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o Born after 9 months o Weaned o 6-8 months after being born o Dehorned o earlier = less painful o not a necessity for cattle raising o done for safety.

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Presentation on theme: "o Born after 9 months o Weaned o 6-8 months after being born o Dehorned o earlier = less painful o not a necessity for cattle raising o done for safety."— Presentation transcript:


2 o Born after 9 months o Weaned o 6-8 months after being born o Dehorned o earlier = less painful o not a necessity for cattle raising o done for safety o protect humans o protect other livestock o Castration o Many choose to perform on newborns o easier to perform o less traumatizing for the newborn o lowers chance of illness o less aggression

3 o They eat! o Brazil: grazing o corn/soybean meal o USA: o corn and grain meal, often treated with growth hormones o Slaughter o Brazil: 30-40 months o USA: 18-24 months o Dressing Percentage o Brazil: 53% o USA: 63% o Where it goes… o Brazil: o 80% consumed domestically o 20% exported: Middle East, Russia, and EU mainly o USA: o 93% consumed domestically o 7% exported

4 o Brazil herd growing: o in 2010 - 205 million head o on average, it’s grown 5 million per year o 1986 to 2005 Brazil removed 7336 square miles annually = o 75% for pasture o This deforestation effects: o ¼ million natives o ½ the world’s plant and animal species o Greenhouse Gases o Deforestation caused the release of 0.7 to 1.4 billion tons of CO 2 annually from 1996 to 2005 o Roughly 6% of global GHG emissions in 2004 were a product of land use change (LUC) for cattle x3

5 o 1989: the EU banned the hormone-treated beef o Says that there is a lack of knowledge about long-term effects of hormone-treated beef o Relevant Background: Mad-Cow Disease was acknowledged by the Minister of Agriculture in 1987 o 1997: the WTO ruled against the EU and gave them 15 months to lift the ban o USA retaliated with 100% tariffs on European luxury imports o 1999: escalates to total ban of US beef o 2009: The (other) “New Deal” o USA will end retaliatory tariffs on European goods after three years o EU will allow imports of US beef not treated with hormones


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