE Total by Student Summary by student with summed original and summed adjusted FTEs (regardless of FTE Fund Pattern Code) 62

63 FTE Summary Reports – (FTES-004) FTE Summary of Students with Adjustments Summary by students with adjustments with summed original and summed adjusted FTEs including the difference 63

64 Quick Check Does the FTES-001 report contain all funded FTE Fund Pattern Codes? Do the FTES–002 and FTES-003 reports contain correct FTE values for each student? Are there differences in FTE on report FTES-004 that can be corrected? The FTE Summary Reports can be used to verify FTE Report data by FTE Fund Pattern Code or by student. 64

65 The FTE Reports and SFPR Reconciliation FTE Report data can be reconciled with the School Finance Payment Report (SFPR) when comparing FTE Report data that was used for generation of a specific payment Save your FTE Reports regularly so that date appropriate reports can be used to compare to the SFPR. Typically, EMIS data is pulled the second Monday prior to the payment for traditional districts See the FTE Detail Report Explanation Appendix 1 for instructions on generating your SFPR 65

66 SFPR Crosswalk From the FTE Detail Report Explanation, use Appendix 3 to compare FTE Fund Pattern Codes to the correct line on the SFPR (separate section for JVSDs) From the FTE Detail Report, filter by FTE Fund Pattern Code and Inclusion Code to determine the amount of FTE that will appear on each line of the SFPR Sort by FTE Fund Pattern Code with Inclusion Codes of “Full” or “Part” and locate that FTE Fund Pattern Code on the SFPR Crosswalk. Depending on the values for those students, they can appear on multiple SFPR Lines for ADM funding and weighted funding 66

67 SFPR Crosswalk Continued Use the ADM Detail Section on the SFPR to check students by category and entity RGJV Students Jon Peterson Students Autism Scholarship Students ED Choice Students Community School Students Compare FD Attribute data to – b1 through b6 – Special Education ADM d1 through d6 – LEP ADM e10 through e12 – Economic Disadvantgement ADM 67

68 SFPR Open Enrollment Open Enrollment Section of SFPR – student counts by category and entity Funded FTE with a positive amount received are listed in the FTE Detail report with a Fund Pattern Code beginning with “OP” and an FTE Inclusion Code of “None” Funded FTE with a negative amount deducted is contained in the FTE Detail report with a Fund Pattern Code beginning with “OP” and with an FTE Inclusion Code of “Full” or “Part” A Student Type of CTA is for CTA Weighted Funding and is not on the FTE Detail Report. Only “OTH” and “SE” are in the FTE Detail Report 68

69 SFPR Other Adjustments Other Adjustments Section of the SFPR – Student counts by category and entity Contract Career Technical (CTVC) and Special Education Cooperative Students (SPCO) can appear as Other Adjustments. CTVC and “None” will appear as a positive amount CTVC and “Full” or “Part” will appear as a negative amount SPCO and “None” will appear as a positive amount SPCO and “Full” or “Part” will appear as a negative amount 69

70 SFPR Crosswalk Continued Preschool Special Education section of SFPR – Special Education students by category PSEN – ESC Educating – Funding Not Transferred to the ESC PSET – ESC Educating – Funds Transferred to the ESC PSRD – Traditional District Educating See the amount transferred between districts and ESCs in the Transfers and Adjustments section of the SFPR 70

71 Quick Check Can you access the FTE Reports that align with the EMIS data date shown on the SFPR? Are you using Excel to organize FTE Fund Pattern Codes and FTE Inclusion codes to match the data against the SFPR? Are you able to find all of your fundable students in your SFPR? The FTE Reports can be reconciled against the SFPR. Questions specific to payments should be directed to ODE Area Coordinators. 71

72 Reflection Student funding is a process that requires data accuracy and completeness throughout all phases of the data reporting process. This presentation reviewed data integrity from the point of data entry through the final product of student funding. Prompt 1 – What can your district do to ensure that data is correct from the point of entry? Prompt 2 – What can your district do to ensure that it is receiving appropriate funding for each fundable student? 72

73 Resources Current EMIS Manual EMIS-Manual Level 2 Report Explanation: FTE Detail Report EMIS-Validation-and-Report-Explanation-Docume FY 16 School Finance Payment Report Line by Line - FY2016-1.pdf.aspx Your ITC Your Area Coordinator 73

74 74 Questions?

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